Well, I've got the lurgy. Snot, throat, misery. Lucky I have a silver bullet.
You will need:
Fresh chillies
Lemon juice
Job number one. Set yourself up a wee ban Marie and put some honey in it.
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Lovely. All melty.
Chillie time! Chop up some chillies, as many as you think you can handle. Be bold.
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Righty ho. Fire those chillies into the melty honey and add a good dose of lemon juice. If you come from the right sort of place, you'll have lemons growing in your hedges. Not here, so I use bottled shit.
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Still with me? Good for you!
What next then? Fresh lemons if you have em. Not really needed but makes for a more authentic brew.
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Let's let this simmer for a while and see if there's anything extra we can add...
Shit on me!
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If you have parents like mine, they stockpile pharmaceuticals like the the end of the world is coming. Bonus.
What have we got in here? Fanny rash cream. Mm. No good. Codein, tramadol? Yeah. Now we're cooking.
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OK. So we're at a crossroads now. You could grind up a few tabs and add them to the mix...
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Nah, fuck it. Up the nose works quicker
Best thing to do now is fuck eveything you got mixed up into a glass with some hot water and whisky. And drink it. Before the pills take hold.