underwatered, causing them not to uptake the nutrients they need properly. how often do you water again? how much water do you give them?
Usually when they feel light so like every 3-5days. There in 5 gallon buckets. I feed between half to 3/4 of a gallon at a time.
and you feed every time, right? it may just be a moisture related stress problem, since i know promix likes go to from wet to damp - never dry. is it bx or hp?
u got some burning on one of those looks like u turned plant so it don't show?? I think less food more water
It's promix hp and I do feed every time but I usually feed half strength and if I start to see any tips burning I drop it down to quarter strength for a time or two then bump it back up. I use advanced nutrients. Grow micro bloom ph perfect base and b52 in veg along with silica every other water. Then when I get to flowering add big bud, bud candy, nirvana, bud ignitor, bud factor x, overdrive all when they are recommended at half strength. I usually never have problems. From two 1000 watt lights I average 3.5-4 lbs. Been running same strain for a year and a half also. One thing is it is freezing cold where I'm at and at nigjt when thr lights are off the room gets down to the mid 60s. I checked the temp of some water I had sitting out the other days and it was 66°. Is that too cold for the roots? There sitting on the floor but it's carpeted and standing on it with bare feet it's not cold at all.
Ok guys while watering today I notice some of the lower leaves have some odd spots on them and look worse than the rest of the plant. So pulled them off and inspected them very closely under a light. I appear to see some kind of very small worms or larvae. I did see some small fungas gnats 3 or 4 weeks ago but once I increased air flow and placed sticky traps they went away. Could these be the larvae? I thought they stayed in dirt? These are on just the underside of the leaves, and only certain leaves have them. Also it's ONLY lower growth. They are way too small to get a photo sorry.
It's promix hp and I do feed every time but I usually feed half strength and if I start to see any tips burning I drop it down to quarter strength for a time or two then bump it back up. I use advanced nutrients. Grow micro bloom ph perfect base and b52 in veg along with silica every other water. Then when I get to flowering add big bud, bud candy, nirvana, bud ignitor, bud factor x, overdrive all when they are recommended at half strength. I usually never have problems. From two 1000 watt lights I average 3.5-4 lbs. Been running same strain for a year and a half also. One thing is it is freezing cold where I'm at and at nigjt when thr lights are off the room gets down to the mid 60s. I checked the temp of some water I had sitting out the other days and it was 66°. Is that too cold for the roots? There sitting on the floor but it's carpeted and standing on it with bare feet it's not cold at all.
You should put a temp gauge on your pots to see the temps down there. Also you mentioned you had some water sitting out and it was 66. Do you usually pay attention to water temps before watering?
Also after inspection further it may actually be thrips? I'm lost...the plants don't look bad now (not perfect either)but I did see some small flying fruit fly like bugs flying a few weeks back. I put sticky traps out and caught all 15 of them. The traps have been out and no new flys. So i assumed they are gone. But like I said I seen the larvae kind of bugs on the underside of the leaf. after doing research I ruled out the fungas gnats because I've checked the dirt, and I'm seeing no new flys in the last 3 weeks or so. But after looking I did see a few bugs running on the tops of the leaves that resemble the pics of a thrip. Plus the leaf damage resembles that of thrips also. I ordered monterey garden insect spay. I read several different times that people have had good luck with this. I'll know tomorrow. I payed for next day delivery. Thanks guys.
You should put a temp gauge on your pots to see the temps down there. Also you mentioned you had some water sitting out and it was 66. Do you usually pay attention to water temps before watering?

I never really used to pay much attention. But now I use a digital ph reader that also tells temp. So i usually stay around 68°-70° when watering.
One of the worse ones. Could it be lack of nutrients? I've been doing about 50%. Would that cause them to appear over watered?
I noticed ur in lowes buckets......this could b my imagination but everytime I've planted into those buckets I've had the same issue
Well as I sit here patiently waiting for my spray to arrive (later tonight or tomorrow) o can't help but wonder if on top of a small outbreak of thrips if I'm also battling either a deficiency or a toxicity. From all I read I don't see anywhere where it says thrips will make the overall plant seem droopy. Any ideas?
Well as I sit here patiently waiting for my spray to arrive (later tonight or tomorrow) o can't help but wonder if on top of a small outbreak of thrips if I'm also battling either a deficiency or a toxicity. From all I read I don't see anywhere where it says thrips will make the overall plant seem droopy. Any ideas?
Thrips won't. They will leave a dragging mark on your leafs which if not felt with could/will ruin leaves. So be sure there thrips, also be sure there not root aphids, honestly I'm not sure if root aphids will make a plant droop. I am sure they will ruin a crop if not felt with.
I pulled one out. It was stuck and had to really pull. Is that bad on the plant? I could feel minor tearing haha. Do these roots look ok?


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Yes they are. I typically go 1212 this friday. I just wanted to get whatever was happening cleared up. should i be in bigger pots?
I don't know, if you've done that same grow then you would probably know. Thats a good amount of roots though. Maybe start a thread with that pic. Something like "Is this root ball too big for these pots with 9 weeks to flower"
I don't know, if you've done that same grow then you would probably know. Thats a good amount of roots though. Maybe start a thread with that pic. Something like "Is this root ball too big for these pots with 9 weeks to flower"
Thank you, good advice.