Toaster D
Well-Known Member
I noticed how reflective my tent was, including the floor, but it was easy for me to look at the soil and the lower portion of the plant, because no light was being reflected back. It's fairly young, so most, if not all of the plant is directly over the soil. My plant is in a 3 gallon container.
I got a paper plate and used reflective tape to make the plate completely reflective (I guess an aluminum pie pan would work too) I cut a 1/2" wide groove from the outside of the plate to just past the center. This allowed me to slide it under the lowest branches and around the stem, but it lays perfectly over my 3 gallon container. I was surprised at the amount of light it reflects actually. Far from perfect, but even if it adds 10% more light to the bottom branches and budding spots it might be worth it?
It was affordable enough anyway. Thoughts? Im sure this has been tried in the past, but didnt see anything recently.
I got a paper plate and used reflective tape to make the plate completely reflective (I guess an aluminum pie pan would work too) I cut a 1/2" wide groove from the outside of the plate to just past the center. This allowed me to slide it under the lowest branches and around the stem, but it lays perfectly over my 3 gallon container. I was surprised at the amount of light it reflects actually. Far from perfect, but even if it adds 10% more light to the bottom branches and budding spots it might be worth it?
It was affordable enough anyway. Thoughts? Im sure this has been tried in the past, but didnt see anything recently.