Is my light causing this?

I'd have to lean towards the lighting/nutrient uptake, what else has changed here. Cause and effect, I use white buckets and I haven't had any issues like that. Like someone else said don't look for a major problem to solve, it's a simple one no doubt.
I think you should consider taping those white buckets up with some good HVAC aluminum light proof tape. What I think is happening to you is that you are putting these plants in a warm - fast growing environment and they are out growing their buckets very quickly, coupled with the light leaking through the white buckets causing an algae bloom...ALL of which contribute to its inability to uptake nutrients properly. You do see the algae bloom on those roots below, right? What I'm hearing in this thread is that "the problem can't be the small white buckets, I don't know WHAT the problems is....but it can't be that." so I'll back out now. I really do wish you good luck with your grow.

Try a foiler feed of Epsom to see if it will help, can't hurt and you will see a quick response. It also gives them a bit of sulphur :).
What I'm hearing in this thread is that "the problem can't be the small white buckets, I don't know WHAT the problems is....but it can't be that." so I'll back out now.

I think that's the problem. But, is it algae or the roots developing chlorophyll? (I think it's the latter and that's worse?).
I wonder if by doing that, less light was getting to the root mass? Can't see the reason being too much light, but WTF do I know, not much lol. I do know that in my situation yields have not increased by decreasing the available light, ever.
I bet your 1000 watt lamp has accelerated their growth and nutritional uptake. Plant metabolism and nutrient use can fast forward in some strains under powerful light. To me they look hungry and their shoes are too small.

I agree with Jimmy :mrgreen:
Seeing how the roots have filled out the pots it's clear they need more space first. All the other possible issues that were brought up, like algae, deficiencies... I'd only worry about those after you've given your plants the basics and they still look unhappy.

If the soil is dry on top but still soggy underneath you may need more aeration (as in: add drainage material of your preference - lavarock is mine ;) - to your soil when transplanting to larger pots).

My 2 cents :-P
Think my problem was too much light which I thought wast possible

Moved the light up
And turned it down to 400watt an things seem to be getting better.
I think you could be right with the too much light being the problem. Got same set up. Having problem with one plant closest to bulb.WP_20160107_002.jpg WP_20160107_002.jpg WP_20160107_002.jpg WP_20160107_002.jpg WP_20160107_002.jpg WP_20160107_002.jpg WP_20160107_002.jpg WP_20160107_002.jpg WP_20160107_002.jpg WP_20160107_002.jpg
^^^^To much heat perhaps but not to much light. Perhaps wasted light if the plants unable to use it but it won't hurt the plant I don't think. The heat will though lol.
^^^^To much heat perhaps but not to much light. Perhaps wasted light if the plants unable to use it but it won't hurt the plant I don't think. The heat will though lol.
I noticed on one of my other plants half was yellow and other half was green all plants closet to light started to have issues and plant furthest was just fine. Plants were one foot away from light. Didn't plan on autoflowers getting so big.
Please don't start trying to feed to correct deficiencies, it's much more likely based on what you have said that you either need to move the light up for now to allow the plants to acclimatize to the new environment or dial down the wattage if you have an electronic ballast. Always correct environmental concerns first to account for lighting/humidity/temperature changes or possible vectors of pest infestation before you move to chemical means.
i think it may be a heat issue aswell, even though my temps are 82, i still show signs of crinklyness in my 10 day old seedlings. best to keep light a bit away at the beginning i suppose
BAAHHH...they appear to be root bound. Those pots looked bigger. Root bound plants show all kinds of odd symptoms. Any thoughts anyone else?
I agree, i found this out the hard way about 10 years ago.... they will show different signs of diff deficiencies when they need to be transplanted. They are trying to get your attention! The reason the t-12 didnt do it is d=because the light spectrum is a lot less demanding and doesnt promote abundant root growth the way A hps 1000w would. So just transplant your ladies and watch the transformation... Good luck Grower!