I have to agree with everyone else. Looks like overwater exasperated by compact soil. You should be ok with FF soil for a seedling (although it's a bit much), but if you don't mix in at least 50/50 with perlite that soil is going to be too tight! also you said you put holes in the side of the cup? Picture of the whole cup please? If those side holes are up a bit from the bottom you will have some stale water down there always (especially if you are watering every day).

As stated earlier.

Stop watering --> Wait 2 - 3 days --> transplant into another cup (holes on bottom) with 50/50 mix --> Keep the watering schedule light, finger test is a good one.



Well-Known Member
I am going to transplant the plant to a 5 gallon bucket and Iam going to put like 20 holes at the bottom for drainage
Hopefully you're not contemplating 18oz (party cup) to 5gal? It can be done. But, it creates a real challenge to keep the plant watered while it fills out underground. If you transplant to 1gal, then 3, then 5 you'll find it easier to grow your plant (seeing the progress, etc.). You'll also get good transplanting skills.

That's one upside to going to a large container (at once). Less risk of transplant shock due to mistakes. But, you have to learn. Might as well do it now.

Buzz Buzzilla

Well-Known Member
I don't understand Fox Farms. The photos of the soil look like it's not suitable for growing cannabis (too dense/heavy, not enough perlite). Then there is confusion about when to start feeding Fox Farms nutrients (because the soil is typically too hot). An FF user was saying a few days ago it's a simple system: just water once a week, feed half-strength once a week. But, I don't see it. Watering every 3-4 days in that soil would surely(?) be overwatering. (And then the nutrients in the soil vs. nutrients poured in.).

It seems like a lot of new growers have trouble with Fox Farms. But, that could be that new growers choose it more than other products, and it's a problem with the growers. I don't know. But, how to use the soil and nutrients seems perplexing to me (for what should be a "system" like Roots Organic?).

What is the TDS (ppm or ec) of your tap water? If you don't have a TDS pen (HM EZ-TDS or TDS-3 on Amazon, $15-$20), you can call your water provider. They should be able to give you annual average PPM.

My tap water is about 800ppm. I can't grow cannabis with that. It leaves no room for nutrients. I mix RO water and tap to get 150ppm.
Wth 800ppm tap water!!!! You might want get that checked out asap, and I hope your not drinking that as it is about twice what is allowed by the epa!
As far as FFOF it is made to suit a wide variety of plants, not necessarily cannabis and most defiantly not for the faster production. It is made for someone who wants to water once week but for better results add perlite! cannabis which originated from a dessert environment does best allowing the soil to go from wet to dry-moist.
I use FFOF and FFHF in my op and the best advise I can give in sense of ppm is that OF runs at about 700-750 ppm with high N guano...HF is a mild 400-450 ppm, so to make it easy just figure to add those numbers when using nutes or deciding to use nutes at all....I don't like to transplant in to OF till my girls are at about 8-12" and even then I will give them half NPK ratios and focus more on micro nutes.


Well-Known Member
As far as FFOF it is made to suit a wide variety of plants, not necessarily cannabis and most defiantly not for the faster production.
It would be nice if there was a definitive guide to "how to use Fox Farms for Cannabis." Just from seeing new growers using it, it seems confusing for the reasons already mentioned. Something people could just follow without what seems like guesswork about burning seedlings with Ocean Forest, and overwatering (too little perlite), and when/quantity to feed.

It seems like new growers shoot in the dark with these things. They assume it's a branded system, but it doesn't seem to be (except, perhaps for the rare(?) grower who wants to treat it as a houseplant, water once a week). If there was something a new grower could follow with a degree of certainty. I assume there isn't since I never see new growers referred to such.


Well-Known Member
It would be nice if there was a definitive guide to "how to use Fox Farms for Cannabis." Just from seeing new growers using it, it seems confusing for the reasons already mentioned. Something people could just follow without what seems like guesswork about burning seedlings with Ocean Forest, and overwatering (too little perlite), and when/quantity to feed.

It seems like new growers shoot in the dark with these things. They assume it's a branded system, but it doesn't seem to be (except, perhaps for the rare(?) grower who wants to treat it as a houseplant, water once a week). If there was something a new grower could follow with a degree of certainty. I assume there isn't since I never see new growers referred to such.
My first grow was in FFHF with 30% perlite and so has every grow since I use the trio's both water soluble and liquid. I do not feed at all until 3 weeks after transplant. I begin at 1/4 strength and increase by 1/4 every 2nd feeding watering twice between feedings. I have done the same for several grows and pounds.

Buzz Buzzilla

Well-Known Member
My first grow was in FFHF with 30% perlite and so has every grow since I use the trio's both water soluble and liquid. I do not feed at all until 3 weeks after transplant. I begin at 1/4 strength and increase by 1/4 every 2nd feeding watering twice between feedings. I have done the same for several grows and pounds.
Here's one...if you want to use their 11 bottle system....I only use the big three and a different bloom booster image.jpeg
I've seen others that went much higher around 2800 ppm I believe but I agree it is some what confusing. Not to mention each of he big three has different directions as stand alone long as you under stand NPK ratios how to look for def and can read a ppm u should be good no mater what you use.

warren kirk

Active Member
I haven't had any problems with watering, nutes, or when to harvest.dont believe about seeds, time to harvest, when Tricones ready, magnifier. Nutes 1/2 what reckamen. Watering commen sense. Pick up the container, if light water, if heavy, no water.


Well-Known Member
I haven't had any problems with watering, nutes, or when to harvest.dont believe about seeds, time to harvest, when Tricones ready, magnifier. Nutes 1/2 what reckamen. Watering commen sense. Pick up the container, if light water, if heavy, no water.


Well-Known Member
It would be nice if there was a definitive guide to "how to use Fox Farms for Cannabis." Just from seeing new growers using it, it seems confusing for the reasons already mentioned. Something people could just follow without what seems like guesswork about burning seedlings with Ocean Forest, and overwatering (too little perlite), and when/quantity to feed.

It seems like new growers shoot in the dark with these things. They assume it's a branded system, but it doesn't seem to be (except, perhaps for the rare(?) grower who wants to treat it as a houseplant, water once a week). If there was something a new grower could follow with a degree of certainty. I assume there isn't since I never see new growers referred to such.

i completely agree with you here. ffof is so different based on where it is made even to ever get a definitive guide, i think. I got a bag one time what would show deficiencies right away because it needs lime added to it (too much tree bark/limbs). Like everyone else says, it needs perlite added to give it more aeration and stop compacting. The only good part is that for beginners, who know these things (somehow), can get a groove of when to water their plant without having to figure out a nute schedule for the first month (some report longer, some sooner).

Other than that, seems like it is better for someone who knows what they're doing.