shrooms cure my stutter


Some people are amazed when i tell them mushrooms help with my stutter.Like i can speak fluent for hours. Even when i have that after shroom buzz. Any how I've had the best times of my life on mushrooms. i've taken them up to 20 times or so kinda lost count. One time i was listening to jcole and hes music turned into straight violins playing totally fucked with my mind.Movies,music,and really dank weed always make me have a food trip
yes very i did 1.5 grams of a mushroom strain called penis envy very potent with blue white stems and bright gold caps multiple time most i've taken was 2 grams and had great results but i was totally out of my mind lol same effect me and my buddy were going to do a little experiment try .5 of shrooms
yes very i did 1.5 grams of a mushroom strain called penis envy very potent with blue white stems and bright gold caps multiple time most i've taken was 2 grams and had great results but i was totally out of my mind lol same effect me and my buddy were going to do a little experiment try .5 of shrooms

Ya, I'd play around and see what the lowest dose you could get away with while still getting the effect.
Penis envy is the strain of shrooms I get too and they are pretty strong, start in small doses and see where it takes you, because there is a thin line between feeling good and tripping balls
Penis envy are strong! .5 might even still give you a good trip. Those thing can make for some interesting nights.
Ive read of this happening on more than one occasion. I know its in one of my books on psycadelics, just have to find which one. I've also read of guided trips where a stutter has been cured permenatly. I'll dig up the research tonight.
Shrooms "cure" Your stutter or they have cured Your stutter ???

From what I know of it, you're never really cured. Like many diseases, especially mental, you control them and cope with them. One doesn't cure clinical depression, just like one doesn't cure cancer. You manage it, beat it up, and take charge of your life, but it's still there.

I've gotta also recommend microdosing if you really are getting that good of a response.
yea weed use to do it for me but i have a super high tolerance now natural drugs can do wonders penis envys are my favorite or face melters to great strains they even might be the same lol but it is all fascinating
Mushrooms can in fact help with a great many things ranging from your stutter to PTSD to helping the terminally ill cope with their eminent death. It's quite amazing really what nature has provided us with that we (and by we I mean society as a whole) have neglected simply because someone somewhere told us it was "wrong" to do it.
Mushrooms can in fact help with a great many things ranging from your stutter to PTSD to helping the terminally ill cope with their eminent death. It's quite amazing really what nature has provided us with that we (and by we I mean society as a whole) have neglected simply because someone somewhere told us it was "wrong" to do it.

indeed natural drugs are safer and healthier than prescription pills
Prescription pills are nothing more than an industry designed to line someone pockets. Society stopped looking for cures years ago. Instead they now seek out treatments. There's no money in a cure, but a treatment... that will make you rich.