Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

Used U-pass many times
Also Synthetix5
both worked every time.
Only thing with the synthetic urine is you need it at the right temp. both of them come with temp readers and heating pads.

& just dont look suspicious when u go in relax and they wont know the difference.

Test is tomorrow, no time to get any of that stuff.
I have clean piss in my fridge in a bottle (just got today) & on the bottle I have a temp strip (got from pet store). I used water for my 1st test and my dirty urine for my 2nd test. I put the bottle under my junk and wrapped an ace bandage around it. About 40 minutes later the the temp strip said it was anywhere between 90 and 95F. Why wouldn't this work & be the best method to do? My test is tomorrow, not many options.

Oh and the strip on my bottle goes by 5s, 80-85-90-95-100. When I practiced today, both times the 90 and 95 where lit up mean the temp was somewhere in between 90-95. Maybe in the morning I go buy a cheap thermometer.
That strip sounds like the one that comes on the Fix Quick fake urine.
With the quick fix they want you to heat it in the microwave about 10 secs to get it to 98 on the temp strip. Sometimes this is tricky to do. and if it goes over 98 it is hard to adjust it.
Then they have a little heat pack to rubber band around it to keep at that temp.
That heat pack is questionable as well. How does that heat pack maintain the proper temperature?
I heated my quick fix too hot.. I knew it was over 100 degrees when I put the heat pack on it to keep it warm until I had to put it in the cup. I didn't think the heat pack would maintain the 100 plus temp for 2 hours but it did. What I wish I had after the microwave was a thermometer to test the temp to get it to the proper 98 degrees and then put the heat pack on. If I were you , to make perfectly sure, I would get the thermometer to make sure its at 98 and to keep it there test with some heat packs and see how it maintains the temp.
I used the Quick Fix with success 2 other time when I the heating strip worked and the warmer worked.
One time I almost failed because I did not empty the ENTIRE quick fix into the sample cup.
I had filled the cup up to where they wanted and had plenty extra so thought I would keep the rest for another time. DO NOT DO THIS! I later read the entire contents of the Fake Piss has to be put in the sample cup or it might not work, and it almost didn't. The dude almost made me take another piss test because the results were inconclusive, but miraculously after 10 minutes the results showed up normal!!!! close call...
The main thing is keeping the temp at the right temp and pour the hole thing in!

Don't worry, your testing will pay off. Good luck and I will keep my fingers crossed for you that everything goes smoothly and you pass. Remember if you don't pass the first time , stay there wait as long as you can and drink as much water as you can and take another piss test, you just might pass with your own piss.
inside your body is roughly 98° below 95 and you fail
microwave then strapped to your thigh in undies whatever

"Urine Specimen Cup. QTY: Urine temperature is the same as your general body temperature of 98.8 degrees Farenheit, however, when it is excreted and put in a container that is at room temperature the urine will maintain a temperature of about 96 degrees F for about 4 minutes."
long enough to judge the specimen
Armpit. Works every time. I've done it about 20 times.


Just get it ready that morning. Drop it in some warm water before you leave to warm it. Put it in your armpit. Keep it clamped. With practice you can use that arm.

Temp has been perfect every time for me.
I get random drug tested for work, used quickfix everytime, no worries just follow the instructions and you cant go wrong.
Just practise pouring it into the cup to make it look like your peeing at the same time, youd be surprised how easy it is to drop the cap or look dodgy, the person stands right behind me when i do it, trys to watch over your shoulder. Makes me want to turn around and piss on him tbh.
They say its for health and safety yet it doesnt show impairment, how is it safe n healthy if I smoked at joint last night at home, its bs.
inside your body is roughly 98° below 95 and you fail
microwave then strapped to your thigh in undies whatever

"Urine Specimen Cup. QTY: Urine temperature is the same as your general body temperature of 98.8 degrees Farenheit, however, when it is excreted and put in a container that is at room temperature the urine will maintain a temperature of about 96 degrees F for about 4 minutes."
long enough to judge the specimen

This is what the thermometer said when I stuck it in the bottle after heating it up under my junk: http://imgur.com/WWow8RD (This looks 98 to me) I should be fine right?
And this is the strip on the bottle: http://i.imgur.com/8h0Sv3k.jpg
I'm here now waiting to take my test. I just went into the bathroom to check the temp with my thermometer. I dipped it into the urine & it said 105 so I put the bottle in some cold water and I was able to get it down to 96-100. Now the bottle is back under my balls with the hand warmers around them. Hopefully I don't have to cool it down when I get in the bathroom. Hopefully I'll be ok? I'm nervous as hell!
YEAH!! AWESOME!!! CONGRAts!! :clap::weed:
time to celebrate! glad we could be here to support and help you out. :smile:
GOod luck with the new job and stay high my friend!!:peace:

it wasn't pre employment testing...

though i was a little concerned with
"doctor doesn't allow you to be on other certain meds, sort of a list. The other med I'm taking isa no-no for my doc"