Donald Trump is a racist


Well-Known Member
"In an episode early in Donald Trump’s career, his New York real estate company was sued by the federal government for discriminating against potential black renters. After a lengthy legal battle, it ultimately agreed to wide-ranging steps to offer rentals to nonwhites.

The little-remembered case provides crucial context for the current discussion centering on Trump and race. The celebrity businessman made news last month when he declared, “I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks.”

He has recently come under fire for attacks on President Obama that critics havedescribed as racially tinged. CBS anchor Bob Schieffer, for example, said Wednesday there is “an ugly strain of racism” in Trump’s recent (baseless) accusations that President Obama should not have been admitted to Columbia. Also yesterday, Trump told a black reporter, unprompted, “Look I know you are a big Obama fan.”

The discrimination case began in the earliest days of Trump’s career, when he was still in his 20s..."


Well-Known Member
if that is even true, you always go for the one who expresses the racism most openly. you sick fuck.
Sorry buck you throw the racism card more then any other member. Thanks for playing. Try again next time. As I'll say again I am not racist. I have mixed family and gay family. Do you have such racist bigot. Sorry I forgot you don't you just blab your trap for the amusement of others


Well-Known Member
It's call tolarence. You can be racist, if you want. You just can't discriminate against them.

I think homosexuality is wrong and goes against nature. I don't walk around hating on gay ppl.

It's their life so fuck it.