So they gonna ban duct tape too to stop you taping 10rnd magazines together?

Do they include a specific description of what they consider to be an "assault weapon" in this proposed executive action?

And from a Constitutional standpoint, wouldn't the "arms" mentioned in the 2nd be specifically of "military grade"? (I think that was the point)

The good news is that duct taping two magazines together does not work. So there's that.

The scary part is that they did not include specifics of what they considered "assault", and they included ALL semi-automatic firearms. And the 10 round magazine "rule" is not limited to rifles magazines.

And yea, 2nd Amendment. Those little fuckers who wrote the Constitution wrote in a sweet Easter Egg. The 2nd can be interpreted both ways, because of the use of that pesky comma.
The good news is that duct taping two magazines together does not work. So there's that.

The scary part is that they did not include specifics of what they considered "assault", and they included ALL semi-automatic firearms. And the 10 round magazine "rule" is not limited to rifles magazines.

And yea, 2nd Amendment. Those little fuckers who wrote the Constitution wrote in a sweet Easter Egg. The 2nd can be interpreted both ways, because of the use of that pesky comma.
You can duct tape them together and use anything as spacer in the middle...or just buy mag clamps...

But the point is, making magazines hold less bullets really doesn't slow down a trained hand, especially with the aforementioned aids.
Governor Abbott Statement On President Obama's Executive Actions

Governor Greg Abbott released the following statement in response to President Obama’s executive actions imposing gun control measures across the country.

“The Bill of Rights was added as a specific safeguard to prevent the federal government from denying Americans those guaranteed rights,” said Governor Abbott. “Today, the President trampled the purpose and substance of the Bill of Rights by unilaterally imposing Second Amendment restrictions. After failing to pass gun control measures through Congress, the President is yet again resorting to unilateral executive action in place of the democratic process. Despite the President’s latest attempt to undermine our liberty, Texas will take every action to protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.”

I love any governor who has the balls to stand up to this tyrant and tell him "fuck off!"

What time do they pass out medication at the place you are in ? How often ? and are you taking yours or faking like you are ?

As soon as I find my lighter, the medication will start. I'd give you a couple of tokes ,but your wife probably hasn't given you permission to indulge.
You can duct tape them together and use anything as spacer in the middle...or just buy mag clamps...

But the point is, making magazines hold less bullets really doesn't slow down a trained hand, especially with the aforementioned aids.

Now see!!!??? We're gonna have to outlaw duct tape now!!
You can duct tape them together and use anything as spacer in the middle...or just buy mag clamps...

But the point is, making magazines hold less bullets really doesn't slow down a trained hand, especially with the aforementioned aids.

I suppose the positive is, that the "Ban" part of the bill cannot be passed by executive order, and must go through Congress. Which we know will fail.
I suppose the positive is, that the "Ban" part of the bill cannot be passed by executive order, and must go through Congress. Which we know will fail.

If the bill passes, it would necessarily be an overt representation of an unconstitutional law.

"Shall not infringe"

I don't believe the bill of rights was intended as a government grant of amendable or revokable privileges to people, it was intended as a check on government. We know how well that's worked though.
I think folks are missing a big point, no one has brought up. Most of these mass killings with guns, are in gun free zones. If the principal and one teacher at Sandy Hook were armed, it might have gone a whole different way. Criminals and nuts will always get guns. Making it hard for citizens to have them, only tips the balance of power to those who shouldn't have guns. It's like our wonderful national security policies. Tons of money being spent to have the TSA feel up my 68 yo granny to make America safe, buy any terrorist can simply walk across our open borders. People kill people, guns are only a tool. Take away all the guns, and nuts will use gallons of gasoline and road flares. Run people down with cars, stab them with knives, or burn their homes down as they sleep, using charcoal lighter fluid and a cheap bic lighter. Are we going to ban gasonline, road flares, or lighter fluid ? That won't solve anything. You can't stop evil folks, by disarming good ones. Hate on me if you want, but you know I'm right.
If other people are "making rules" that peaceful people must follow or be punished, I think I'll just ignore those rules.

Why?, you elect these people to do it. They have to be in place or you have ten million rules and regs everyone who`s anybody can make.
We don`t want that in America, we left that shit when the tea hit the water in Boston.

Until Obama, a government of the people for the people by the people still existed.

There`s a great big world out there if you don`t like how the American game is played.
Why?, you elect these people to do it. They have to be in place or you have ten million rules and regs everyone who`s anybody can make.
We don`t want that in America, we left that shit when the tea hit the water in Boston.

Until Obama, a government of the people for the people by the people still existed.

There`s a great big world out there if you don`t like how the American game is played.

I elect to leave people alone that leave me alone. I elect to respect other peoples wishes as long as they respect mine.

My last vote and my next vote will be for Vermin Supreme as President.
As soon as I find my lighter, the medication will start. I'd give you a couple of tokes ,but your wife probably hasn't given you permission to indulge.
I think your lighter was confiscated. Patients are not allowed to have lighters in a psychiatric hospital, but I'm sure your family will sneak you in another.
My wife has no problem with me smoking weed. Have my own man-cave to do just that. When the last kid is out the house, I will have the green light to grow again.
Here is the current oath of enlistment:

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962)."

Tom Cotton is a violator of the UCMJ and Obama didn't have the balls to force the issue. Cotton should be hung by his nuts if he has any.

Oath for officers:

"I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)"
All enemies foreign and domestic includes government.