Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
According to an article by Adan Salazar , things are heating up in Texas....and Texas Governor Abbott ain't happy. Discuss, enjoy.


“Obama wants to impose more gun control,” Abbott tweeted Friday. “My response? COME & TAKE IT.”

The Republican governor’s statement comes amid announcements the Obama administration will act later this month to impose stricter rules on the selling and purchase of firearms.

The president will meet with Attorney General Loretta Lynch Monday to discuss what actions can be taken to circumvent the Second Amendment without congressional authorization, the Washington Post reports.

The new rules will reportedly seek to require private sellers to conduct background checks, as well as prevent people on the no-fly list from being able to purchase firearms.

Meanwhile, Governor Abbott has made a strong show of support for Texans’ Second Amendment rights.

On Friday a new law came into effect allowing licensed citizens of the Lone Star State to openly carry holstered pistols.

The phrase “come and take it” was emblazoned on a flag flown by Texian forces during the Texas Revolution, chiefly at the battle of Gonzales, where Texian rebels revolted against the Mexican army and challenged them to retrieve a cannon loaned to them for protection.
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Abbott is the same silly asshole who sent his "army" of state guard to observe the real military while the USA "invaded" Texas in "Operation Jade Helm". He's a slimy piece of shit and a loser.
Abbott is the same silly asshole who sent his "army" of state guard to observe the real military while the USA "invaded" Texas in "Operation Jade Helm". He's a slimy piece of shit and a loser.

According to the United States constitution, "the real military" isn't supposed to exist at all times. It is only to be formed during "real wars", which are supposed to be declared by Congress.

I'm not endorsing that constitutional mechanism by the way, just pointing out how it was supposed to operate.
kinda goes without saying hotrod, i mean after all he is a politician,
This chickenshit was put into a wheelchair by an accident where a falling tree struck him.He sued. He recovered money and it allowed him to live on. The fuck. The FIRST thing this chickenshit does is limit any other accident victims right to sue and recover and to limit the amounts they could receive. He should be shot. Class "A" hypocrite. And I am a former Marine, a lifelong gun owner and totally approve and WANT expanded background checks. If you can't pass one I don't want you to have a gun. Period!
This chickenshit was put into a wheelchair by an accident where a falling tree struck him.He sued. He recovered money and it allowed him to live on. The fuck. The FIRST thing this chickenshit does is limit any other accident victims right to sue and recover and to limit the amounts they could receive. He should be shot. Class "A" hypocrite. And I am a former Marine, a lifelong gun owner and totally approve and WANT expanded background checks. If you can't pass one I don't want you to have a gun. Period!

The government cant even detect a terrorist with a false home address with a background check but you think we need more of them? It is kind of like the TSA missing 95% of contraband and weapons going through their gates.... I guess it makes you FEEL good....
This chickenshit was put into a wheelchair by an accident where a falling tree struck him.He sued. He recovered money and it allowed him to live on. The fuck. The FIRST thing this chickenshit does is limit any other accident victims right to sue and recover and to limit the amounts they could receive. He should be shot. Class "A" hypocrite. And I am a former Marine, a lifelong gun owner and totally approve and WANT expanded background checks. If you can't pass one I don't want you to have a gun. Period!

How will expanded background checks prevent a person that is already a felon from getting a weapon via the black market?
The government cant even detect a terrorist with a false home address with a background check but you think we need more of them? It is kind of like the TSA missing 95% of contraband and weapons going through their gates.... I guess it makes you FEEL good....
If having to complete one prevents one asshole who doesn't need one from getting it then I am for it. 34 years as an RN with most in OR or ER.I dealt with the reality Unlike most who post on the subject.
If having to complete one prevents one asshole who doesn't need one from getting it then I am for it. 34 years as an RN with most in OR or ER.I dealt with the reality Unlike most who post on the subject.

Would you consider having to prove your "innocence" an infringement of a right ? Did you swear to protect the constitution as a marine ?
Would you consider having to prove your "innocence" an infringement of a right ? Did you swear to protect the constitution as a marine ?
I did swear that. And it included the OBLIGATION to RESPECT and OBEY our CIC. Something the right totally forgets. I'm no puppet and I loathed the Bush family. I'm a native Texan with family back to 1828 there. I am Texas! Those fucking Connecticut yankees are carpetbaggers. Yet I did NOT dis Bush in public the way the right does Obama.. Respect is a two way street here.
They are asking for them at gun shows.Nobody expects a private seller to actually have to go through a gun dealer to get it done. Think more like the straw buyer at San Bernardino.

How does statutory prohibition of something make it not happen anymore?

It didn't seem to work out with alcohol and many of us here at RUI (and a hundred million Americans) ignore cannabis prohibition too.

Even state governments ignore federal cannabis prohibition. Won't a federal Obama edict about guns result in controversy and potential civil disobedience as well?
I did swear that. And it included the OBLIGATION to RESPECT and OBEY our CIC. Something the right totally forgets. I'm no puppet and I loathed the Bush family. I'm a native Texan with family back to 1828 there. I am Texas! Those fucking Connecticut yankees are carpetbaggers. Yet I did NOT dis Bush in public the way the right does Obama.. Respect is a two way street here.

I have very little respect for the Bush crime family or the thug Obama.
How will expanded background checks prevent a person that is already a felon from getting a weapon via the black market?
How will expanded background checks prevent any legit citizen from obtaining a fire arm. They wont.

Your logic, the kind of thinking that generates palins, trumps and romneys is rejected by anyone exercising critical thinking.

Obama : thug ya ok he is a harvard thug? Critical thinking at its most laughable.
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Here is the current oath of enlistment:

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962)."

Tom Cotton is a violator of the UCMJ and Obama didn't have the balls to force the issue. Cotton should be hung by his nuts if he has any.

Oath for officers:

"I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)"
it's just another step in taking our rights away n people r falling for it, imo. why not take folks on the no fly list halfway across the ocean in a row boat??? background checks are only for the legal buyer, so what good is this if passed???
According to an article by Adan Salazar , things are heating up in Texas....and Texas Governor Abbott ain't happy. Discuss, enjoy.


“Obama wants to impose more gun control,” Abbott tweeted Friday. “My response? COME & TAKE IT.”

The Republican governor’s statement comes amid announcements the Obama administration will act later this month to impose stricter rules on the selling and purchase of firearms.

The president will meet with Attorney General Loretta Lynch Monday to discuss what actions can be taken to circumvent the Second Amendment without congressional authorization, the Washington Post reports.

The new rules will reportedly seek to require private sellers to conduct background checks, as well as prevent people on the no-fly list from being able to purchase firearms.

Meanwhile, Governor Abbott has made a strong show of support for Texans’ Second Amendment rights.

On Friday a new law came into effect allowing licensed citizens of the Lone Star State to openly carry holstered pistols.

The phrase “come and take it” was emblazoned on a flag flown by Texian forces during the Texas Revolution, chiefly at the battle of Gonzales, where Texian rebels revolted against the Mexican army and challenged them to retrieve a cannon loaned to them for protection.

We (Texas) are blessed to have 2 strong willed, rational governors who will and have stood up to the tyrant in office. Rick Perry who was re-elected for numerous terms (and would have made an excellent prez) and now Abbott.
it's just another step in taking our rights away n people r falling for it, imo.

No they're not falling for it. Most folks know his dog and pony show is just a bunch of worthless political correctness. Obama is a pussy when it comes to dealing with real world problems.

How will expanded background checks prevent any legit citizen from obtaining a fire arm. They wont.

Your logic which is the kind of genius that generates palins, trumps and romneys is rejected by anyone exercising any critical thinking.

Obama : thug ya ok he is a harvard thug? Critical thinking at its most laughable.

You and critical thinking?

You can't be serious.