This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.

Why does he find it so hard to do just that. His views supports and allow pedophiles to roam freely.

you can just hire a mediator and have the pedophile agree to settle the issue in private mediation. no government, police, or courts needed. it would work just fine as long as the pedophile agreed that he caused harm to his victim.
you can just hire a mediator and have the pedophile agree to settle the issue in private mediation. no government, police, or courts needed. it would work just fine as long as the pedophile agreed that he caused harm to his victim.
I would like to see the pedophile locked up, registered as such, ordered to stay away from schools 18 and under.
Some even need to have their penis removed...the ones who mess with babies
Yeah, and according to the article this in principle is what it's all about - "Kingen said she and her family appreciate the effort to raise awareness about what the Bundys and others argue is an overreach of federal control of public lands."

You really don't mess with the Feds. They are and can get ruthless. They're just another group, like "us", but with a different mission.

One of their finer moments:


Meanwhile those "terrorists" are out there fixing fences and putting up new signs.

Does your wife know you are imagining and describing scenarios where young girls are having sex?


Skip over that shit. My wife gets irritated that I spend any amount of time on "that garbage site."
I would like to see the pedophile locked up, registered as such, ordered to stay away from schools 18 and under.
Some even need to have their penis removed...the ones who mess with babies

Unfortunately, the Federal data system has to be adjusted, the courts are now ruling in favor of only the worst of the pedophiles be listed and registered. the one`s that only sucked a dick or fingered a pussy are to be taken off these lists because it indicates they are the same level of offender as the real hard core one`s, some pedophiles are grossly mistreated because they have to register and belong on the same list.

That`s fucking as BS as BS can get.
Shoot or burn them all.
No they haven't fixed a fence - unless by fixing you mean tearing down fences.

And you know because some liberal news media told you so? LOL Guess the people I have contact with are photo shopping the texts and whatnot I've received.

You and Sky should form a team. Both of you are great at making shit up.
And you know because some liberal news media told you so? LOL Guess the people I have contact with are photo shopping the texts and whatnot I've received.

You and Sky should form a team. Both of you are great at making shit up.


Sure is fixing that fence with those bolt cutters! Who's making shit up now.

Sure is fixing that fence with those bolt cutters! Who's making shit up now.

Those are channel lock fencing pliers, used to repair fencing. See that weaved wire with no barbs? Derp derp derp thats how you repair a fucking barbed wire fence. Bet they have a wire stretcher that is out of the picture as well.

But to a liberal that doesn't know wtf they are talking about, yeah, those are bolt cutters.

Thanks for proving my point even more so, thats a great pic of a solid repair!

Its okay, I only grew up on a farm and have a small one of my own. Guess I had an advantage, or you are just too stupid to live.
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Those are channel lock fencing pliers, used to repair fencing. See that weaved wire with no barbs? Derp derp derp thats how you repair a fucking barbed wire fence. Bet they have a wire stretcher that is out of the picture as well.

But to a liberal that doesn't know wtf they are talking about, yeah, those are bolt cutters.

Thanks for proving my point even more so, thats a great pic of a solid repair!

Its okay, I only grew up on a farm and have a small one of my own. Guess I had an advantage, or you are just too stupid to live.

So why`s he fixing it ?
Those are channel lock fencing pliers, used to repair fencing. See that weaved wire with no barbs? Derp derp derp thats how you repair a fucking barbed wire fence. Bet they have a wire stretcher that is out of the picture as well.

But to a liberal that doesn't know wtf they are talking about, yeah, those are bolt cutters.

Thanks for proving my point even more so, thats a great pic of a solid repair!

Its okay, I only grew up on a farm and have a small one of my own. Guess I had an advantage, or you are just too stupid to live.

I've used them in the opposite way to cut fencing and cut barbed wire. And in that picture, he's actually removing the barbed wire with it. Derp. Derp, derp.

BURNS — Militants presiding over an armed occupation of a federal bird sanctuary destroyed a portion of a fence Monday afternoon that they said was installed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – using the agency's own equipment.

A group of militiamen tore down a federal fence Monday, which they said obstructed a local ranching family from grazing their cattle.

The move was the most aggressive yet since the men stormed the Malheur Wildlife Refuge outside of Burns, Oregon, on Jan. 2.

Days after leaders of the armed occupation in Oregon insisted that they were trying to de-escalate conflicts at the wildlife refuge, the rightwing militia began destroying part of a US Fish and Wildlife Service fence on Monday.

The Bundy Boys are now just picking a fight they're not going to win in the long run, but don't tell them yet.

Today's little show was named "Knock Down The Fences," orchestrated by Ammon Bundy.

"This will help them out, being able to run their ranch like they have in the past," Bundy bragged as he knocked down the fence.

Sucks that I know people who live close to there also, doesn't it?


Is spandy short for spanner or something? Because I mean, that really looks like a fixed fence right there Mr. Cowboy.
Speaking of ignorant shit....that's not a bolt cutter.

Anyone that's done any fencing work knows what that tool is.

Tell me. Do you know what end of a screwdriver to grip?

Like I said, I've never used one to put up fencing before, only taking it down. I was handed something like that and told "Use this to rip it out."

But speaking of ignorant shit, you'd see my post above yours.

Know which of your meds to take today?
Like I said, I've never used one to put up fencing before, only taking it down. I was handed something like that and told "Use this to rip it out."

But speaking of ignorant shit, you'd see my post above yours.

Know which of your meds to take today?

You are busted... They are not bolt cutters. They wouldnt work as bolt cutters. Just because someone handed you 'something that looked like that' you were suddenly an expert and then suddenly you have no association with your own statements? LOL!!

I didnt see a video of the suspect cutting the fence did you? So Kojak, where is the proof that the fence was cut by who is being blamed? Maybe the government cut the fence and blamed it on the citizens.
You are busted... They are not bolt cutters. They wouldnt work as bolt cutters. Just because someone handed you 'something that looked like that' you were suddenly an expert and then suddenly you have no association with your own statements? LOL!!

I didnt see a video of the suspect cutting the fence did you? So Kojak, where is the proof that the fence was cut by who is being blamed? Maybe the government cut the fence and blamed it on the citizens.

I misused a term, I apologize. Like I said, I've used them to cut fencing, and tear it down.

But oh shit! Here they are taking down fencing and CUTTING IT. Hahaha, sucker.

So Kojak? You were suddenly an expert that now looks like what you actually are: A dimwit. Who was right about what they were doing with the fencing?

LOL!!! I never claimed to be an expert...

Cute, nor did I yet you claimed I suddenly was. So what are they doing with that fencing? Are they fixing it? Is that the Federal government taking it down or is that the Bundy's taking it down like I stated. You didn't see a video? What did I just post?
