Appalachian Area Growers Thread


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That can still land you in jail for 90 days up to a year. Damn I hate the feeling of those cold cuffs tightening around my wrists.
I've been there before. I even went to jail on trumped up charges.

I hate the feeling to.

A man in Florida won a trail against cultivation charges on the bases of medical needs. There was no medical there.

I may be wrong but just having the balls and take it to trail might work.

For one it cost a lot to go to trail. Then the public opinion might be in our favor.

Hemp is legal to grow here with a license.

Maybe get it reduced to a fine for cultivating without a license.

I also look through the news paper at charges and sentencing.

I see a lot of people with well over five plants in felony territory. They get out on signature bonds and get probation .

I'm not saying we are safe. I just believe that the movement is gaining traction.

We need to stand together. Call your congressman and let them know what you support.


Well-Known Member
I agree friend. This is our chance to finally have a voice. Might help get rid of some of the pain pills that are floating around. I fear that the pharmaceutical industry will try to prevent the doctors from speaking up for marijuana. Hell I have had three knee surgeries, scoliosis, and glaucoma. I work everyday and my family is taken care of. Who's business should it be to tell me I can't have a little relief.


Well-Known Member
I agree friend. This is our chance to finally have a voice. Might help get rid of some of the pain pills that are floating around. I fear that the pharmaceutical industry will try to prevent the doctors from speaking up for marijuana. Hell I have had three knee surgeries, scoliosis, and glaucoma. I work everyday and my family is taken care of. Who's business should it be to tell me I can't have a little relief.
I just lost a friend to overdosing on pain pills.

It is illegal in the first place because of money. Once they realize more money can be made by legalizing it, they will change.

I feel you. The government, state, or anyone should not have a say about what I put in my body.

I say end the war on drugs. All drugs. It doesn't work.

We need to outlaw for profit prisons.

End long sentences for drug users and switch to a rehabilitation type program.


Well-Known Member