Private invesigator

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So there's been a black vw sedan tinted windows and stuff sitting outside my apt building. At first it was no biggie. Maybe someone was looking for direnctions or texting or something. Than the next day came same car one driver no passenger with papers in his hands again but every time I noticed the car it was moved to another spot. Up the street. Beside my apt building on the other side. In the parking lot next door. After two days of slight paranoia. I finally said fuck it. Ripped the fattest toke of life and waltzed out towards this mystery vehicle with balls of steel. I tapped on his window and he ignored me at first and I tapped again and he rolled his window down. So I asked him what he's doing why he's lurking around my building and who he is. He than procedded to tell me he's a private investigator for a private client showed me his identification. I asked what he was looking into he said that's on a need to know basis. Lol what do I do
you live in an apartment building.
thats alot of people who could potentially be involved in it
im going to assume there are other residential buildings and houses as well in the area, along with possible businesses.

so thats a lot of potential people he could be looking into.

you can two ways with it:

ignore it, and live your life

call the police and tell them and make sure he is legally allowed to be there and that he is who he actually says he is,

I have no clue how private investigators actually work, but i would probably just ignore it.
perhaps he is a pedophile trolling for young children. i would think it's your civic duty to make your concerns known to local LE. When his windwos were rolled down you could have sworn he was calling out to kids when they were crossing the street. usually get a pretty fast response
So there's been a black vw sedan tinted windows and stuff sitting outside my apt building. At first it was no biggie. Maybe someone was looking for direnctions or texting or something. Than the next day came same car one driver no passenger with papers in his hands again but every time I noticed the car it was moved to another spot. Up the street. Beside my apt building on the other side. In the parking lot next door. After two days of slight paranoia. I finally said fuck it. Ripped the fattest toke of life and waltzed out towards this mystery vehicle with balls of steel. I tapped on his window and he ignored me at first and I tapped again and he rolled his window down. So I asked him what he's doing why he's lurking around my building and who he is. He than procedded to tell me he's a private investigator for a private client showed me his identification. I asked what he was looking into he said that's on a need to know basis. Lol what do I do

this is a simple thing

call 911 report the car there .........if they are the cops/feds/anything official nothing will come out ........if it is anything else they will show (possibly in force if boring day)

say u see a car that is parked outside your building someone is in it and they been sitting there for several hours ....give the plate make model of the car and ask to have a cop sent as the building does have children
If you do that they have to inform you as to who he is. If police blow it off then he is working with them.
ohhh u could do what that one guy did to get rid of the jons and hookers in his area

get your video camera ....go outside and knock on the window asking who they are record the whole thing post to net
I locked up and left the building for a few hours came back and he was gone if he shows back up. I will call the law in tm and see what I can come up with. And that's my other thought too there's 5 other tenants.
Last time i had undercovers parked outside my house, they parked at the far end of the street in an unmarked toyota camry and they dug through my trash at 3am in the morning. Set off my camera traps and shit. This was like 8 years ago and all i had was two 400w magnetic cmh's. Quite funny how i caught the car at the end of the street. I was snapping pics of my front yard and when i looked at them on my laptop, i noticed some dude with a camera looking my way through a winshield lmao.
So there's been a black vw sedan tinted windows and stuff sitting outside my apt building. At first it was no biggie. Maybe someone was looking for direnctions or texting or something. Than the next day came same car one driver no passenger with papers in his hands again but every time I noticed the car it was moved to another spot. Up the street. Beside my apt building on the other side. In the parking lot next door. After two days of slight paranoia. I finally said fuck it. Ripped the fattest toke of life and waltzed out towards this mystery vehicle with balls of steel. I tapped on his window and he ignored me at first and I tapped again and he rolled his window down. So I asked him what he's doing why he's lurking around my building and who he is. He than procedded to tell me he's a private investigator for a private client showed me his identification. I asked what he was looking into he said that's on a need to know basis. Lol what do I do
Welcome to Newbie Central

you gotta ask yourself

why did you blow your cool and disrupt this guy

did you honestly think he was on to you..?

if you were in an isolated situation then yes

blow him away, but this sounds like a ghetto

with many peeps about a mentor

I say he's now fingered you

...for later 'Retrieval'

good luck you will need it, posting in here
Welcome to Newbie Central

you gotta ask yourself

why did you blow your cool and disrupt this guy

did you honestly think he was on to you..?

if you were in an isolated situation then yes

blow him away, but this sounds like a ghetto

with many peeps about a mentor

I say he's now fingered you

...for later 'Retrieval'

good luck you will need it, posting in here
I agree. If he was really after him, he wouldn't put himself and his job in the suspects line of sight.
Many here know this:

1: Never tell a soul ..and thats fine 90% do just that ..even if we have legalization here or about too

2: Keep a lawyer on retainer ..some do ...90% on here don't, many members are between 15-25yo

young dumb and bullet proof, and will never be caught or ripped...yeah right

as often when you need the services of a lawyer, he needs to build your defense for you,

to do that, he's gotta hire help, PI's are that help, as many here know that already ..chill
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