Haha. This started out as an opinion thread, thought I'd make a proper journal with specifics.I thought this was your journal.. I gotta see some Roos before this is done.
Did you get any rain while you were gone?
Went up there just before to water them and the plants are suffering from quite a bit of nitrogen deficiency. Ran out of fert so I just watered them and plucked off the dead leaves.
Will give half a dose of fert tomorrow.
Photos I took were blurry. I'll take better ones tomorrow after I give em a feed.
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A lot of the ones I picked off were dead as fuck. Brown and crushed up.Shouldn't have picked the leaves in my opinion. They were yellowing because the new growth was using them up as food.
Anyhow, looks good. Outdoors is the way to go.
A lot of the ones I picked off were dead as fuck. Brown and crushed up.
It is indeedwill get photos tomorrow when it's day light and I've fed them
Look at the top rightI see a lot of green in that pic haha.
Sounds good.
Look at the top right
I did take some half green half yellow off.
How long you reckon it will take to recover? Was a bit shocked when I saw them. Not a single yellow leaf when I left then quite a few when I got backlucky I've still got 3 weeks of veg left.
Just leave them when they yellow. I don't defoliate unless I have to.
Recovery depends on what you're feeding them. Bottled nutes, 2-3 days and they'll be ready for whatever you wanna throw at them. Organic nutes, 1-3 days depending on how deprived they are.
The biggest reason I say not to defoliate (other than a reserve source of nutrients) is your girls can get infected, especially outdoors. Open sores and such.
I'll be giving them a organic liquid feed. You reckon full or half strength?
I only take yellow leaves off, never full green.
Organic liquid as in a tea form or from a manufactured bottle? Big difference in plant uptake but around the same on recovery. Ones a salt, the other is bacterial.
I'm assuming manufactured bottle because of your strength question. The nice thing about outdoors is that you have a bigger buffer zone. Start with half and increase if they still seem hungry. You could go full strength without too much worry, but it would be a waste of fertilizer.
Thanks for the adviceI'll give em a full dose. It has been two and a half weeks since I fed them.
They might not use it all. Just make sure you don't water at the base. I'm sure you know that but sometimes it slips the mind. Good luck.
I do know that, thanks anyway though. I'd rather give em enough.
Oh absolutely. You should have quite the harvest. I imagine that you're going to love and hate life equally at harvest haha.
Haha, I reckon somy fiancé is assisting me with the harvest and trimming
she's a good girl.
Haha she doesn't smokeI wish I could get my wife to help. She just waits for finished product haha.
Hopefully y'all can make short work of it then and enjoy.