Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if you maybe don't know this, but Colorado isn't in Canada.
And not one portion of those articles points to any patient who says 'I got weed from a dispensary and got sick.'
I'm not sure if you maybe don't know this, but Colorado isn't in Canada.
And not one portion of those articles points to any patient who says 'I got weed from a dispensary and got sick.'
I'm not sure if you maybe don't know this, but Colorado isn't in Canada.
And not one portion of those articles points to any patient who says 'I got weed from a dispensary and got sick.'
I do grow my own, but I believe in a legal framework for business to operate.
Everyone should be able to grow their own.
Those who build a business should have their investments protected by a legal framework that all players are expected to abide by.
e: You seem to be confused over what a 'legal right' constitutes in regards to cannabis.
The legislative branch does not deal at all with establishing rights in the context of the Charter. The government permitting home growing in legislation does not have anything to do with establishing a 'right'. The CPC can get back in next term and completely abolish it. This is exactly why the MMAR was able to be replaced.
Allard, pending some miracle by Turmel is going to be the final word (minus appeals of course) on growing.
We're talking about dispensaries in Canada, soooooooo I guess it's nice you found stories from somewhere not in Canada?
Please show evidence of dispensaries in Canada 'spraying' weed.
Also let's be clear about 'spraying', everyone sprays their plants with something, whether it's water or nutrients. The concern here is whether the something is a pesticide proven harmful to humans.
It's funny to see people cast aspersions of hypocrisy at others when they're guilty of the same thing.
e: And bang on regarding the MMPR applicant process, if the Conservatives didn't mind letting the system get bogged down, you can be sure the Liberals aren't going to change that until they know what legalization looks like.
As I've said, the onus is not on me. If you can't prove your conjecture, then I guess we're done.Prove they haven't be sprayed.
Exactly my point, you I nor anyone can conclusively prove where it came from or how it was grown.
You good with that? There are plenty of posts from people in here that wouldn't be.
As I've said, the onus is not on me. If you can't prove your conjecture, then I guess we're done.
e: And this should actually be really easy for you. Adhering to proof by contradiction, all you have to do is post one reference to someone in Canada who got sick from dispensary product.
- They’re not just blowing smoke.
Canada’s licensed medical marijuana producers are calling on the federal government to put an end to illegal marijuana dispensaries across the country.
The Canadian Medical Cannabis Industry Association, which represents the 27 cannabis producers licensed and inspected by Health Canada, says these dispensaries – 100 in Vancouver and nearly 50 in Toronto alone – have sprouted up aggressively over the past year or so and put public safety in danger.
“The situation is getting out of control,” the association’s executive director Colette Rivet said in a statement. “In the past few months, more than 30 dispensaries have opened in Toronto, selling illegal, unregulated marijuana to people, many of whom are not aware that they are breaking the law.”
Rivet is concerned products sold at dispensaries come from unknown sources without quality control, no guarantee they don’t contain contaminants, no product recall system, and no interest “in properly protecting the interests of legitimate medical cannabis patients.
“It’s time for the federal government to step in and bring clarity to the situation, by clearly explaining the legal status of medical and non-medical cannabis, and stopping the rapid spread of illegal marijuana stores,” Rivet said. “The current environment of uncertainty is benefiting criminal organizations, which is counter to the federal government’s stated policy of divorcing cannabis production and distribution from criminal elements.”
B.C. Supreme Court justice Paul Walker ruled earlier this week that operating a marijuana dispensary is illegal, and granted the City of Abbotsford an injunction to shut down a dispensary.
A spokesman from the Department of Justice Canada said it would be premature to speculate on what the upcoming legalization of marijuana will look like and until then, existing laws remain in force.
“(Dispensaries) sell untested products that may be unsafe and of particular risk to kids,” said spokesman Ian McLeod. “They are supplied by illegal growers. These are exactly the concerns that the government’s plans will address.”
Until then, it’s up to local authorities to police dispensaries, McLeod added.
The Canadian Association of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries say that CMCIA is “shooting the messenger.
“Any call to close dispensaries right now while we’re trying to figure out what legalization will look like will directly and adversely affect tens of thousands of patients across the country,” said the organization’s president Jamie Shaw.
“We pointed out all along the system was flawed. They chose to invest anyway and are now blaming us for the fact they’re not doing well.”
Except many do testing, they have great incentive not to poison their patients - unlike the LPs who are legally allowed to poison their patients and want it to remain th at way with no competition - and have great incentive to provide the best quality product in general due to huge competition.
These arguments without any kind of basis at all make me wanna throw up.
Have we not all bought a bag of "suspect" weed?
This is why we want to grow our own, so we know what's in it and to save cash.
how can people promote other "med patients" buy from places that are not regulated and forced by law to be safe?
It's half a dozen of one and six of the other.
If you don't know what is allowed to be used, where it was obtained or how it was grown than how can you possibly sit there and promote it as the best choice for sick people?
I don't understand this crowd at times, I understand your fight, but I don't understand the methods or ideology.
Uh because I think med patients should be responsible for themselves, because giving up on your own personal responsibility always leads to the worst kind of government - every single time in history. Yeah, that's why. And if a dispensary sells you some bunk laced with poison - prove it and sue the shit out of them. They won't be doing it again and other dispensaries will think twice.
Every bag you buy from an LP will be government approved GARBAGE. They are legally allowed to throw poisons into their cannabis (which by the way, I, and many other producers DO NOT do). Actinovate? Nasty shit. Would never touch my plants.
Reality is the product at dispensaries is of much higher quality. And it's also less likely to be sprayed with anything.
Uh because I think med patients should be responsible for themselves, because giving up on your own personal responsibility always leads to the worst kind of government - every single time in history.
So you think a legal framework with restrictions is worse than an anonymous market that you rely on good faith and blind trust to ensure that they will do what's legal and safe ahead of profits without regulation?
I'm sorry, they've already shown no regard for a legal and safe framework so I won't trust their "word".
You don't have to trust their word. You can get your product tested yourself in a free market. And if they're poisoning you, you can sue them or use another store if you're so inclined.
As it is now, they (the only supposed legal source) can simply legally poison you. Period, end of story, no way to avoid it.
I don't disagree, it is a broken system.
The 200+ hopefuls got shafted by an anti mj gov and so did patients at every turn.
i know what it takes to build a business and invest profits back in, I understand both sides of the lp argument. I just see things from a broader perspective.
The only thing I really disagree with is the advantage part.
A cc is local to those who use them or close enough to visit for the most part, they're selling product that was not subject to the overhead costs of running an lp nor subject to the regulations.
They do have an unfair advantage not to mention the legality factor, if that were my investment, I'd be pissed.
I have no problems with cc's dispensaries or any other way to obtain. If the playing field gets levelled for everybody I think that's the best, and most rational outcome.
How that can or will happen, I don't know.
People blindly trust what they're getting is what they're told.
Do you really think people are buying a bag and going to have it tested before they use it? Odds are slim, we both know that so that argument really isn't fair or accurate.
Who's going to win a lawsuit suing someone for buying something that both parties knew was ilegal?
There are legitimate arguments for both sides, but both should be regulated and safe. There is no argument to suggest otherwise.
No regulation is a level playing field. But you're not OK with that. Instead you want the government to be able to pick who wins and who loses and what kind of poisons are OK for you and what aren't. Seriously, fuck off.