After 90 Days Im still testing postive for THC, HELP!!


Well-Known Member
So I got a DUI, in December 2013, Started probation May of 2014.. Didn't see my PO Tell June 6th 2014.. I have a medical card, So I told her I did, but she said there is 0 tolerance for THC in there probation department... So I havn't used since that day.. June 6th. I used alota of Oils an smoked alota herb. First UA was 16,000 Ng's an here I am 90 days later, Sept 4th.. An I am still testing positive for THC... I grow my Medical cannabis still, an donate it the local dispensary for cheap donation fee's to help pay for all my DUI costs.. but when I am around my plants I wear latex gloves an long sleeves an shower after right after Im done with my garden work... Do you think being around the plants is causing me to fail? I know people who are testing clean an still are around there gardens.! My levels have been going down, an my last UA I took i drank hella water an peed like 3 times before I went in for the UA in a hour an half time peroid, an she said it came back negative but the urine i gave was clear. but I tested myself a cpl days later with a home UA kit cause I had a extra one laying around an was curious if it was the clear pee, that made me test clean.. But I tested postive on the home UA kit jus a couple days later.. An now i am thinking that the reason i pasted is the clear pee.. . I jus dont get it.. I see her agian Sept 27th (23days) an if I test postive after my clean one I am going to screwed, an gunna be goin to jail :(.. Any help or knowledge about this would help me an would be greatly appreciated.. I am all kinds of worried...
I know a lot of people on "papers" who still smoke.
I know a guy who gets tested every 3 days and several who get tested monthly. All smoke daily.
Pectin is what most use, but this chick I work with was actually clean after but 2 weeks. Being around your garden won't make you fail. Yes even if you get covered from trimiing or what have you
I know a lot of people on "papers" who still smoke.
I know a guy who gets tested every 3 days and several who get tested monthly. All smoke daily.
Pectin is what most use, but this chick I work with was actually clean after but 2 weeks. Being around your garden won't make you fail. Yes even if you get covered from trimiing or what have you

Whats Pectin?? Nothing gets on me when I harvest.. I wear latex gloves an long sleeves.. I suit up as if I was going into surgery lol.. But my buddy passed a UA for a job after helping me harvest with no gloves an he got covered. an he passed his UA 3days after.. So I was thinking it wasn't the plants also.. but wats Pectin. an does it work for them every time? an if so how do they use it?? Im fine with not smoking even tho I miss my Mary very dearly.. but Im jus sick of going in an out of jail spent enough of my life in the place..
Basically THC is stored in your fat. Your body is continually metabolizing and producing more fat. This releases cannabinoids that can make you fail a drug test. Some even say they feel a slight buzz from exercising while trying to get clean. Exercise will help release the THC and a lot of water will help flush. You can eat a lot a day prior and that day to slow this metabolism and yes gain some more fat lol
The pectin basically stops the THC from being picked up. Its what you add to jelly to make it solidify. We all add 2 packets to a thing of Gatorade and chug it. First pee after is dirty, second and third are clean then its back to dirty.

Yes it works and has worked every time for many many years. I've seen lots of people take drug tests while fucked up too
If your grow room is very hot "THC evaporates and it's just like vaporizing.. Harvesting and breathing in the crystals don't help either
hell no this shit real!! if your a true fucken grower and know what fucken strain to pick and choose and how to grow it, if you so much as flick your stem you can watch the crystals fly up in the air right off your bud get with it amatures!!
Thc is stored in fat cells, so I guess potentially it could be released over time when fat is burned...

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hell no this shit real!! if your a true fucken grower and know what fucken strain to pick and choose and how to grow it, if you so much as flick your stem you can watch the crystals fly up in the air right off your bud get with it amatures!!
THC won't evaporate or vaporize in any grow environment suitable for growing. Yes you can break trichrome heads off, but as long as op doesn't collect the trichs and subsequently smoke/vape/heat them then eat them, the amount of metabolite produced will be inconsequencial. So you should watch who you call "amatures."
i wrote a letter to Ed Rothsenol before or however you spell his name, he himself told me in hot grow rooms the oil evaporate off the plants.. and i have noticed a mind change in my home and raised the grow lights a bit and things went back to normal wtf ever im done arguing.. and on top of it "Ask Ed" even put my question and his answer in one of his oversees weed magazines..
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i wrote a letter to Ed Rothsenol before or however you spell his name, he himself told me in hot grow rooms the oil evaporate off the plants.. and i have noticed a mind change in my home and raised the grow lights a bit and things went back to normal wtf ever im done arguing.. and on top of it "Ask Ed" even put my question and his answer in one of his oversees weed magazines..
Ed is a joke. End of argument.
Read your own shit. It justifies mine.

What I said... No grow with proper conditions ie light at right height....

What you said, noticed head change when lights were too close.

Do you have a brain? Eyes? Can you see what's happening here?
volatile oils can be lost. this would be known as aromatherapy

no thc will be found in your system

i dont know much about ed but i can bet his background is more in growing. chemistry/pharmacology is mine...

oh as far as flicking stem covered crystals lol..yiu could snort a fat line of em and nothing will happen...well as far as a high, or anything. bet it wont feel good. thca does not decarboxylate in the body
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volatile oils can be lost. this would be known as aromatherapy

no thc will be found in your system

i dont know much about ed but i can bet his background is more in growing. chemistry/pharmacology is mine...

oh as far as flicking stem covered crystals lol..yiu could snort a fat line of em and nothing will happen...well as far as a high, or anything. bet it wont feel good. thca does not decarboxylate in the body
Just let him play with his "crystals."
He won't be having any of this edumacation-ation. He too smert fur science. Let him be, and irl give him a wide berth because if you make eye contact and are a decent person, you may get roped in to getting him a Capri sun (you'll have to poke the straw for him too), some crackers, and stickers for his "safety helmet collection." :peace:
The deal is to loose some fat,

keep fit and don't be growing weed with the government involved,

as you are going to jail ...its just the date thats yet to be defined

your attitude is whats making this whole grow shit rotten

rank-ass amateurs, trying to commit to agreed dates

with cops circling ...still some guys have to loose

to make it easier for the noobs under you

theres much good advice above

and strange you have never heard of it ..?
The deal is to loose some fat,

keep fit and don't be growing weed with the government involved,

as you are going to jail ...its just the date thats yet to be defined

your attitude is whats making this whole grow shit rotten

rank-ass amateurs, trying to commit to agreed dates

with cops circling ...still some guys have to loose

to make it easier for the noobs under you

theres much good advice above

and strange you have never heard of it ..?
This is from 2014 Vostok. Detroit bumped. And now we are jumping down Detroit's throat. Esophageal party?!
i do alot of major smoking and i completly quit at times its either an oz a week for me or nothen, one thing i can tell you is when im quit, its damn near impossible for me to stay quit last week or 2 of flowering, especially at harvest time. theres definatly something different about the mind set in grow houses, and bad ballasts can make people violent.. ive got a kid, been through a divorce had cops in my grow house, etc.. one thing i can tell you is its not just you who goes through a mind change with growing weed in your house, everyone does.. it may take you years to realize it, eventually you will