Rev - peace - I'm just curious. Asking kindly and respectfully bro
I can only answer this honestly and tell you the end result.
God told me I did this before and others and it was time to wake up and I suppose he answered through the humility and pain and tears.
I seen years ago that THC oil did nothing but treat and little to cure.
Once I used a halide and gave the trees more time, the longer I left them to ripen, the better and hotter the oil got and started curing ailments left and right.
By the time I had run out helping others as well, my wife got a brain tumor and had it removed and went blind.
The oil would have cured her and finished my healing, however I kept getting shut down close to harvest and this went on for three years.
Nearly two years ago we moved to Colorado to escape the hell back home and to hopefully educate on the real truth of this tree and make the oil that will speak for itself and finish our healing and set this tree free as people will finally understand what it really is and does.
I brought my own seeds from brick collecting in tn.
Got here and seen right off the confusion, the early cutting and mite and mildew issues people face with weak genetics and the fact everyone used sodium lights and too many of them and not enough technique. Plus the synthetic fertilizers.
Said, thanks lord, I seem to have a mountain in front of me besides the one outside the window, so I guess we will chop it down like Hendrix with an edge in hand.
First summer here of 2014, I was playing music with kids outside and got hit by mosquito and got west Nile virus with same symptoms as the mumps.
Should be dead from that also as secondary infections were building up and god sent me through a young boy to manitou springs and the water destroyed the infections and by grace saved me again.
Been in allot of discomfort and my first grow I decided that summer to get haze blue dream and 91 chemdawg and sure enough mites.
Bred a pure oaxacan male to them and others and been trying to make good genetics that make the best oil.
Facing other things and at times discomforts that put me on the floor, has made things difficult and being in a smaller space than use to.
I also kept trusting in a friend to let his trees ripen proper for oil and he kept cutting earlier than he was supposed to.
Its on me, period and I know that now or I will not heal or my wife see and the tree will remain unfree.
Nobody listens? Stubbornness? Fear?
Give time my brother and more ripen bud will surely reach the scientists lab and indeed everyone can know what the chemicals are and doing.
As stated above, I needed no lab anyway to tell me what was obvious.
10-15 week bud and its oil treated. 20 or more week ripened bud and the trichromes kept changing as well as tree color to eventually gold like a banana and it cured whatever it touched brother.
Then through study and guidance and a little common sense from previous mental adventures and readings in my life came together.
I honestly found what it was in 6000 year old drawings and asked god why it look different then.
Then he told me, but that's not for now as I puked out a little about it on here and what my avatar was and I might as well been speaking Greek with a redneck accent.
It is the cursed tree of wisdom from eden and the lord of Edens god and many are confused in this world because of false teachings that are later defended by those dooped.
The truth will soon make people run to god faster than ever as they will understand him better and realize among other things that even though this tree like all of us are actually devolved lol, it still must be ripened like the fruit it is.
THC is a green banana if you will and as it ripens and those cannabinoids replace the THC, it becomes a healing machine as it was for the annunaki then, oops.
One love, rev.thenatural