Hot damn man...That sounds like a new thread!!!!thats actually a common mistake since i talk about drugs so much
but on the razorblade is crystallized hash when i first started producing it really....heres some more after i got the processes down, its rather complicated. but what you get when someone who designs drugs for a living makes hash oil...
for some reason people love that as my avi and ive been told to not change it or to go back when i have..idk i guess people recognize that as me
Hot damn man...That sounds like a new thread!!!!
In what order did these symptoms appear? oh and to get the ringing to stop, answer your ears are ringing, i have the hiccups and a boner..
thats how you know you took just the right amount of pain pills
ln all honesty your problems can't be fixed by pot you'd probably function better using antidepressants. Weed can give people without any issues psychological problems.. All weed is different you may smoke a strain that doesn't agree with you.. You're playing with fire IMO. When I see a person that obviously has a mental problem buying weed.. I think to myself "dam homebody, you're fucking yourself up more." If you're just stressed or you suffer from social anxiety them maybe weed will loosen you up a lil bit. If you are bipolar and suffer from major depression your just making it worse by smoking weed.Yessica is ur butt looks like any of those I'd be motorboating sum butt cheeks
Btw, I rare go to a dispensary only if I want something I don't have...but it's funny to watch people rush to the door as if the pot is going to run out
Also. 18 yr old needs medical pot? Nah homeboy u just want to get high
Incorrect.ln all honesty your problems can't be fixed by pot you'd probably function better using antidepressants. Weed can give people without any issues psychological problems.. All weed is different you may smoke a strain that doesn't agree with you.. You're playing with fire IMO. When I see a person that obviously has a mental problem buying weed.. I think to myself "dam homebody, you're fucking yourself up more." If you're just stressed or you suffer from social anxiety them maybe weed will loosen you up a lil bit. If you are bipolar and suffer from major depression your just making it worse by smoking weed.
All weeds different. Some strains makes me think, some doesn't. Some strains get me hyper others don't. Ask any Dr if smoking weed while having psychological problems is recommend. Does he eat right does he sleep right? How often does he smoke? Does he just do it to forget his problems? Mental problems must be confronted not masked or else they get worse or at the very least never improve..Incorrect.
Everything works differently for different people.
Some people, can't smoke weed. Causes them anxiety. Depression. Paranoia. Etc.
Some people, like me, function well on medical marijuana.
I think 6 probably knows after all this time what works for him. Don't you think?
Well, I have mental problems. And I have been prescribed medical weed by my doctor.All weeds different. Some strains makes me think, some doesn't. Some strains get me hyper others don't. Ask any Dr if smoking weed while having psychological problems is recommend. Does he eat right does he sleep right? How often does he smoke. Does he just do it to forget his problems? Mental problems must be confronted not masked or else they get worse or at the very least never improve..
Weed. Recommended by 9 out of 10 gynocolologists.Well, I have mental problems. And I have been prescribed medical weed by my doctor.
I have tried 30 different strains, about.
My psychologist, psychiatrist, family doctor, gynocologist, everyone knows and supports my using medical weed.
My diagnosis would be major depressive disorder. I go through spells.
Pretty much anytime I haven't posted here for a long period, it's because I'm depressed. (less the most recent turtle mode incident).
But when I am depressed, I don't smoke weed. I don't smoke weed, or drink, or eat, or talk, or smile, or feel. I don't do anything. I am a non functioning depressive at times.
But, when I feel good, pot helps. It helps with my sleep, my mood, loss of appetite and chronic nausea. It helps manage the side effects from my antidepressant.
It helps me. It's not for everyone. But for me, it helps.
10/10 if they knew how horny it makes ya!Weed. Recommended by 9 out of 10 gynocolologists.