So Im doing some reading studying on new legislation this year on MMRSA and my county . Stumbled on to that Riverside county passed a ordinance 925 last year banning large commercial out door growing in unicorporated zones. Large scale to be exact. They chopped down 30 k + plants from July second to December 21st . BUT to protect the Patient and caregivers a 12 plant limit ( does not say 12 immature or 6 mature ) per patient or care giver with no more than two Recs (total 24 per parcel ) .
Now when you read Cal Normal this is what it says and does not differ between unicorporated or incorporated. Of course your city could have it's own ordinance which as far as I can tell mine does not. Up until now Riverside county was 12 inmature 6 mature.
Thought the so Cal guys in Riverside county might be interested.
It's still all grey matter. Just a fucked up mess. But I will grow my 12 and feel better about it . Or we might Rock 24 10 footers. LOL
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Cal Normal
Riverside county Cal Normal