Flaming Pie
Well-Known Member
They want to get rid of all semi auto weapons.I love how a ban on gun sales with no background checks at gun shows instantly turns into Hitler banning all guns... period.... forever....kind of hard to have a conversation on the topic when folks are tangenting off in left field. (Sorry...RIGHT field)
Sure..some folks might want to take away your gun ownership rights. That's not what this is. Even if you want to argue this is a stepping stone to taking away guns altogether you should probably start by arguing the actual current events...as opposed to simply snarling that "they will pry my gun out of my cold, dead hands!"
Showing people you're a rational, reasonable gun owner should probably start with with the ability to hold discourse on the actual topic at hand.....or I guess people could try to instill confidence by overreacting, taking the argument out of context and making wild Hitler comparison's.... Ya know.....whatever...
All I can say is I enjoy guns. But I have never here in the U.S. ever needed to fire 1 at anyone....I seriously doubt anyone on here has. The fact that you guys are joking about hiding bodies on an online forum shows that its pretty far from your reality.
Owning guns is fine (IMO). As long as the owners are reasonable, responsable and intelligent. Reasonable people being the folk that see no harm in being minorly inconvenienced when dealing with the bureaucracy of purchasing a gun if it limits the ability of nutjobs getting them.
In Australia you can still own a gun as long as you own a farm out in the bush (to protect yourself/livestock) or if you are a marksmen (sport shooter) but you must be liscenced and attend a yearly safety certification and be active in sports shooting competitions. I'm not saying we should follow suit, just that a system can be implemented that still allows for comprimise even in the most extreme case (being a ban on guns).
And as for the revolutionary gotta fight the tyrannical government argument...well clearly you never served in the military....you would be bringing a gun to a drone fight. In the middle east those folks are refered to as "decoys".