If Bernie Sanders is for Peace...why did he....


Well-Known Member
Part of the equation you appear to never have contemplated ....You don't really have any possibility of declining to ANNOUNCE your citizenship, that "choice" is made for you ,whether you agree or not.

by your parents and where you are born


Well-Known Member
Part of the equation you appear to never have contemplated ....You don't really have any possibility of declining to ANNOUNCE your citizenship, that "choice" is made for you ,whether you agree or not.

Right, so now that you know you are a slave, what are you going to do about it, besides cry? Shall we expect your renunciation in the coming days? If so, what country do you plan on becoming a slave to?

Nothing in life is free, including you. And nothing is certain but death and taxes.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Depends on if that property is open to the public or deemed as private.
Also how did one obtain said property ?
The ownership of said property doesn't change if a person interacts with nobody, a few, or anybody.

You imply that a non-owners(s) can somehow dictate to an owner the use of property that doesn't belong to them.

Can you or anybody else delegate a right you don't have to another person? How would you do that?

People can obtain property in a number of ways. Using force against somebody that ALREADY owns it, is not usually synonymous with "justly acquired".

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Right, so now that you know you are a slave, what are you going to do about it, besides cry? Shall we expect your renunciation in the coming days? If so, what country do you plan on becoming a slave to?

Nothing in life is free, including you. And nothing is certain but death and taxes.



Well-Known Member
So, you admit that the individual person doesn't make a free choice and that circumstances of a birth lottery dictate their master?

Isn't that what happened on slave plantations too?
You also never have the choice if you are born or not. That choice is done by others. Do you call your parents master?
You can make a choice to end your life by killing yourself. By killing RobRoy you will not be a slave anymore and you will have made a decision for you alone.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You also never have the choice if you are born or not. That choice is done by others. Do you call your parents master?
You can make a choice to end your life by killing yourself. By killing RobRoy you will not be a slave anymore and you will have made a decision for you alone.

No I don't call them masters, I call my mom, "mom" . My dad is deceased.

I don't believe I am a slave, since my mind IS free....and you do not know you are a slave, since your mind is captive, frankly you don't think, you repeat what you have heard and seem unable and afraid to think for yourself.


Well-Known Member
No I don't call them masters, I call my mom, "mom" . My dad is deceased.

I don't believe I am a slave, since my mind IS free....and you do not know you are a slave, since your mind is captive, frankly you don't think, you repeat what you have heard and seem unable and afraid to think for yourself.
for some strange reason you believe you live in a world without laws and rules. Just because you have to follow rules and laws does not make you a slave. It is part of living in a civilize world. Without rules, laws, regulations we all would live in chaos. Keep in mind these rules and laws stop others from raping you and taking your property without any consequences

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
for some strange reason you believe you live in a world without laws and rules. Just because you have to follow rules and laws does not make you a slave. It is part of living in a civilize world. Without rules, laws, regulations we all would live in chaos. Keep in mind these rules and laws stop others from raping you and taking your property without any consequences

So you are saying the only reason you don't rape and pillage is because somebody you view as an authority told you not to? That's a little frightening that you don't question it on your own.

What if the rules said slavery was legal and you could own a slave, would you enslave your fellow man ?

What if the rules said it was okay for you to accept money forcibly taken from somebody else, would you follow those rules?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
what if the rules said it was legal to hang a sign disallowing people by race, would you do it?
No. I wouldn't determine how I'd interact with customers based on race, it seems short sighted. I wouldn't shit on somebody else floor, or my own, but I have no right to prevent you from shitting on your OWN floor, do I?

I have a question you will not answer. In fact if we are to be serious for a moment, you CAN'T answer it and are afraid to discuss.

Can a person delegate a right that he doesn't possess to another person ?


Well-Known Member
So you are saying the only reason you don't rape and pillage is because somebody you view as an authority told you not to? That's a little frightening that you don't question it on your own.

What if the rules said slavery was legal and you could own a slave, would you enslave your fellow man ?

What if the rules said it was okay for you to accept money forcibly taken from somebody else, would you follow those rules?
I'm not saying that I would rape and rob you, but I'm sure others would enjoy doing just so if they were no consequence or punishment for such behavior. To make sure that we all live in a somewhat civilize world we need rules, regulation and laws...without these you would have no property to call your "own". Question- How did you come about your property ? Did you just come across some land and said "this is mine" and then it became yours or did you have to file some legal paperwork and give up some currency to make it so. If the latter then you agreed to the rule, regulations and laws of the land.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'm not saying that I would rape and rob you, but I'm sure others would enjoy doing just so if they were no consequence or punishment for such behavior. To make sure that we all live in a somewhat civilize world we need rules, regulation and laws...without these you would have no property to call your "own". Question- How did you come about your property ? Did you just come across some land and said "this is mine" and then it became yours or did you have to file some legal paperwork and give up some currency to make it so. If the latter then you agreed to the rule, regulations and laws of the land.

We agree that under any system, there will be people that cause others harm and that there should be some mechanisms to reduce that and or arbitrate / resolve it when it does happen.

Where we disagree is on your assumption that ONLY thru the present inefficient system can the solutions we both want occur.

I'm contemplating a thread in the new year delving into how other alternatives might replace the present system, but if I do, I'd want it to be a serious discussion. I don't want to waste my time with people that would intentionally derail it, so I'm on the fence with how to go about it or if I'll bother.


Well-Known Member
I'm contemplating a thread in the new year delving into how other alternatives might replace the present system, but if I do, I'd want it to be a serious discussion.
it will become a serious discussion on why you object so vehemently to pedophilia laws.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
then why did you say it was polite and reasonable to hang signs disallowing people based on race, and advocate for people to do so?

Can you or I delegate a right to another person which we don't have ?

I bet you can't answer that question, Poopy Pants.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
it will become a serious discussion on why you object so vehemently to pedophilia laws.

I certainly object to people creating interactions where one party is not able to consent or doesn't. However, using a legal system which has a basis in violating human consent hardly seems like a good idea to then have them be the arbitrator of who has consented or not. Do you even know what I just said ? Can you refute any of it?

It's funny you used to try to debate me, but when you realized you'd lose every time, you seem to focus more on distractions.

You are afraid to have a serious discussion, because if we did, your contradictions would be exposed. (again)

If you want to talk about pedoism, pay your therapist bill and have at it.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
So you are saying the only reason you don't rape and pillage is because somebody you view as an authority told you not to? That's a little frightening that you don't question it on your own.
Exactly but those ethics, social skills and mores, must be taught. The family unit, church/synagogue and school are the best anchors although the progressives have pretty much taken the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer out of public school (where it belongs). The narcissist anything goes mantra is bullshit....it's not working.

Civility, "doing unto others as you'd have done unto you", is a learned response. Our (American) laws are based on the Ten Commandments whether the RIU leftwing nazis want to admit it or not.

"What man's mind conceives, his character must control".
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