Well-Known Member
So I got a DUI, in December 2013, Started probation May of 2014.. Didn't see my PO Tell June 6th 2014.. I have a medical card, So I told her I did, but she said there is 0 tolerance for THC in there probation department... So I havn't used since that day.. June 6th. I used alota of Oils an smoked alota herb. First UA was 16,000 Ng's an here I am 90 days later, Sept 4th.. An I am still testing positive for THC... I grow my Medical cannabis still, an donate it the local dispensary for cheap donation fee's to help pay for all my DUI costs.. but when I am around my plants I wear latex gloves an long sleeves an shower after right after Im done with my garden work... Do you think being around the plants is causing me to fail? I know people who are testing clean an still are around there gardens.! My levels have been going down, an my last UA I took i drank hella water an peed like 3 times before I went in for the UA in a hour an half time peroid, an she said it came back negative but the urine i gave was clear. but I tested myself a cpl days later with a home UA kit cause I had a extra one laying around an was curious if it was the clear pee, that made me test clean.. But I tested postive on the home UA kit jus a couple days later.. An now i am thinking that the reason i pasted is the clear pee.. . I jus dont get it.. I see her agian Sept 27th (23days) an if I test postive after my clean one I am going to screwed, an gunna be goin to jail
.. Any help or knowledge about this would help me an would be greatly appreciated.. I am all kinds of worried...