Flushing leaves hopefully didnt cause leaks HELP


Well-Known Member
Rollers I am in a tight situation.

IS IT SAFE TO DISPOSE OF LEAVES INTO THE TOITLET??? I shouldve asked this wayyy at the begining
I have had to dispose of stems leaves perlite and ffof all into my toilet in fear of my trash getting searched (root plugs were thrown away), but my biggest fear is my landlord finding out from the plumber that theres chunks of green leafy shit clogging up the septic system/ pipes. Ive been ripping tearing then rolling up leaves as much as possible to break all that shit up, hoping that they could break down along with shit since they are both organic. I havent flushed hardly any evidence in the last 3 days, and a gal of soil here and there for a couple weeks ago from males so Im begging for a coincidence same for the lights due to shotty work rather than an unfaithful ashamed tenant. I have used scissors for stems to be chopped into 1/4" pieces and if I had lots to dispose I would flush before the toilet was filled too much.

***My water is going to be turned off until it gets fixed, yet somehow the water in the main house is split so that they still have water but when they turn on water to MY fork in the plumbing, then the leak out in the yard bubbles up!!!! I am allowed to use the shower and toilet in the main house until it gets resolved (probably tomorow morning) BUT DOES ANYONE RECOMMEND DUMPING DRANO DOWN THEIR TOILETS TO DESTROY ANY EVIDENCE? Aswell as turn the water back onto my place temporarily to flush drano down my toilet?(since thats probably localized to the issue) I CANT HAVE A PLUMBER FIND THOSE LEAVES!!!!!!!!!!!!

I started my stealth grow in my rental on october 31st and is now 2 months and 2 weeks later. I have miraculously kept the op under the radar in the (almost) worst of situations. I had a neutral wire open in a separate circuit a week ago (not connected to the op circuit running ~1200 watts) that is causing a couple outlets and all the lights to not function. I figured it was the shotty work by the students who built the house. The first month here a leaky pipe in the sink had to get fixed (on a brand spankin new home) and was fixed by my landlord.
Earlier today the water shut off- I went outside to see that my landlord had to shut off my water due to a massive leak out in the yard. My tiny 1bdrm house was connected to the water and electricity long after the original main house im not living in was built on the property.

We share a septic system!!!!!!

So I inquired about the water leak and theres TWO leaks at the same time, a leak in the backyard (septic system is in the front yard) and a leak that is under the bathroom in the house that is near the main water control outside where the main splits off to mine and theres. I have no clue how pluming works but heres my issue.


Well-Known Member
I was afraid of stuff being found in the trash! Would leaves not break down?? i mean i eat kale and shit that out i the same bowl. How likely is it that they find a pipe plugged up with green characteristic leaves? I would mash it up as much as possible before I flushed D: The landlord is out for a couple hours, I still have time!!!! is drano going to help???


Well-Known Member
lol idk man, im.not a plumber, i would think it would take a while to break down, if ever if yiuve been flushing perlite.

why would you not just dump this somewhere. a store dumpster after hours..shit your trash, its what most people do. who is going through your trash.

are you trollin?


Well-Known Member
lol idk man, im.not a plumber, i would think it would take a while to break down, if ever if yiuve been flushing perlite.

why would you not just dump this somewhere. a store dumpster after hours..shit your trash, its what most people do. who is going through your trash.

are you trollin?
Dude ALL the stores around me lock their dumpsters, why would I be wasting my time trolling.......? I dumped a whole container of bleach down my toilet and some in the other drains and flushed it down, seriously I want real advice not slaps to the face, whatevers clogging likely cant be cleared before the plumber finds it but i just need to do whatever I need to to make sure that the clog will look nothing characteristic of anything suspicious, any chemicals that will help break it down and make the mush look less like recognizable leaves, my toilet hasnt been backing up or anything but wherever it gets filtered at the septic tank is my concern


Well-Known Member
Well fuck- bleach kills the bacteria that the septic tank needs to break down shit, so that probably made it worse, appreciate all the help RIU


Well-Known Member
Perlite can and will clog your shit up bro. Throw your shit in a plastic bag and dump it somewhere or just toss it out an hour before the trash gets picked up. As far as evidence, it takes time for that shit to break down. If you have drainage issues, perlite,petioles,stems ect could be evident and stuck at the drainage leak location.


Well-Known Member
sounds like its just the domestic water that is having issues, the pressured water for your sinks and filling toilets etc.... the sewer pipe (where the shit goes) is a completely different pipe... your leaves are mixed in a pile of poooo by now regardless.... i would say worst case you have a holding tank where your shit goes first, that has an access cover, which one may see an abundance of organic material... but it should be settled to the bottom under the poo water... and thats just worst case, more than likely its just a buried septic system, with no access lid to even be able to see anything... but Your plumber is just digging up a water line to repair a leak... so, i doubt hell even be looking at the septic system.

im on a city sewer system... i grind up small amounts in the garbage disposal... larger trimmings get tilled in the backyard flower beds...


Well-Known Member
sounds like its just the domestic water that is having issues, the pressured water for your sinks and filling toilets etc.... the sewer pipe (where the shit goes) is a completely different pipe... your leaves are mixed in a pile of poooo by now regardless.... i would say worst case you have a holding tank where your shit goes first, that has an access cover, which one may see an abundance of organic material... but it should be settled to the bottom under the poo water... and thats just worst case, more than likely its just a buried septic system, with no access lid to even be able to see anything... but Your plumber is just digging up a water line to repair a leak... so, i doubt hell even be looking at the septic system.

im on a city sewer system... i grind up small amounts in the garbage disposal... larger trimmings get tilled in the backyard flower beds...
Thank you that helped calm me down a bit


Well-Known Member
good now to keep it from happening again
tell a doc you have irrational paranoia and anxiety. maybe hell help you out.
then follow what everyone else does.
personally i reuse all my soil, fan leaves stems rootballs etc get tilled in. composted and unrecognized in a week. do it indoors or out. or even easier.. just throw it in the trash. your trash, a companies trash etc. not hard.
that idea was pretty terrible


Well-Known Member
For future disposal you could set up a worm bin. Just feed the leaves and stems to the worms and they will poop it out as fertilizer a little bit later.

I plugged a drain trying to flush leaves and stems back when I first started. Luckily the guy I called didn't question me as he pulled all the leaves and crap out. Lesson learned


Well-Known Member
His trash paranoia is accurate, The cops will send an empty trash truck down the street to collect all the trash for a predetermined block and they then take it to a location in the dump and empty the truck and the cops search the garbage for contraband. If they find something they then start paying more attention to activity and deliveries on the street. A buddy of mine works for the sanitation dept and used to tell me when they were going to search my old street.

You cold collect the veg parts and keep them in a paper bag and burn it at a later date in like the bbq or a trash can, you could just drive down the street and throw it out the window as one member said, bury it if it is possible, allow it to completely dry and crumble it up and flush it.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
if that was true myself and many others wouldnt be here

cops arent just looking through trash

you wouldnt believe the stuff ive put in the trash, from weapons to lbs of pills, named pill bottles, grow supplies, pipes etc


Well-Known Member
I would rather play that one safe. If your trash collector spots anything that is a big security risk. The risk of getting busted or robbed skyrockets when people know about a grow. This is the stealth forum btw


Well-Known Member
You cold collect the veg parts and keep them in a paper bag and burn it at a later date in like the bbq or a trash can.

Good Luck
i thought this would be a good idea one time when i first started... i was grilling out one night and thought ' ill just throw these on the coals when im done' It wasnt a large pile... but that smell is pretty unmistakeable, lol... even if it is just fans leaves. I just remember thinking 'damn, it kinda smells like weed out here *pause.... well duh...' So ya, I never did that again.... just save it in a bag, and dig a hole out back...


Well-Known Member
man... from the title of this thread, I didn't know WHAT to expect...
I was cruising by to flame the "flushing"...
little did I know he was being literal...
Now I have nothing to say..


Well-Known Member
I was afraid of stuff being found in the trash! Would leaves not break down?? i mean i eat kale and shit that out i the same bowl. How likely is it that they find a pipe plugged up with green characteristic leaves? I would mash it up as much as possible before I flushed D: The landlord is out for a couple hours, I still have time!!!! is drano going to help???
Did a hole and bury them.
Or shred them and add a layer of grassclippings on top, and they'll compost in like 20 days.
Treat it like your check book or financial info..
Shred it... nobody is going to piece it all together like a puzzle man... that's some serious paranoia there..


Well-Known Member
Did a hole and bury them.
Or shred them and add a layer of grassclippings on top, and they'll compost in like 20 days.
Treat it like your check book or financial info..
Shred it... nobody is going to piece it all together like a puzzle man... that's some serious paranoia there..
He also stated he lives on the same property as his landlord