The Yorkshireman
Well-Known Member
It gets to a certain point and then.........boom!on this forum ud be my no1 dinner guest lol.
Like my signature says, lol.
It gets to a certain point and then.........boom!on this forum ud be my no1 dinner guest lol.
Lol calm down yorkshireman, i can pronounce froi grais. And tht wasnt a penis, it was a chipolata lol.Now I don't speak Spanish, I have no idea why you would assume I do and randomly start writing in Spanish since this is apparently a British/UK orientated thread.
You've put me at a bit of a disadvantage while I'm having to use shitty Google Translate, however........
If you bought goose liver pate then don't call it fois gras to be pretentious, because it's not even remotely the same thing.
Goose liver pate is just that, fois gras is the young fattened liver from a force fed duck or goose.
Fois gras outside of France isn't really fois gras anymore beacuse the animal is not force fed.
And a rib-eye steak is not called an entrecôte in Spain, don't talk crap.
Entrecôte is a french word, nobody except a proper Frenchman would use the word, not even English speaking French chefs outside of France use the word!
I've 20 years experience in the hospitality industry, restaurants, hotels, nightclubs. I spent 9 years as the head of the hospitality training division for Europe's largest privatly owned casino chain, my dad is a clasically trained chef who trained with Marco Pierre White at The Box Tree when he was younger.
Nobody calls a rib-eye an entrecôte.
It's not called an entrecôte in Spanish (let alone the exact French spelling), nor in Portugese cooking, nor Brazil or the rest of the world except by a French man in France.
And I highly doubt that a Spanish butcher is going to be calling his Spanish rib-eye steaks a French word.
After searching around 30 diagrams of Spanish beef cuts on Google Images there was only 1 reference to the word and it was written next to the Spanish name.
That confirms to me that a rib-eye is not called an entrecôte in Spain at all, any reference to a French name for a cut of beef outside of France comes post 'Escoffier' and for exactly that reason,
You give yourself affection/love yourself (? Google Translate) because you speak 3 languages?
You don't speak fucking French do you?
That's apparent from the fact that you replied in Spanish when the subject was French food!
If you speak French it would be natural to replay in French, I think not but I'm happy to be proven wrong, although by your record and the fact that I'm using Google Translate for your Spanish says we'll never know.
Why the fuck would you come on here and call goose liver pate and rib-eye steak fois gras and entrecôte when 99% of the guys here don't know how to pronounce fois gras it let alone what it is!?
Your post was random as fuck and the only interesting thing about it (to the untrained eye) was those 2 French words.
Change those 2 French words to English and it's a stereotypical bimbo post that nobody would give 2 shits about.
"I went out to buy some stuff for other people today, instead I bought a load of expensive stuff for myself, felt guilty about it so brought pate and steak home for dinner to see if that would sweeten the situation"
I'm paraphrasing obviously.
Then what did you think? To come on here and try to make the story sound interesting by bending the truth and pretending you're something you're not?
Dropping French words randomly into an English coversation isn't speaking a language, it's being pretentious again.
Nobody cares if you speak 3 languages, like I say, it's a British/UK based thread.
I have a Polish partner who speaks and reads 4 languages, I could converse in 3 shades of Eastern Europe so you could go get your big Russian boyfreind to try and translate it for you.
Oh did I not mention I have a Polish Mrs? No, because nobody gives a shit unless it comes up naturally in conversation.
You seem find the need to make it overtly obvious that your boyf is Russian, and has a big dick (going as far as posting pictures to show off to guys).
And you seem to want to make it obvious that you speak multiple languages in order to come across as cultured maybe , yet fuck it all up by trying to pass liver pate off as fois gras.
What kind of sad woman goes online into predominantly male threads and screams "I have a big Russian boyf and he has a big dick", and "I'm a classy bird me, I speak 3 languages you know. Oh yes, mange tout....mang tout"?
You come accross as screaming out for attention and acceptance in any way and grab at it randomly, it's blatently obvious to those who can see past the crap (What's wrong, big russian boyf doesn't want to commit?).
You seem like a girly girly in a mans world, rather than guyish girl in a mans world, and as such don't really know how to engage or converse appropriately so just do what stereotypical bimbos do, which is try to show off the superficial stuff about themselves.
That or you have mental issues.
It's right, you are the "Notice me please" girl.
I doubt it, it's spelled Foie Gras.Lol calm down yorkshireman, i can pronounce froi grais.
My best mates the exact same man its fucking hilarious . He loves a good religion based argument.hed often stand at the door when em born again Christians come n make shit of their arguments...he even convinced me one time to go to the next town over so he could go to one of their churches he was invited to n he literally sat there for an hour making shit of all of em...good times.thats the best part of the argument anyways when theyve no other option but to snap..that shits the ultimate winIt gets to a certain point and then.........boom!
Like my signature says, lol.
Lol, my dad's one of those.My best mates the exact same man its fucking hilarious . He loves a good religion based argument.hed often stand at the door when em born again Christians come n make shit of their arguments...he even convinced me one time to go to the next town over so he could go to one of their churches he was invited to n he literally sat there for an hour making shit of all of em...good times.thats the best part of the argument anyways when theyve no other option but to snap..that shits the ultimate win
Fucking love that man lmao it's hilarious how Fucking stupid ppl can be.Lol, my dad's one of those.
He goes to skeptic conventions to fuck with em.
Sell those in Aldi and Lidl now.If I was in Spain I'd be sourcing this bad boy. ..
I do and my nutes raise ph, not lower it labs, (yours may lower it im not sure)I just collaborated my ph pen and my water before nutes read 6.7 and 6.8 goes up and down but in them two numbers...
In a few day I'm doing a feed so I'll read it then to see what it says but I'm guessing with nutes taking it down I could be bang on 6.5 the whole time lmao and thinking I was on 6.1we will see.
And just a noob question do you guys put nutes in to the water on same day of watering ?
Ah u got my hopes up lolWell not those exact ones obviously.
Never said i could spell it lolI doubt it, it's spelled Foie Gras.
Even she spelled it wrong, I cut and paste both fois gras and entrecôte from her post because it was easier.
She speaks French my fucking arse!
That's some purdy presentation. Might give it a go...she's reasonably priced might might go down well with a nice cheese board..ah man imma get grapes n all.
Ahh you could make one for a tenner lol