Connoisseurus Rex
Well-Known Member
So, lets look at this like a math problem.. Not my strong point, if you know statistics, I could use some pointers.
I took the values for growing temp for lights on, no co2 and found the middle range for example 77-80, I split the difference.. 78.5 for example.
Here's the values I got from the thread. Based off of community answers.
78.5, 76.5, 75, 85, 75, 84.5, 77, 67, 73.5, 77, 78.5, 74.3
So I applied the standard deviation formula,
76.81 F Is ideal, +/- 4.5 F to stay within the optimum range.
(+/- 10F in my opinion, round up or down +/- 1F from 76.8 should be ok... again more opinion.)
So lets look at the chart, for VPD, so at that temp we could run about 60%RH.
I didn't add my answer because I didn't want it to be biased, but I like the higher 70's mainly as a cushion in case of malfunction. But I dont use that much precision myself I dont have datalogging.
Sounds about right. Most plants can handle temps between 55F and 105F with decent stride in my experience. Plants don't rely on just temperature alone to thrive. Other environmental factors are much more important in my opinion.
Transpiration works around several factors. Too much, too fast... Cavitation. Too little, too slow... Stunted growth.
So to me, it's not a temp thing. It's a transpiration balance thing.