Lighting pick?? 600w HPS or LEC 315 CMH


Well-Known Member
Figured I would ask the masses... I was talked out of LED earlier today, but need a light very soon, so do I add a 600w HPS or a LEC315... here are the two being considered.


I have a new 4x4 tent that needs a light, I have 3 plants that need to go into flower and my other space is full and I can't wait too much longer to flip these 3 plants. So, since it will take me time to build or research an LED I gotta get something. I prefer to keep heat down so thats why I considered the LEC but I prefer results and know what the HPS can deliver, but have heard good things about the other light, so thoughts between the 2?
I hear a lot of good things about the LEC. I think it's a replacement to a 400w, not 600. (Don't want you to be disappointed). @growerr uses it. He can correct me if I'm wrong.
Thanks... kinda did think it was a bit light in lumens for space, but efficiency may be better. Did seem small for a 4x4 but figured I wasnt really using all the space as I usually only do 3 at a time and they are usually 2x2 a piece... will wait to see if growerr replies or maybe PM him tomorrow if not.. would be nice to talk with someone who uses one.
Yeah, the 315w won't replace the 600, equivalent more to 450w or so and up to 3.5 x 3.5'. If you were to go the 630w (which is really 2x 315's) or 2x 315's separate bare or hooded, that would blow away the 600.

BTW: You can buy those LEC's for less and get better support at If you search 315w they have a few fixtures using the 315's, some as low as $300.
Yeah, the 315w won't replace the 600, equivalent more to 450w or so and up to 3.5 x 3.5'. If you were to go the 630w (which is really 2x 315's) or 2x 315's separate bare or hooded, that would blow away the 600.

BTW: You can buy those LEC's for less and get better support at If you search 315w they have a few fixtures using the 315's, some as low as $300.
Thanks... will pull up the 630 and growershouse now.... appreciate the tips..
The Sunsystems ec630 looks like a beast...gonna have to rethink my options and layout. The cost is up there, but then you get what you pay for.Oh, to have all the money in the world and all the space one would need, then decisions like this would be easy... darn shame I didnt hit that powerball...
If budget is an issue but you still want to go with the 315's check out They sell a ballast and 315w elite agro bulb but in a mogul connector format, they can be matched to a parabolic or batwing reflector and each kit is only $200, add a relatively inexpensive reflector and you can have 630w of CMH running for ~$500-550. Only catch with the advancedtech option is those ballast only support 220/240v, to make them work on 120v you'd need a step-down converter which will add about another $50-$60 per ballast/rig.
If budget is an issue but you still want to go with the 315's check out They sell a ballast and 315w elite agro bulb but in a mogul connector format, they can be matched to a parabolic or batwing reflector and each kit is only $200, add a relatively inexpensive reflector and you can have 630w of CMH running for ~$500-550. Only catch with the advancedtech option is those ballast only support 220/240v, to make them work on 120v you'd need a step-down converter which will add about another $50-$60 per ballast/rig.
Thanks..will check into it... have the 630 loaded in the cart, just have not been about to hit the checkout button... one of those (you want it, but dang thats a lot of money arguments going on in my head)
Thanks..will check into it... have the 630 loaded in the cart, just have not been about to hit the checkout button... one of those (you want it, but dang thats a lot of money arguments going on in my head)
Yeah have the same thing going on in my head on some 3590 COB based lights, want to test them against these 315's and potentially use them through the summer months. I'm in Canada though and our dollar is at .70 to the USD so I've been holding off, fucking things would end up around $1,200 vs. $900 right now :(
If you go with the HPS, I would highly recommend some blue and uvb supplemental light. Your quality and potency will thank you.

600w HPS
2x UVB 10.0 T5/T8 (60-108w) [make extra sure the reflector on this light is aluminum, not white, white does not reflect UVB.
2x 6500k

Put 600w HPS in middle and have 2 standard (but with foil/aluminum reflector) shop lights, 1 on either side, with 1 UVB and 1 6500k in each fixture.
Yeah have the same thing going on in my head on some 3590 COB based lights, want to test them against these 315's and potentially use them through the summer months. I'm in Canada though and our dollar is at .70 to the USD so I've been holding off, fucking things would end up around $1,200 vs. $900 right now :(
So many options out there and so many things to try. I hear you on the COB based lights... saw this the other day
and been around the led forum here, just cant make the move yet. I had talked to a guy in CO who swears by the 3590 COB but just dont have time and $$ to really figure it all out. So, when is everything going to get straightened out so it is legal there?
If you go with the HPS, I would highly recommend some blue and uvb supplemental light. Your quality and potency will thank you.

600w HPS
2x UVB 10.0 T5/T8 (60-108w) [make extra sure the reflector on this light is aluminum, not white, white does not reflect UVB.
2x 6500k

Put 600w HPS in middle and have 2 standard (but with foil/aluminum reflector) shop lights, 1 on either side, with 1 UVB and 1 6500k in each fixture.
I had been looking into the UVB bulbs too... they say it helps pack on a lot in the end. Do you use them?
I had been looking into the UVB bulbs too... they say it helps pack on a lot in the end. Do you use them?
I use UVB 9.9 tanning bulbs. I tried out a UVB 10.0 reptile CFL on a grow about 2 years ago and from that point forward UVB will always be in my grow. I put it between two plants and the sides facing the CFL were significantly frostier and you could see the trics actually pointed at the light.

Just don't go overboard with it. 5w per sqft is about right.
I use UVB 9.9 tanning bulbs. I tried out a UVB 10.0 reptile CFL on a grow about 2 years ago and from that point forward UVB will always be in my grow. I put it between two plants and the sides facing the CFL were significantly frostier and you could see the trics actually pointed at the light.

Just don't go overboard with it. 5w per sqft is about right.
Had not looked into the tanning bulbs..everything was reptile... appreciate that tip... there was a few studies I saw that said use the uvb in the last couple of weeks to help pack on the trichomes...this is one I was reading...

Did the 10.0 reptile bulb do ok? Maybe I grab a couple of those since I have old 10inch reflectors sitting around that are aluminum and not white.
I never did a side by side of reptile vs tanning, but I believe the results are very similar.

I think some of the cheap reptile bulbs are putting some UVC light out as well. This is not good. UVC is significantly damaging to most forms of life, including humans and cannabis. If you go reptile, stick with ZooMed or another brand that gets good reviews (aka isn't killing reptiles.)
So many options out there and so many things to try. I hear you on the COB based lights... saw this the other day
and been around the led forum here, just cant make the move yet. I had talked to a guy in CO who swears by the 3590 COB but just dont have time and $$ to really figure it all out. So, when is everything going to get straightened out so it is legal there?
Yeah, I'll be getting the COBs for my main flower room eventually but imo these LEC 315's watt for watt can produce as well, I do like the COBs (I use some in a small breeding tent) for quality and of course they're a little cooler. These 315's run cool, somewhere between hps and COBs, but COBs definitely run cooler. But they are a much heavier investment, not sure if they're worth the difference tbh. I'll have to find out myself ;) RE: Legalization, ha, that's going to take 1-2 years at least, a lot of money up for grabs and money is the root of all evil as some would say so it'll slow things down. Plus we have a lot of more important issues to deal with here than legalization, as much as I'd like it I've been at this for 30+ years so no big deal one way or another ;)

I had been looking into the UVB bulbs too... they say it helps pack on a lot in the end. Do you use them?
Using the 315's no, I've tried them and they didn't do anything imo, but these 315's have a lot of UV and quite a wide spectrum range right up into the 730's. I tried 730nm too which is supposed to get them to sleep faster (fr/pfr) and shut it off as if anything they matured too fast with these 315's. When I switched to the 315's, there's something in the spectrum that speeds up maturity, knocked about 5 days on average off any strains I was growing. Others have seen the same observation. So when you take increased production watt-for-watt over hps which I've measured at 25% on average by converting my son's grow watt-for-watt, then add the benefit of reducing cycle times, watt-for-watt swaps are a no brainer with these bulbs.
Yeah, I'll be getting the COBs for my main flower room eventually but imo these LEC 315's watt for watt can produce as well, I do like the COBs (I use some in a small breeding tent) for quality and of course they're a little cooler. These 315's run cool, somewhere between hps and COBs, but COBs definitely run cooler. But they are a much heavier investment, not sure if they're worth the difference tbh. I'll have to find out myself ;) RE: Legalization, ha, that's going to take 1-2 years at least, a lot of money up for grabs and money is the root of all evil as some would say so it'll slow things down. Plus we have a lot of more important issues to deal with here than legalization, as much as I'd like it I've been at this for 30+ years so no big deal one way or another ;)

Using the 315's no, I've tried them and they didn't do anything imo, but these 315's have a lot of UV and quite a wide spectrum range right up into the 730's. I tried 730nm too which is supposed to get them to sleep faster (fr/pfr) and shut it off as if anything they matured too fast with these 315's. When I switched to the 315's, there's something in the spectrum that speeds up maturity, knocked about 5 days on average off any strains I was growing. Others have seen the same observation. So when you take increased production watt-for-watt over hps which I've measured at 25% on average by converting my son's grow watt-for-watt, then add the benefit of reducing cycle times, watt-for-watt swaps are a no brainer with these bulbs.
Thanks!!! I like cooler for sure, helps all around really... I am still trying to wrap my head around the output of these 315's... guess I am old and hard to re-learn stuff but the hps puts out so many lumens compared to them, but everything I am reading says they are so much better... I keep trying to break my thought process as I dont want to shell out 900bucks and then wish I hadn't. But by morning I will have a light ordered come hell or high water.

Slowly adding up the pros on these LEC's... better production (so I hear/read and understand), lower operating temps and UV along with a better spectrum...

Sad that politics and money get in the way of smart progress, but at least the wheels are in motion.
I would say if you go with a 315w CMH or 2, you will not be disappointed. Its easily my favorite light on market. At least sun systems, i hardly care for the others.

Sun System's has a nuts reflector, it looks like 5 bulbs are shining down instead of just 1.

And once again, i have an incredible 1000w hps setup; which i'm planning on replacing with 2x LEC 315.

My stocks under my 2xLEC315 are literally over double the size of my stalks under my 1000w hps.