What Is "DRO"?


Well-Known Member
alot of people love "dro" where i live, but is "dro" a strain of weed or is it
any weed that is grown hydroponically?the dro around here is light green with
no seeds,adn its powerful.:? :joint:
its an acronym for hydroponic. however people use the term to signify quality.


Well-Known Member
in fairness, i get alot of brick but its good quality. red haired, maybe its purple. usually smells cheesy, citrusy or diesely when ground. i mean i cant hate on it

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. sometimes when my tolerance is real high ill switch to reggie because i kinda ave to have something , it keeps me from being a complete dick and my receptors have the opportunity to return to... near baseline. after a week or so i get blasted of my homegrown again.. i either switch drugs entirely or do this, for example i havent smoked in a few days.. but ive been taking alot of opiates instead. here in a week or so ill go back to weed. alternating like this keeps me fulfilled in my drug use..

doesnt taste as good aint as potent, but it works. and as long as it aint crap brick perfectly fine to chief on.

