
Well-Known Member
Guys, looking for a bit of help if possible. I'm looking for a mainly Sativa strain auto to grow next. Any ideas ? I would like to do this for the different high that a Sativa offers. All ideas welcome.


Hey up mate, your Auto Haze pretty much fits the bill.
Or try Amnesia Haze Auto, or SAS (Super Automatic Sativa).
I can't imagine the automatic haze strains being fast finishers though, would probably use less energy doing a sativa dominant photoperiod strain on 12/12, rather than the 18/06 light schedule that autoflowers use. I'd look into it mate.


Well-Known Member
Hey up mate, your Auto Haze pretty much fits the bill.
Or try Amnesia Haze Auto, or SAS (Super Automatic Sativa).
I can't imagine the automatic haze strains being fast finishers though, would probably use less energy doing a sativa dominant photoperiod strain on 12/12, rather than the 18/06 light schedule that autoflowers use. I'd look into it mate.
Mate your a star I have seen a couple of Haze strains. Will look into them


Well-Known Member
Hey up mate, your Auto Haze pretty much fits the bill.
Or try Amnesia Haze Auto, or SAS (Super Automatic Sativa).
I can't imagine the automatic haze strains being fast finishers though, would probably use less energy doing a sativa dominant photoperiod strain on 12/12, rather than the 18/06 light schedule that autoflowers use. I'd look into it mate.
Oh yum, the Amnesia Haze sounds great - 80 days from seed to bud according to Royal Queen Seeds - have you grown it?


Well-Known Member
Oh yum, the Amnesia Haze sounds great - 80 days from seed to bud according to Royal Queen Seeds - have you grown it?
I haven't but remember seeing it ages ago when I was into Autos! Thats the thing that puts me off, 80 days from seed. I think it would just be aswell doing the photoperiod Amnesia Haze. It seems to me like you need to use a lot of energy for the autos. 80 days with the light on 18/06. And it will probably take longer than the breeders recommendation of 80 days!
That is just my opinion though, and it may be a load of bollocks! And to some people it will be, but we are all different lol :-P


Well-Known Member
I haven't but remember seeing it ages ago when I was into Autos! Thats the thing that puts me off, 80 days from seed. I think it would just be aswell doing the photoperiod Amnesia Haze. It seems to me like you need to use a lot of energy for the autos. 80 days with the light on 18/06. And it will probably take longer than the breeders recommendation of 80 days!
That is just my opinion though, and it may be a load of bollocks! And to some people it will be, but we are all different lol :-P
You make a strong point mate. Buggier you now have me thinking. I like the idea of autos though, you can always go 12/12 which I may do soon if I don't see change


Well-Known Member
You make a strong point mate. Buggier you now have me thinking. I like the idea of autos though, you can always go 12/12 which I may do soon if I don't see change
Don't be put off by anything I say mate, what works for me may not work for others, vice/versa. I like auto's but for me and my set up they wouldn't work as well as a photoperiodic plant. I can see the beauty of the fast flowering times of some of them and the amount of variety you can have in a short amount of time. But I can't see the point in an Auto that takes a long time to finish.
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Well-Known Member
You can run photoperiod plants 12/12 from seed and get better potency and yield. A lot of people are doing it. Autos are for outdoors if you ask me... or a combo of outdoors and indoors
12/12 from seed was always the way I wanted to go in a sea of green, after I had tried autos, but I haven't the space for a mother plant to keep taking clones from. Have you seen the vertical grow system? My mate was wanting to try another run outside last year with auto's like we had done the year before and failed lol, but seen as I had one growing in the house and a few ounces of bud as well, it wasn't worth the risk getting caught going up to the plot with the seedlings. You are quite lucky in Spain mate to be allowed to grow!


Well-Known Member
Yeah for me, autos are also more something I may actually do this year outdoors, as in my mind that's the perfect use for them. So depending on our spring I am toying with the idea of actually guerilla'ing the Amnesia Haze auto outdoors (after starting her indoors for 2 weeks or so)...
80 days from seed isn't that much for a sativa tho -- my nl5xhaze is going to run a good 120-140 days if I can let her finish normally and I didn't even really veg her out for lack of root space... just to put that into perspective ;)

I was thinking of a quick auto run indoors too because I need to move this year around August -- and I don't want to do it with some big bushy photoperiods in midbloom! LOL just imagining that, film material!
Also, I saw a guy who started a photoperiod together with autos, which he was able to harvest shortly after he'd sent the photoperiod into flower -- a halfway through harvest! ideal for an impatient person like me :D

Stick, your point with the energy cost is something to keep in mind indeed, but autos CAN also be run on a more economical light schedule ...
I've been reading a bit into the gas lantern routine for veg (12 hours light, 5.5 dark, 1hr light, another 5.5 dark) and may ditch 18/6 for good anyways if I find it works well for me.

Ok my nematodes just arrived and I've lost my train of thought here haha
Off I go to get them into my soil!


Well-Known Member
Yeah for me, autos are also more something I may actually do this year outdoors, as in my mind that's the perfect use for them. So depending on our spring I am toying with the idea of actually guerilla'ing the Amnesia Haze auto outdoors (after starting her indoors for 2 weeks or so)...
80 days from seed isn't that much for a sativa tho -- my nl5xhaze is going to run a good 120-140 days if I can let her finish normally and I didn't even really veg her out for lack of root space... just to put that into perspective ;)

I was thinking of a quick auto run indoors too because I need to move this year around August -- and I don't want to do it with some big bushy photoperiods in midbloom! LOL just imagining that, film material!
Also, I saw a guy who started a photoperiod together with autos, which he was able to harvest shortly after he'd sent the photoperiod into flower -- a halfway through harvest! ideal for an impatient person like me :D

Stick, your point with the energy cost is something to keep in mind indeed, but autos CAN also be run on a more economical light schedule ...
I've been reading a bit into the gas lantern routine for veg (12 hours light, 5.5 dark, 1hr light, another 5.5 dark) and may ditch 18/6 for good anyways if I find it works well for me.

Ok my nematodes just arrived and I've lost my train of thought here haha
Off I go to get them into my soil!
Yeah, you are best off starting them indoors, I used to give them 2 weeks, 3 weeks max and then transport them to my secret spot!
I am picturing 2 delivery guys carrying a big bushy plant to the van lol
I was toying with the same idea a while back, starting a couple of autos off under my T5 in my seedling cab, a few week before my main DWC plant is finished and then finishing the autos under the metal halide while my new main plant is vegging for 4 weeks. It's a great idea, but I haven't the time! It's a shame because Ive got quite a few auto seeds.

I ran autos on 12/12 before, it did the trick but obviously not as well as it would have done with a longer light schedule, but that wasn't the main reason they were shite, poor ventilation, poor everything really lol I think I've told you about it before!
And, wow, I've never heard of the gas lantern routine! Sounds interesting, I shall look it up. You learn something new everyday, eh?! :smile:
Oh, and I hope those nematodes get things sorted! Good luck!
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Well-Known Member
12/12 from seed was always the way I wanted to go in a sea of green, after I had tried autos, but I haven't the space for a mother plant to keep taking clones from. Have you seen the vertical grow system? My mate was wanting to try another run outside last year with auto's like we had done the year before and failed lol, but seen as I had one growing in the house and a few ounces of bud as well, it wasn't worth the risk getting caught going up to the plot with the seedlings. You are quite lucky in Spain mate to be allowed to grow!
I've done vert with screen behind the plants (bulb --> plant --> screen) and tying them back was an absolute pain in the ass. Plus always had headaches and partial loss of vision even when I was working with sunglasses (def need professional eyewear). A good way to do this without much training and to veg horizontally and maybe switch the bulb vert about 2-3 weeks into flower. No training what so ever. I might try that again some day and make a detailed journal.


Well-Known Member
Good knowledge sharing there guys a wealth of info we all are.

I looked at my autos just now and 2 of the 4 have started flowering albeit the very early stages. Little pistils at the top node. Can wait to see some real action so I can start my Fruit Autos.


Well-Known Member
Good knowledge sharing there guys a wealth of info we all are.

I looked at my autos just now and 2 of the 4 have started flowering albeit the very early stages. Little pistils at the top node. Can wait to see some real action so I can start my Fruit Autos.
Nice one, fun times ahead!