The UK Growers Thread!

When was last time thc247 on he ment to be sending ma lemon cut back i lost an no contact for him that was few month ago now since he spat his dummy lol
And that my friends why ppl need to be hazed so we know who's in for the long haul n can take a fucking joke. I actually liked thc but when a grown man has a hissy fit I wouldn't wanna be giving my addy to any hysterical cunt...wouldn't know what they'd do in a fit of rage.with these lads you form a mutual trust n respect that really goes a long way n it's why I personally wouldn't give shit to anyone on here I'd not known for at least a yr on a regular basis
Lol telling me lax that's the thing I didn't say fuckall lmao that was rambo 4 ya haha we laughed it off In end I asked for the exo cut and thc said he had royals so accepted then rambo offered exo but I respectfully declined as I had no space for more mum's well he didn't like it say the least understandable really no cheese comes close to exo really imo strength /flavour
And that my friends why ppl need to be hazed so we know who's in for the long haul n can take a fucking joke. I actually liked thc but when a grown man has a hissy fit I wouldn't wanna be giving my addy to any hysterical cunt...wouldn't know what they'd do in a fit of rage.with these lads you form a mutual trust n respect that really goes a long way n it's why I personally wouldn't give shit to anyone on here I'd not known for at least a yr on a regular basis
That's it tho lax neve had a problem with the dude I fwt he was sound tbh had a few good trades with him just a bit touchy and easy to reel in on here lol that was his downfall he said he got 40 oz and got laughed at off the boys for it and spat and ran lol with ma lemons lmao :finger:
Yeah this thread used to be amazing but it's died over the last cpl years. Too much censorship from the mods and too many noobs and yanks coming along and fucking with our atmosphere.
Too many people up there own ass and can't take a joke ur right hulk it fuks with the flow of the mojo man lol
Lol telling me lax that's the thing I didn't say fuckall lmao that was rambo 4 ya haha we laughed it off In end I asked for the exo cut and thc said he had royals so accepted then rambo offered exo but I respectfully declined as I had no space for more mum's well he didn't like it say the least understandable really no cheese comes close to exo really imo strength /flavour
Well u deserved it ffs lol u declined the exo cut lol I'm amazed u didn't get shunned but fuck it ur a sound lad n u hung in there.shows some balls
That's it tho lax neve had a problem with the dude I fwt he was sound tbh had a few good trades with him just a bit touchy and easy to reel in on here lol that was his downfall he said he got 40 oz and got laughed at off the boys for it and spat and ran lol with ma lemons lmao :finger:
ssshit yeah I remember now thing that was my hazy val days...looked like 8 odd oz to me lol
I realised the mistake immediately lol it made us closer friends anyway so it's all good but he said he would never offer me exo again lmao other cuts yeah! But exo NO the cunt lol miss that twat really
your 1 thick northan fucker sometimes makka lol but fair dos you stuck it out in the thread and never seen a angry post from ya lol

well like a cunt i couldnt resist ate a silver bar for breakfast prob not the best idea whilst on antibiotics but very nice pills.
Hahaha u mad fucker lol. Happy new year mate hope it's a better year for you than last !
U always put my impulsive tendencies at say if me u n don had a session we'd either die or get locked up haha I pride myself on being the last man standing so would be a fun challenge...mmm already on my 4th can of cider aswell..SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I'VE NO POT
20 of the pink blistered etozalam n 20 of the intes etozlaam arrived yesterday..I've 20 ate already but work was very chill lol reminded me of that time I'd got a few gs of coke off the dn n hoofed half a g before work lol seriously can't help myself.might go on vodka after my cider runs out with a few of the pink ones to wash it down
U always put my impulsive tendencies at say if me u n don had a session we'd either die or get locked up haha I pride myself on being the last man standing so would be a fun challenge...mmm already on my 4th can of cider aswell..SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I'VE NO POT

i use to be like that took pride in always being the last man standing lol i use to knock bizz bout them rc benzos but then i tried em! not bad at all, wonder if they as addictive as the real mcoy?
They're nice man.not as cosy as the real deal but have a nice consistent stock,fast dispatch n "xmas" code gets u a bit off. I've already got 100 of the pink in my basket n 50 of the intes totaling like 65 pounds lol bang for ur buck n it's tasty with booze. You've also tried the diclazepam ain't you? Nice little things but I prefer the etozalam..I find em closer to the fuck it effect of vals...sooooo tempted to get more vals but we've all seen how great my self control is with em lol fucking bought like 70 boxes intending to sell 40e a strip (mad money to be made here on em) but only sold a few strips n munched the rest...good times but I know I'll be at it again lol can never stay away