EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Also under Eric Holder (Obama appointed), we sold fully automatic military grade arms to drug cartels while locking up people for weed because Obama's got his hands tied up making gay marriage (important) legal with the same precedent that would make weed federally legal with one pen stroke (interpretation of the Due Process clause). Then when Holder steps down, we get Lynch, who almost immediately has to deal with DEA agents going to drug-cartel sponsored orgies at tax-payers' expense on her watch. Bernie very vocally supports Obama. Do you really think you can trust him even on the weed issue?
And not to just lampoon Bernie, I know a lot of what I said comes off as the same mudslinging he-said-she-said kind of stuff. I know he isn't Obama and has to posture to secure his place in the democratic party to get nominated, but that's the kind of thing that's got us into this mess. Trump has been disowned by his party and hasn't capitulated at all, making him the most probable candidate for president (to take the whole thing). When you start saying things just to assuage the establishment's sense of propriety to win votes, they hold your feet to the flames later. Their sense of propriety is perpetual war and the short arms and deep pockets of special interest groups, remember. It isn't insignificant to point out where someone's alliances are: you lie down with dogs and you wake up with fleas, they say.

Be really careful about how you look at this race. Trump might be a ringer, Hillary will likely cheat, and Sanders may have just been another ringer to disenfranchise everyone from the democratic party so only the most oblivious blue-haired corn-syrup-swilling morons show up to vote for their favorite color. Wouldn't be the first time (billionaire Ross Perot running independent long enough to intentionally hand his supporters over to Bill Clinton to secure the race in '92.)
Um, both parties are so heavily affiliated with the 1%, it's disgusting. Bill Clinton supported Pinochet until the bitter end. Bill Clinton repealed Glass-Stegal that acted as a firewall between investment and commercial banking, now we have a one-world Goldman-Sachs government and every position is a debt position. Also NAFTA, just like the TPP, took jobs overseas and was sponsored by robber barons. Democrats are not for working people, nor will they make weed legal. Obama cries on TV over gun deaths and then sells guns to bronze-age peasants and terrorists to then make the case for drone strikes (first one in Pakistan his 3rd day in office). Here's a leaked memo of Clinton directly stating that she went ahead with the Libyan war to stop the Lion of Tripoli from forming a gold-backed currency. https://www.foia.state.gov/searchap...learedMeta/31-C1/DOC_0C05779612/C05779612.pdf

She's a neo-con to the biggidy-bone y'all (and Bill is likely an actual pedo, look up his connection to that piece of shit CEO of Bear-Stearns Jeffery Epstein). Vote for Trump if she's nominated, or vote for a real candidate like Gary Johnson. You think Trump hates Muslims (he doesn't from what I've seen), Hillary has orchestrated armed thugs to depose the legitimate government of one of the most progressive countries in the middle-east, killing hundreds of thousands of Libyans for the sake of American billionaires and created the refugee crisis. Bernie's no angel either, being pro-Israel is being anti-Palestine as he's demonstrated clearly. Don't forget the hundreds of millions that died under communism, they were real people with feelings that starved to death in China, east Asia, and the Soviet Bloc. The only hope for the US is isolationism and moving away from fiat-based vulnerabilities in the global market. Trump seems to know what he's talking about with the only mention of tariffs on imports I've heard from an establishment candidate and stopping the disaster of Obamacare and welfare expansion that only further devalues the dollar by increasing the debt load (worse for poor people in the aggregate).

More neo-liberal policy = more death, war, spending, debt, and expanded federal jurisdiction that will strip more of the world's rights away. Democrats are not working for you. Republicans are DEFINITELY not working for you (Santorum jumping up and down wanting to bomb Iran for our sailors getting "lost" and treated inordinately well by Iran's Navy, more soldiers in caskets bravo). The fact that the Republican party is so outspoken against Trump leads me to believe he is their strategy, so I'm reticent to support him. The Streisand Effect is real, they know the more he barks, the more they bite. Vote for Johnson if anything, we need an ideologically consistent libertarian if we don't want to go full Kurt Russell in the next ten years. I'll tell you Sanders is a piece of shit, has to be, if he organized for MLK jr. It's all been declassified, look up what kind of person King was and his very overt ties to the radical-communist party trying to make inroads into the US. Communism isn't cool guys, it was a deliberate plot for a bunch of Russian Jewish oligarchs to seize all the levers of control over vast expanses of land and treat humans like chattel. This is just historical fact, I'm not anti-jew, just pro-liberty. Why did Sanders change his last name though? I don't trust him, career politicians are almost invariably horrible people. Like how is his cognitive dissonance reconciled? "I support Obama and think he is a good president." Obama's started like 7 new wars, bailed out banks twice (once secretly), forced Americans into involuntary servitude to insurance companies (that ransom sick childrens' health), and will go down in history as the Drone-King. You want to vote for the guy that supports Obama?
Here's some more perspective from Dr. Paul:

I got through the first paragraph, then took a look at his "evidence". Sorry, nothing there.

One thing that conservative propagandists neglect is the truth. Half truths are their bread and butter. Benghazi, red baiting, smoke and mirrors regarding Trump's Muslim bigotry-thing, reading between the lines I'm pretty sure that holocaust denial is next. What a waste of electrons this post is.

Libertarian Ron Paul the fount of reason? More like a Trojan Horse for the oligarchy that is eating away at this country. Yuck.
Everyone likes their own horse. Then people start looking thru tinted spectacles to make their view of their own horse even better.

I clearly see people trying to pound the square Hillary into the round hole. The debate last night clearly shows Hillary as the lesser candidate. Sorry

Yes, you CAN like your own horse...but if you vote for Vermin Supreme you GET a free pony!!

Will Bernie steal enough money to match that?? I don't think so.

Vermin Supreme in 2016!
I got through the first paragraph, then took a look at his "evidence". Sorry, nothing there.

One thing that conservative propagandists neglect is the truth. Half truths are their bread and butter. Benghazi, red baiting, smoke and mirrors regarding Trump's Muslim bigotry-thing, reading between the lines I'm pretty sure that holocaust denial is next. What a waste of electrons this post is.

Libertarian Ron Paul the fount of reason? More like a Trojan Horse for the oligarchy that is eating away at this country. Yuck.

What are you talking about dude? Benghazi was a disaster and Hillary has been clearly implicated in multiple felonies if you actually read any of the material currently being declassified. Trump isn't a Muslim bigot, Obama put a temporary hold on all Iraqi visas being issued after a confirmed terror-suspect made it through the process. No one batted an eye. And if you are not aware of a growing "muslim" problem the world is having, you must be living under a rock. There is a very real threat to national security in the form of Saudi Arabian sponsored Salafist/Wahabi terrorists, this is fact. They also operate a monarchist regime that crucifies homosexuals and apostates, with over 180 judicial beheadings last year. There is a very real problem with a certain flavor of Islam, and if you don't agree with that statement, you are tacitly supporting women being forced into lives of servitude and a real culture of rape and abuse unlike anything in the global west. Trump just called the most likely successor to the standing King (has dementia and is dying currently) of the House of Saud, a "dopey prince" on twitter (the Crown Prince is currently the standing defense minister). Say what you want, but Saudi Arabia is the one country in the middle-east that actually needs forced regime change, even war, to depose their clearly genocidal monarchs that sponsor terrorism worldwide to then hide behind oil cartel politics.

Trump said "temporary hold on visas to Muslim majority countries". They seem to all be having high incidence of terrorism domestically, why would it make sense to bring in people wholesale from countries with domestic terror issues? Compassionate? Yes. Sane? No.

Regarding Ron Paul : Audit the Fed. All I'm going to say about that. He tried harder than you or I.
Democrats aren't working for you, their ties just happen to be the same color as your shirt.
What are you talking about dude? Benghazi was a disaster and Hillary has been clearly implicated in multiple felonies if you actually read any of the material currently being declassified. Trump isn't a Muslim bigot, Obama put a temporary hold on all Iraqi visas being issued after a confirmed terror-suspect made it through the process. No one batted an eye. And if you are not aware of a growing "muslim" problem the world is having, you must be living under a rock. There is a very real threat to national security in the form of Saudi Arabian sponsored Salafist/Wahabi terrorists, this is fact. They also operate a monarchist regime that crucifies homosexuals and apostates, with over 180 judicial beheadings last year. There is a very real problem with a certain flavor of Islam, and if you don't agree with that statement, you are tacitly supporting women being forced into lives of servitude and a real culture of rape and abuse unlike anything in the global west. Trump just called the most likely successor to the standing King (has dementia and is dying currently) of the House of Saud, a "dopey prince" on twitter (the Crown Prince is currently the standing defense minister). Say what you want, but Saudi Arabia is the one country in the middle-east that actually needs forced regime change, even war, to depose their clearly genocidal monarchs that sponsor terrorism worldwide to then hide behind oil cartel politics.

Trump said "temporary hold on visas to Muslim majority countries". They seem to all be having high incidence of terrorism domestically, why would it make sense to bring in people wholesale from countries with domestic terror issues? Compassionate? Yes. Sane? No.

Regarding Ron Paul : Audit the Fed. All I'm going to say about that. He tried harder than you or I.
Democrats aren't working for you, their ties just happen to be the same color as your shirt.
Wow, delusional
Listed according you your delusions
1)Benghazi was a disaster and Hillary has been clearly implicated in multiple felonies if you actually read any of the material currently being declassified. No, she hasn't been charged or implicated in any felonies. Congress -- the partisan Republican one we have today embarrassed itself last year in a squalid session that ended up wasting everybody's time. That's all you have. Go away.

2)Trump isn't a Muslim bigot, He most certainly is. Read what he said in the last debate. He said he was surprised at all the fit young men and no women present represented in the refugees coming from Syria. First off that's untrue. Second, the implication is clear -- in this lie, he's basically saying they are mole terrorists. This is not the first time he's said this either. Read between the lines, dude. This guy is a complete asshole bigot.

Furthermore, why would a terrorist go through the hardship of coming here as a refugee when he could simple enter on a tourist visa?

3) That Muslim terrorist crap you said is just that and bigoted to boot. ISIS has 10,000 fighters. If the US had to, they'd be nothing but grease spots. For political reasons, the US is holding back. There is no good reason to invade that part of the world. Get out of here. The crimes that are committed there are done by ISIS. Its on them, not the US and we can only make things worse by putting US boots on the ground. ISIS is contained, funds are starting to dry up and they will suffocate. Give it time. This represents good leadership coming from Obama.

4) Ron Paul is a fringe libertarian with nothing to offer. The only reason he's still around is because the wealthy oligarchs that control a massive part of the wealth of this country like the idea of completely unregulated markets. Hooboy that would be putting the rich pigs onto their feed. The end point of free or shall we say, unregulated, markets is monopoly and that's just fine with the Richie Riches of this country. Not for me. No way, no how.
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Hell her child bailed. She realize it would be better with dad
Children, plural.

Don't you especially hate when the divorce is settled and then the woman wants to take you back to court for more, even when you're trying to declare bankruptcy?

When they get a lawyer to argue that her credit card bills don't apply in a bankruptcy settlement?

I hate women like that.
One outlier poll with a tiny sample size...


You are telling me to look up information for you? Just once, post something with useful information.

Bernie has the nerve to say what needs saying. This strange amalgam of private pay and insurance company-control of the US healthcare system is not working. Its time to move on to a modern healthcare system just like other 1st world countries. Also, the endless stream of nonsense about cutting spending to reduce the national debt is unhinged. Taxes need to go up and the people that will carry that freight are the wealthy. As Barney said in his post, "show me a difference". Well I just gave him two.

CORPORATIONS need to start actually paying taxes. They benefit from so many loopholes they really don't pay much of anything, let alone their fair share.
CORPORATIONS need to start actually paying taxes. They benefit from so many loopholes they really don't pay much of anything, let alone their fair share.
Give Europe moar jobs please.

There's over a million Syrians here in Europe now (because of the rebels you idiots armed) so elect Bernie and send the jobs our way :)


Bernie Sanders 2016!!!
Wow, delusional
Listed according you your delusions
1)Benghazi was a disaster and Hillary has been clearly implicated in multiple felonies if you actually read any of the material currently being declassified. No, she hasn't been charged or implicated in any felonies. Congress -- the partisan Republican one we have today embarrassed itself last year in a squalid session that ended up wasting everybody's time. That's all you have. Go away.

2)Trump isn't a Muslim bigot, He most certainly is. Read what he said in the last debate. He said he was surprised at all the fit young men and no women present represented in the refugees coming from Syria. First off that's untrue. Second, the implication is clear -- in this lie, he's basically saying they are mole terrorists. This is not the first time he's said this either. Read between the lines, dude. This guy is a complete asshole bigot.

Furthermore, why would a terrorist go through the hardship of coming here as a refugee when he could simple enter on a tourist visa?

3) That Muslim terrorist crap you said is just that and bigoted to boot. ISIS has 10,000 fighters. If the US had to, they'd be nothing but grease spots. For political reasons, the US is holding back. There is no good reason to invade that part of the world. Get out of here. The crimes that are committed there are done by ISIS. Its on them, not the US and we can only make things worse by putting US boots on the ground. ISIS is contained, funds are starting to dry up and they will suffocate. Give it time. This represents good leadership coming from Obama.

4) Ron Paul is a fringe libertarian with nothing to offer. The only reason he's still around is because the wealthy oligarchs that control a massive part of the wealth of this country like the idea of completely unregulated markets. Hooboy that would be putting the rich pigs onto their feed. The end point of free or shall we say, unregulated, markets is monopoly and that's just fine with the Richie Riches of this country. Not for me. No way, no how.

Okay, is that why Hillary is on suicide watch right now?:


Regarding the FBI's take:
"The former federal law enforcement official said the finding in the January IG letter represents a potential violation of USC 18 Section 793, “gross negligence” in the handling of secure information under the Espionage Act."

Really. Why were we in Libya in the first place, let alone Benghazi? Oh wait, the memo that I posted (hosted by .gov) that detailed the reasons why Hillary, as Secretary of State, colluded with the French government to depose Gadaffi to stop him from proliferating a gold-backed Dinar. It's all right there, don't take my word for it. Pure colonialism at work.

Donald Trump gave the correct figures, most of the refugees are young men, but they are not Syrian men in the case of Germany and France, who have been attacked by terrorists. "Mole terrorists". They immigrated as refugees, but then oops, they were terrorists. Also well reported by both sides of the isle.

I don't condone violence in any way, whatsoever in any circumstance, nor do I support war. I was merely making the case that if there ever were a "just war", which some regard WWII due to the atrocities being committed by the Germans, a war to liberate Saudi Arabia from the extremely repressive regime that currently holds public hangings for crimes including "Grand-theft Auto" and "Sorcery" (real, look it up), could be made.

The problem with ISIS is that their obviously being sponsored by someone, and we keep ongoing material aid programs to "moderate rebels" and ISIS keep getting new guns and toys. Doesn't take a genius. And we let banks like HSBC launder money for them, even though they keep getting caught. It's in plain sight, you need ISIS to close that contract for new useless $800million jets. Obama is a military industrial complex wind-up toy that they painted black to throw liberals off his scent, and will continue to kill civilians in Yemen and Pakistan with predator drones until he leaves office. He sponsors terrorism and is himself, a terrorist. Full stop.

Come on man? Old Uncle Ron? Seems like a nice enough guy, I think his heart is in the right place at least.
Okay, is that why Hillary is on suicide watch right now?:


Regarding the FBI's take:
"The former federal law enforcement official said the finding in the January IG letter represents a potential violation of USC 18 Section 793, “gross negligence” in the handling of secure information under the Espionage Act."

Really. Why were we in Libya in the first place, let alone Benghazi? Oh wait, the memo that I posted (hosted by .gov) that detailed the reasons why Hillary, as Secretary of State, colluded with the French government to depose Gadaffi to stop him from proliferating a gold-backed Dinar. It's all right there, don't take my word for it. Pure colonialism at work.

Donald Trump gave the correct figures, most of the refugees are young men, but they are not Syrian men in the case of Germany and France, who have been attacked by terrorists. "Mole terrorists". They immigrated as refugees, but then oops, they were terrorists. Also well reported by both sides of the isle.

I don't condone violence in any way, whatsoever in any circumstance, nor do I support war. I was merely making the case that if there ever were a "just war", which some regard WWII due to the atrocities being committed by the Germans, a war to liberate Saudi Arabia from the extremely repressive regime that currently holds public hangings for crimes including "Grand-theft Auto" and "Sorcery" (real, look it up), could be made.

The problem with ISIS is that their obviously being sponsored by someone, and we keep ongoing material aid programs to "moderate rebels" and ISIS keep getting new guns and toys. Doesn't take a genius. And we let banks like HSBC launder money for them, even though they keep getting caught. It's in plain sight, you need ISIS to close that contract for new useless $800million jets. Obama is a military industrial complex wind-up toy that they painted black to throw liberals off his scent, and will continue to kill civilians in Yemen and Pakistan with predator drones until he leaves office. He sponsors terrorism and is himself, a terrorist. Full stop.

Come on man? Old Uncle Ron? Seems like a nice enough guy, I think his heart is in the right place at least.

Queef..25? and cites the blaze?:lol:

Welcome sock puppet per @UncleBuck..prepare your anus!

On a side note..including delusions ..we require citation.

Thank you.

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