Payne Farms / Soldiers Co Op 2016 garage grow


Well-Known Member
I do admire your industry and use of available materials and space. Well done.

I can't wait to see what this next evolution brings.


Well-Known Member
she makes some lovely hash n dabs! I was so impressed with her I'd kept her for 3 or 4 runs . lovely plant
Yea, I have a good bit of her seeds crossed to a nice blueberry snow lotus. She was a lovely and a pain in the ass plant. I just wasn't prepared for her huge size and lanky stems...she ended up 10x10 canopy sized, but my cheapo trellis netting didn't hold her up so wasn't really able to take her as far as she needed, or do her any justice. If her colas would have been supported... would have 2x the yield. Still got several pounds though :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'd kept her due to that great yeild coupled with strong smoke...was a no brainer.
first run I wasn't prepared for it either man lol one moment she was great next think I know the buds were weighing her down all directions time I run her imma see how she is after some silica.

do you've any pics of that cross in the previous pages...might have a gander man that cross sounds delicious.


Well-Known Member
Gonna be placing my order tomorrow for the new grow building.

10x20 size lofted Barn style. Will have 8' walls, with 12 foot interior peak height. Will be able to run 6k watts with walk way or 8k watts cramped. And if money allows down the road (which with 6k watts running I am figuring it will) I can upgrade into gavitas and have the headroom to do so. This has been a long time dream, to be able to (since I rent) have my flower room in a locked, sealed, separate area from the owners investment. That way, should the fact I grow be discovered, theres no possibility of getting heat for damages. And if I move or buy, the barn is portable, and can be moved.

Going to be able to really make it all professional, clean, and just for the grow.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'd kept her due to that great yeild coupled with strong smoke...was a no brainer.
first run I wasn't prepared for it either man lol one moment she was great next think I know the buds were weighing her down all directions time I run her imma see how she is after some silica.

do you've any pics of that cross in the previous pages...might have a gander man that cross sounds delicious.
Shes in my outdoor thread, links in my signature! I go dig up a video and put it here.


Well-Known Member
God dammit youve some serious strains man. Ive tried that cherry pie from a cali person also outdoor n fuck me was it a stunning bit of smoke.looking forward to getting my hands on the gg4 but damn you americans have some banging clones on the go.


Well-Known Member
God dammit youve some serious strains man. Ive tried that cherry pie from a cali person also outdoor n fuck me was it a stunning bit of smoke.looking forward to getting my hands on the gg4 but damn you americans have some banging clones on the go.
yea, it does pay to have connections. It was definitely a good year, and having quality genetics is key imo. The cherry pie is phenomenal smoke, and also great grower outdoors. Sadly, she doesn't quite finish where I live, and even 2 week early harvested, still had bud rot. So shes a spring run/indoor for me, she won't be going full season again.

GG#4 is also amazing amazing hash. Shes actually a flavor of the month that's worth having...not like the shitty cookie craze


Well-Known Member
I'm in Ireland man so I take what I can get when someone mentions american clones lol. I'd kill for a cherry cut but the gg4 will have to do. Never smoked the cookie so can't say much but she didn't look like shed yeild much so pffft


Well-Known Member
When I saw the cross that is Cheese Surprise, I had to try it.

I lost one bean and then the other damped off:
Cheese Surprise.JPG

but it is not falling over...I am going to let it go and see what happens.


P.S. Super stoked to hear the good news Pap. Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
So, update on plans! Building order place, will take a month to receive it though. I ended up upgrading to 12x24 sized Lofted barn. Will allow a full 8k watts, walkways, and a little extra space in the front. Gonna be getting that delivered as soon as company will, then get a mini- split installed by @Dr.D81

In current indoor cycle news, I am done waiting! 12/12 set to timers.