* Post how much do you smoke? per day, per week, per month whatever


Well-Known Member
well its 4:30am at work and i just got high 10min ago! ha! i smoke an eighth in 24 hours by myself. if it is not that good then more. i will smoke another bowel couple hours before my boss gets here to relieve me and then another when i get home. i watch my daughter on mon weds and friday to sun. she is two so i tend to not smoke as much when she is around. but the other days i work in my veggie garden and my basement garden enjoying some dank beer. i smoke a bowl or half joint or quarter blunt every two hours or so. i stay high! i go to sleep aroun 4ish in the after noon and wake up around 8 or 9pm. wake and bake! fridays i will get off work and not go to sleep till tonight around 10pm. i smoke alot with friends and my roomates dont buy pot but are always smoking mine! i work sat from 6am -2pm and smoke 1-2 grams at work. then the rest of the day. wake up sundays in the early morning and dont go to sleep till i get off work monday. 12-8am mon-fri and 6am-2pm on sat. sometimes i think if i didnt smoke i wouldnt sleep. i dont drink coffee nor do i do drugs. i smoke cigerettes at work to "try" to cover up the skunk that just walked by outside. lol. i work by myself. i live a double life and have broke friends so i tend to go through alot of pot!


Well-Known Member
well..im not gonna lie id be lucky to smoke 5-10 bowls a week i never have enough weed to smoke as much as i want to..which is why i started growing:joint:


Well-Known Member

well when I said 1.5 oz a month thats because all I buy is shwag so Im hoping once I do my first harvest of the good stuff Ill smoke maybe half as much?


Well-Known Member
Damn, you guys smoke a shitload!!! I am small potatoes, compared to you guys. The wife and I will go through about 1/4oz every 10-14 days. Other than weekends, we smoke only at night. There's no way I can smoke during the day and hold my job. Fortunately, unlike all my prior jobs, this company does not drug test.

My goal and reason for growing is allow us to smoke a little more (still never during the work day) and to be independent of any dealers. A 1/4 of high grade in my neck of the woods runs me $120. $240 - $360 a month on weed is too much for me. So I want to cut down on that expense by growing my own.


Well-Known Member
hmmm well I always have told my friends and my wife that I smoke weed like others smoke ciggaretes. Example: I just smaked a fatty to my head and I am already thinking abouit packing a bowl before I wake everyone up. At work I am the boss and I usually work 11 hours alone(sorry this was my old job but it applies here) I couldnt go to work if I didnt have some smoke. It is interesting how I am addicted to marijuane. Now if I dont smoke I dont ike physicly ach eo r shake like any of that shit, but MENMTAL , I am fucked.My mind races thinking where I can score a sac. Now this constant mentaul disturbance if you will, has done well to always keep me in buds. So I would say I smoke like an ounce every four days easy. Oh and when I smoke I am a freindly social smoker , so If I have weed , then everyone gets high! I love to share . At night my wife will smoke with me . Its funny because I will save like the choice buds for her without telling her.............this way she gets nice and high, because she is a light weight. rofl. I started growing to be honest, to make some money, but once i saw and began to learn I said forget the money. It has become a pleasure, a simple joy in life to grow these babies. My wife has noticed that I am a bit more clam (maybe because I keep occupied with the babbies and science behind growing?) and more patient. So she said I could pick up this new hobby but on one condition....NO SELLING> Shit I was like. " I love you!" lol She is even getting interested in the whole thing with me. We are going to buy some seeds for the next crop and I am journaling and taking pics almost every day. This is a great time I love it!

So as you can tell by my spurratic thoughts in this post and my rambling that I am indeeed a smoker. Lol one last thing to share. I run a very successful gaming clan and forums. We have over 2000 peeps registered on our forums. Welll me and my wife run it and we were llaughing because when I post something there, peeps get back to you like right away . So we werelaughing because here it is a bit slower and more laid back.. This is totaly a pot smokers forums. I love it. We have been running our forums and clan for like 5 years now. So i was happy to find this new hobby to help break up the manotiny(spelling)

ok well I am off to smoke good to meet you all . I check the forums all the time and I do have pics of my grow on here so let me know and you can check them out. I am taking new pics today. and this is my first grow.


Well-Known Member
damn I can get a 1/4 ounce for like 85 here of some sick bud
yeah you need to grow ......lol I would


Well-Known Member
I hear ya. My last batch though was some Cali high grade that family member mailed to us last week - 1/2 oz for $170. I thought it was a bargain. We've gone through about 1/2 that already and I'm at least a month from smokable bud out of my grow, so we will be reordering soon.


Well-Known Member
1/2 oz for one 170 aint bad i live in cali and i can get it for 145-180 just depends on who you know.but they also got what we call dirt y mexican weed( i dont mean to offend anyone) Because it comes all compressed and blocked up from Mexico and it is shit! It real sux
My friend who always boohoos about buying quality shit came over yesterday with some of that garbage. lol I let her hit the trainwreck I had and she was gone. I mean paranoid and couldnt talk etc. lol I love doing that to people.

well good luck with your grow. I read your post before and saw your pics.


Well-Known Member
I smoke between 1 oz. and 1 1/2 a month ... I am cheap and have 3 kids so we usually smoke mids or commercial which in this neck of the woods isnt all that bad. I cannot afford to smoke dank as often as i would like thi is why i am growing. I am in my 3rd or fourth grow right now hopefully this one will be a bit more productive. I assume it will be with all the info i am gathering on this site. last couple of "harvests" i got around 1/2 oz per plant much more potent than i expected. Only problem is all my plants turn into hermies and now i know why so i am hoping for larger harvests in the future also my wife is pushing me to get one large light (HPS) instead of the 12 fluros and 10 CFL bulbs i am currently using they make her nervous with all the wires she would feel better with one big one instead:mrgreen: . Anyways enough rambling happy smoking


Well-Known Member
well, I smoke more than I can afford, me and like 3 friends smoke about about a quad from 7pm til about midnight.... lol

I wish a was a baller


Well-Known Member
I only get high once a week or so, because getting high feels so much more intense and fun to me when I don't get high too often.

That being said, I personally only smoke a small fraction of a gram per week, but because I usually share it with others when I do indulge, I might use a gram per week or so out of my stash.

I've been smoking out of the same ounce and a half of bud since getting it last December, and I still have about half an ounce of that leftover. LOL



New Member
i smoke whatever i can, if i get a half ounce then i will make it last a week, if i get an oz then i make it last a week, if i get two oz i make it last a week, with an endless suply though i would probably smoke somewhere in the region of 3 oz plus per week if its the good stuff i smoke less if its not so good because i love the taste, i smoke for the taste


Well-Known Member
man how do ya smoke so much? how do you function? i mean dont get me wrong i love to smoke tree but you gotta keep it within reason.


New Member
i now function better with it than without, if i go without i become a very aggressive and hurtful person so i get heavily medicated and then im normal

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
dam we got some pretty heavy smokers here. Im not a smoker at all quit when i was about 17 im now 23. Just loving growing and producing monsters buds i can show off with. :) Im not a dealer i just try and help close friends from spending money on this rubbish and making other ppl rich, but i do take cash off outsiders to cover costs for the next grow. Electricity nutes and some spending money for course.

When you guys say bowls do you mean cones? which are the small metal things you pack the weed into and then light.

You sound like a cool dude to me but I think your in denial