EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

About londons concern of employer tax of 6.2% for Medicare expansion (single payer)..employers already pay 1.45%..let that sink in..he's kind of being a Henny Penny and evading my questions about his 50EE payroll..I'm thinking he 1099's everyone they're really subcontractors for which he's not an really an employer..therefore he pays no taxes which is why he wouldn't give me the answers I sought.
If you even owned a small business you would understand how we don't necessarily have to provide healthcare if we are under 50 full time. Sure I may miss out on a tax credit, but I still would have to pay more in the long run. Get off your ass and get a job and stop depending on others to take care of you.
If you even owned a small business you would understand how we don't necessarily have to provide healthcare if we are under 50 full time. Sure I may miss out on a tax credit, but I still would have to pay more in the long run. Get off your ass and get a job and stop depending on others to take care of you.


Now back to Bernie Sanders..

Surely that's no one here:lol:
yeah right :roll:
Don't you think you would have more money in your account if you spent more time working and obtaining VS taking and complaining.
I need only one account to get my point across. I have no need to make another account to agree with me. Pathetic
Non issues? "world leaders" to tax our use of carbon? Issue.
Terrorism, the alleged reason for spending trillions of tax dollars? Issue. Gun control-non issue

Obvi you're not talking about Bernie..I've provided you with a link on Sanders' FACTS..what you were talking about were old talking points.
If you even owned a small business you would understand how we don't necessarily have to provide healthcare if we are under 50 full time. Sure I may miss out on a tax credit, but I still would have to pay more in the long run. Get off your ass and get a job and stop depending on others to take care of you.
She even got a pretty good divorce settlement too...
I vote for Bernie and if by some slim chance he doesn't get the nod..I won't vote.

I really see no difference between Clinton and Those Conservative turds.
No difference between Trump and Clinton? No difference between Cruz and Clinton? Come on now. Maybe not much difference between J Bush and H Clinton in terms of their oatmeal-like personalities. But the kind of governance shown in the last Bush Republican administration is very different than one that we would see in a Clinton one.

Just saying, no way I'm going to throw my vote away if Bernie doesn't make the nomination. Not voting because you don't like the candidate that beat the one you liked is like throwing away a lottery ticket that won back your $2 just because you didn't win the jackpot. Look at the Republican party's affiliation with the 1% and tell me that your and the other 99%'s concerns would matter to them.
No difference between Trump and Clinton? No difference between Cruz and Clinton? Come on now. Maybe not much difference between J Bush and H Clinton in terms of their oatmeal-like personalities. But the kind of governance shown in the last Bush Republican administration is very different than one that we would see in a Clinton one.

Just saying, no way I'm going to throw my vote away if Bernie doesn't make the nomination. Not voting because you don't like the candidate that beat the one you liked is like throwing away a lottery ticket that won back your $2 just because you didn't win the jackpot. Look at the Republican party's affiliation with the 1% and tell me that your and the other 99%'s concerns would matter to them.

Look at the Democrat party's affiliation with the 1% and show me a difference...
Look at the Democrat party's affiliation with the 1% and show me a difference...
You are telling me to look up information for you? Just once, post something with useful information.

Bernie has the nerve to say what needs saying. This strange amalgam of private pay and insurance company-control of the US healthcare system is not working. Its time to move on to a modern healthcare system just like other 1st world countries. Also, the endless stream of nonsense about cutting spending to reduce the national debt is unhinged. Taxes need to go up and the people that will carry that freight are the wealthy. As Barney said in his post, "show me a difference". Well I just gave him two.
I can answer to my half of this; because we've done our homework and we AGREE on what needs to be done.

Why are you complaining? Are your own sycophants not eloquent, logical or reasoned enough for your liking?
Why do you keep liking your own sock puppet's posts?
Um, both parties are so heavily affiliated with the 1%, it's disgusting. Bill Clinton supported Pinochet until the bitter end. Bill Clinton repealed Glass-Stegal that acted as a firewall between investment and commercial banking, now we have a one-world Goldman-Sachs government and every position is a debt position. Also NAFTA, just like the TPP, took jobs overseas and was sponsored by robber barons. Democrats are not for working people, nor will they make weed legal. Obama cries on TV over gun deaths and then sells guns to bronze-age peasants and terrorists to then make the case for drone strikes (first one in Pakistan his 3rd day in office). Here's a leaked memo of Clinton directly stating that she went ahead with the Libyan war to stop the Lion of Tripoli from forming a gold-backed currency. https://www.foia.state.gov/searchap...learedMeta/31-C1/DOC_0C05779612/C05779612.pdf

She's a neo-con to the biggidy-bone y'all (and Bill is likely an actual pedo, look up his connection to that piece of shit CEO of Bear-Stearns Jeffery Epstein). Vote for Trump if she's nominated, or vote for a real candidate like Gary Johnson. You think Trump hates Muslims (he doesn't from what I've seen), Hillary has orchestrated armed thugs to depose the legitimate government of one of the most progressive countries in the middle-east, killing hundreds of thousands of Libyans for the sake of American billionaires and created the refugee crisis. Bernie's no angel either, being pro-Israel is being anti-Palestine as he's demonstrated clearly. Don't forget the hundreds of millions that died under communism, they were real people with feelings that starved to death in China, east Asia, and the Soviet Bloc. The only hope for the US is isolationism and moving away from fiat-based vulnerabilities in the global market. Trump seems to know what he's talking about with the only mention of tariffs on imports I've heard from an establishment candidate and stopping the disaster of Obamacare and welfare expansion that only further devalues the dollar by increasing the debt load (worse for poor people in the aggregate).

More neo-liberal policy = more death, war, spending, debt, and expanded federal jurisdiction that will strip more of the world's rights away. Democrats are not working for you. Republicans are DEFINITELY not working for you (Santorum jumping up and down wanting to bomb Iran for our sailors getting "lost" and treated inordinately well by Iran's Navy, more soldiers in caskets bravo). The fact that the Republican party is so outspoken against Trump leads me to believe he is their strategy, so I'm reticent to support him. The Streisand Effect is real, they know the more he barks, the more they bite. Vote for Johnson if anything, we need an ideologically consistent libertarian if we don't want to go full Kurt Russell in the next ten years. I'll tell you Sanders is a piece of shit, has to be, if he organized for MLK jr. It's all been declassified, look up what kind of person King was and his very overt ties to the radical-communist party trying to make inroads into the US. Communism isn't cool guys, it was a deliberate plot for a bunch of Russian Jewish oligarchs to seize all the levers of control over vast expanses of land and treat humans like chattel. This is just historical fact, I'm not anti-jew, just pro-liberty. Why did Sanders change his last name though? I don't trust him, career politicians are almost invariably horrible people. Like how is his cognitive dissonance reconciled? "I support Obama and think he is a good president." Obama's started like 7 new wars, bailed out banks twice (once secretly), forced Americans into involuntary servitude to insurance companies (that ransom sick childrens' health), and will go down in history as the Drone-King. You want to vote for the guy that supports Obama?
Here's some more perspective from Dr. Paul:
