The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Aparently the cobs are from the chinks that invented them so they've most the patents on em . citizen electronics is the name all the reviews on the cobs are consistently banging n quite the opposite of your assumption lol
Apparently? or they are?

I just normally assume made in china= shite lmao


Well-Known Member
A lad also did a side by side on 420mag n they looked great...I said aparently cuz I've not used em myself n I've seen some dodgy leds in my time so am always skeptical with em


Well-Known Member
A lad also did a side by side on 420mag n they looked great...I said aparently cuz I've not used em myself n I've seen some dodgy leds in my time so am always skeptical with em
yeah id be slightly skeptical as well, ive been reading the LED forum on here for well over a year now n never once heard Citiled mentioned, an this is the ppl that spend all day going over datasheets/new COB releases etc etc must be a reason the only ever talk about Cree COB`s in there etc


Well-Known Member
Yeah ive been reading it the past few weeks aswell n ive not seem em mentioned either n thats alot of money to drop on a few good reviews so ill probaby go with the cfls n if im not pleased with the 250w ill go with the good ol 250 mh in a cool tube


Well-Known Member
Yeah ive been reading it the past few weeks aswell n ive not seem em mentioned either n thats alot of money to drop on a few good reviews so ill probaby go with the cfls n if im not pleased with the 250w ill go with the good ol 250 mh in a cool tube
your best bet is to ask SupraSPL/Greengenes707/Rahz, they should be abl;e to tell you off the top of his head if these are any good or not etc


Well-Known Member
The AA have warned that anyone travelling in icy conditions should take a shovel, blankets/sleeping bag, extra clothing (including scarf, hat and gloves), 24 hour supply of food and drink, de-icer, rock salt, torch, spare battery, petrol can, first aid kit and jump leads.
I felt like a right muppet on the bus!


Well-Known Member
The AA have warned that anyone travelling in icy conditions should take a shovel, blankets/sleeping bag, extra clothing (including scarf, hat and gloves), 24 hour supply of food and drink, de-icer, rock salt, torch, spare battery, petrol can, first aid kit and jump leads.
I felt like a right muppet on the bus!
In other words, take enough smoke to get you through the night!

After all, no ones ever died from smoking weed right?:)


Well-Known Member
just up potted some want to put them in 10l pots but tent to small lol and 2 ssh im throwing away cant be dealing with there bull shit SDC12852.JPG SDC12853.JPG


Well-Known Member
Uk grower here. Paying £240 for an ounce when I can get it or £20 for 1.8g bag ! Hence growing my own. Got three 24 K Gold, 1 pineapple skunk, 1 Holy Grail Kush, 1 Cheese and 1 Lemon Walker on the Go. Has anyone used Guanokanalong bat soil before ? When potting up I noticed a few little yellow balls in the soil that look like BB pelets and have white shit inside when you pop the, found about 15 in total ! I picked them out thinking it might be Fungus Gnat eggs but a mate of mine recons that its slow release feed added to the soil. Anyone any ideas all help appreciated, cheers.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Well boys I'm off to deepest darkest London for a week. Just up from canning town Plaistow I think its called. Area looks rough as haha my boss said it reminded him of the rough part of where we used to live. Full of chicken shops & west indian types.


Well-Known Member
Well boys I'm off to deepest darkest London for a week. Just up from canning town Plaistow I think its called. Area looks rough as haha my boss said it reminded him of the rough part of where we used to live. Full of chicken shops & west indian types.
Most of London is rough tbh and it's 50/50 with the chicken shops lol some will kill ya others are nice

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Hahah it really does sound like home. I'll just be after a decent pint or two end of the evening. Out pakistani mate down there's gonna take us to the Lahore gaff I've been before it was lush but fuck me was it hot. Home style aye fuckin stuck at home on the bog style