Stinkbud's party

Those are some beautiful plants and they are complimented by an equally beautiful grow set up! We need people like you to make newbies like me have dreams to achieve! Cant wait to get some money and start school, i took photo in HS and haven't pursued it much but i loved it in school I'm only 21 so i have time to start...

You have inspired me! i think i want to go to school for photo! lol :hump:

+rep for everything!
I got back from vacation yesterday.

I'm seeing some interesting results from the CO2. Check out the photos and you can see what I'm talking about.

The buds on the left should be finishing about now but instead they started a new growth cycle and are putting on new flowers! WTF... I'm going to let them go and see how big they get. Check out the Medusa like dreadlocks on the AK47! again WTF...

The biggest change I've noticed is with the new girls on the right. Normally they should be light green and running like a track star. Instead they are staying low and dark green. The stems are a lot thicker and I can notice the plants are more turgid/stiff. The flower sites are really tight with many more pistils than normal. Check out the height difference between the plants on the left and the new plants on the right. CO2 baby!

Look's Like I'm Going To Have Too Look Into This Co2!!!!,,,,,,,,,MMMMMMMM,,,,,,,,,,There Are Looking Might Nice!!!,,,,,,,,Hell Ya, If They Want To Grow Some-More,,Why Say No????,,,,,,,,,,It Has To Be A Go Think!!!!EH!!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

BTW-Great Shot's!!!!
The new rebel is great! My intern just got one. I can't believe you can get such a good camera for such a low price. Amazing! I wouldn't mind having one just for the 1.6x multiplier. It would turn my 70-200mm into a 112-320mm f/4. I can buy a new rebel cheaper than a 300mm f/4!

f/2.8 is useful on the telephotos because it let's you run a shallow depth of field. Great for portraits because you can blur the background. You can also run a faster shutter speed which is very helpful for action photography. Oh can shoot in low light better, it focuses faster in low light and the viewfinder is brighter also.

f/2.8 lenses are not always sharper than their f/4 counterparts. The new 70-200 f/4 IS is just as sharp at the f/2.8 and is a lot lighter in both weight and price.:mrgreen:

Wide angle lenses have such a large depth of field already that you really only get a one stop shutter speed advantage using f/2.8 over f/4. You can get the same shutter speed at f/4 using and the next highest ISO setting. Nowadays the cameras are so clear of noise you can run up to ISO 800+ with no problems (unlike film).

Any of Canon's EF lenses are super sharp.

I always use a tripod and cable release when I work. Except for portraits or fun it's not worth taking the chance of a blurry photo. Tripods also force you to take more time and think about your composition.

I wish I could send you the link to my website but I have to keep my identity secret for obvious reasons.

Good luck with school! It must be starting soon. My intern is out of here in Aug to study photography in Utah. Part of his internship was trimming my bud:mrgreen:. He gets all the bud he can smoke!!! He doesn't know it yet but I'm sending the phat bag of blueberry with him to school! He's stoked!

I was thinking the same thing about the stops and almost 50% more $ just for that little extra but at the same time if its a one time buy and you got it I would think it would be worth it. Plus the value of the lens don't seem to be going down mostly with IS.

Thats cool I understand about your privacy, with out giving any info on your personal info do know of any good photo chat room/blogs?

Ya your intern will be shocked.kiss-asstrim those trees..... :mrgreen:
The flush is going well on latest crop.

I'm trying a new flushing formula recommended by the hydro shop. It's made by Supernatural and it's call Super Leach.

It works on the same principle as the other flushing solutions but it is also supposed to dissolve heavy metals also.

They recommend a 20min flush. That seemed way to short so I flushed for and hour instead. I'm running straight water now until harvest.

The CO2 is creating amazing growth! Stems are coming out super thick and everything is staying dark green and very healthy looking. I'm not seeing any tip burn either. It seems the plants can use all the nutrients I can give them now.

It felt like Christmas here yesterday. I went to one of the largest medical marijuana grows in the NW (think large forest). I do volunteer web work for them and provide for other patients so they hook me with what ever strains I want. They have tried everything available and have settled on these strains as the best.

This is my new quiver:
Purple Silver (Purple Kush X Silver Haze THE BEST of the best)
Shishkeberry (this has blueberry in it)
NYC Diesel
AK47 (This was the Sativa phenotype!)
Blueberry (I already had this cutting)
Elvy (I was told this is one of the best strains out right now)
Skunk #11 (I started these from fem seeds)
Goo (Anyone know about this strain?)
Papaya (I have a cutting coming today)

So I have 3 weeks in the cloner and another 3 weeks in veg before I can start budding these strains. At least I have a shit load of weed to smoke while I wait:mrgreen:.


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nice going bro. I'm pleased to here that the CO2 has made a difference. Those are some big cuttings in that cloner. I just put these in last night. Hope they root well. This will be my first attempt at using the aero cloner.

Fuckin sick man!! You have a small scale bud producing machine, I'm loving every bit of it. One day I'll will master the hydro/aero technique. Keep up the good grow. Again, very sick setup. You have a fan. lol.
Well another few days has past and it was time to harvest again.

The CO2 has really made things freak out in the flower room. Check out the photos of the harvest. The buds are huge.

The Blueberry came out unreal this time. I had vegged the plants longer and that is the key with this strain. Check out the photos of the trichromes!

I haven't finished trimming yet but you can see that everything went well.

Time to take the plants from the veg system into the flower room.

The Skunk #11 pants will stay for another three weeks or longer. As soon as they are big enough I will take cuttings and then flower them. They were started from fem seeds so I don't have to sex them.

The new cuttings that I brought in are barley hanging in there. I can see small pimples on the stems which means I should be good to go but it has taken a long time to see anything. Spraying them really took a toll on the plants health. The cuttings hate pesticides but there is no way I'm taking a chance on loosing everything to pests. (I have before!)

I also recieved another strain from the Oregon Coast that the locals there call Salmonberry because of the fruit smell. (Salmonberrys grow wild on the Oregon coast)

I'm also interviewing another patient this week. Hopefully we hit it off and I can help him. I'm very careful about only helping people truly in need. So I always make sure the person is legit before I help them. Chemo patients are my focus for personal reasons.


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I ended up with almost exactly 1lb. dry from this last harvest.

13.5oz. AK47
1.5oz. Blueberry
1oz. Tutti Fruity


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holy shit bro looks super tasty, wish i could get a setup goin like that... major props, lovin it... someday maybe, big dreams :) but remember u had mentioned this soild technique with the hydroton in the bottom and landscape cloth and pvc and what not, heres a pics tell me if it looks right to you, and also should i drill holes in the bottom of the bucket or will it be fine for drainage?? sorry to post in here but i couldn't figure out how to send u a pm with a pic..sorry stinkbud, if ya could hit me up with a pm or a comment in my journal that would be great and i would really appreciate it, thanks again for all the info... im thinkin about gettin my feet wet with hydro a little bit, next time i go home im gonna pick up some basic hydro shit and try it out,,, ill let ya know how it goes... thanks again for your help stinkbud much props bro....peace :blsmoke:


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"Growing with Guano" by Soma

I use square pots. I put a PVC pip in each corner of the pot. I keep the pipes about 1/2" off of the bottom.

I run the hydroton about 3-4" deep.

You need drain holes and a catch tray for the water that drains out

I like Fox Farm soil. Any pearlite will work.

I also use stainless steel window screen instead of landscaping cloth. It can be reused over and over again. Same with the hydroton, just rinse and reuse.

Get ready for some tasty bud bro!
thanks man i appreciate it a ton!!! im almost done with my first one and just wanted to get everything straightened out for my next one... cant wait to start this new technique, sounds like it works really well, plus i think i might get a little hydro setup for one plant to kinda get the hang of it first then maybe ill journey that way because it produces faster yields... thanks for all the infor stinkbud, major props, ill be keepin an eye on your grows, wish i could get a setup like that goin.. o well maybe someday, peace bro thanks again and sorry for postin in your journal, u can remove if ya wanna, peacez
Everything is going great as usual. The A/C was a life saver for my flower room as we have had temps in the triple digits for a week.

The CO2 really helps. I thought the limiting factor in my grow op may be CO2 and I was right. The colas are the biggest I've ever seen indoors!

The center plants are at 7 weeks now and I'll be starting the flush soon. I may wait a little longer this time so I can let my new cuttings veg longer.

I have roots on all nine of my new strains but one, NYC diesel. WTF is up with this strain I have no idea. Three weeks in the cloner and still no roots! I've never seen anything like this before. Every other strain has rooted a long time ago!

Half of my newest batch is Blueberry. I have yet to find any weed that tastes better. No wonder it's been around for 35+ years.


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Damn stinkbud! Good to hear the CO2 is working for you. What seedbank did the blueberry come from?

This strain has been passed around here in Oregon for 20+ years. It's the real deal. It smells exactly like blueberry when it is growing.

I have to be careful though because I can get a head rush every time I take a hit. Too big a puff and I cough forever.
Man sory about that my F...... computer. Well anyways you may not be able to help me cuz I don't have a tds/ppm meter or a digital ph meter(just old fashion drip kind). So I just started using home built aero system with foxfarms grow big(half solution). Lights two 20watt fluros(warmwhite,coolwhite) two to three inches above three of my plants. One of my plants is a week older than the others and it has what looks like nute burn, but I thought I was going by the books. Ph is at 6 usually a little bit lower. What does wind burn look like? It may be nothing but these are my "girls", you know. Also I was on 15/15 water schedule; I changed the 15/15 at night to 15/45.
have been having difficulty finding a timer that turns the pump on and off on your recommended interval, any suggestions?
have been having difficulty finding a timer that turns the pump on and off on your recommended interval, any suggestions?

It's called a cycle timer, it should have two knobs on it (one for the length of on-time and one for the length of off-time). A pretty nice and simple yet effective one is the IGS-11, btw sorry i dont mean to be intruding Stinkbud, just thought I would help out poawd3ry cause I had the same problem, they are sorta hard to find.