Non decarboxylated? weed tinture

Well, I've had my tincture in a water bath in a crockpot for hours now. Temp is only up to around 150 in the hottest of the jars. The liquid is reducing fast; I hope there is at least some decarboxylating happening in there too.
Well, I've had my tincture in a water bath in a crockpot for hours now. Temp is only up to around 150 in the hottest of the jars. The liquid is reducing fast; I hope there is at least some decarboxylating happening in there too.

I am sure there is some decarbing going on. Even if your tincture is not decarbed enough to feel the effects, since you heated it, that speeds up the decarbing process. It may be done instantly, it may take 2 weeks (off the heat). Worse case scenario, 2 months. I have noticed the differences when making all the different oils that I have. The more gentle I am with the heat, it usually requires a couple of weeks for it to reach the full decarb.
I'm certainly not in a hurry, these have sat for months already. No problem waiting a few more weeks!
I wrapped a towel around the top of the crockpot (leaving the jar mouth exposed) and that lets the temp get up a bit higher. If nothing else, the alcohol's reduced by at least half so SOMETHING must be happening in there.
Well, they're all done and bottled up. I swished my drink around in the last jar after I was done bottling, and now I'm feeling pretty good and just invented a sandwich, so I am calling this technique a success.

For reference, the temp was able to get up to 175F with the crockpot on high and a towel draped over the top, leaving the jar tops exposed. Everclear's supposed to boil at 173 but I saw no signs of boiling activity.
you could use with a decarboxylator which would simplify the whole process so you can focus on the end product
A decarboxylator? What is that? Do you mean a dehydrator? The whole problem was that the non-decarbed material was already in the alcohol. Next time I'll decarb beforehand, no doubt!