Ahhhh thanks so much for posting those pics!!! The grow I just took down I did inside a tent... which I never even zipped up. I realized pretty quickly that I didn't actually need the tent... but by that time I couldn't move the plants (more on that later). Plus... the tent is what I was using to hang my light from. I really want to get rid of the tent for the next grow.... but It's what I hang my light from and I don't want to put holes in my ceiling.
The PCV light hanger you made is just what I needed to see! I'm going to borrow that and modify it a little so I can put up mylar. Thanks so much for those pics... +Rep to you!!!
Next project is to get a couple of those nice ABS plastic shelves and get the pots off the floor (oooh my aching back) and to wrap the entire thing in Panda plastic.
Thanks for looking, any feedback is welcome!
I'd like to share what I did.
First we have a picture of my first grow setup. (took this pic. after harvest). As you can see... I built a stand and used old closet shelving to do a Scrog. I got the closet shelf idea from another post I saw here and I really like it because the shelving is nice and heavy and you can really weave the plant in and out easily.
As you can see I had my plants sitting on upside down containers in low buckets so the water drained into the buckets and I used a pump to pump the water out every few days. Problem is the pump doesn't get it all out..... so algae grows. I threw algae killer tablets into the buckets so the algae you are seeing in the runoff bucket is actually dead... poured right out of the bucket.
The stand itself is also fairly weak. I had the 1x4s in my garage already and I liked the idea of it being lightweight so that's what I used.
I knew pretty quickly that I didn't like the stand as is. I only had one female so it was easy to tend to, but I realized if i had 4 plants in there I wouldn't have been able to get to the back plants. Also... there was that whole water drainage thing.
So... I put wheels on the bottom and also rigged a bottom board just like on top so that I could use the shelving on bottom and on top. The plants sit on the bottom rack and the drainage buckets slide right out for easy emptying. The wheels allow me to turn the whole thing.... plants wove into top screen and all and easily tend to them. In this pic. I don't have the top racks on yet. These clones were under CFLs and stretched a bit. I want to give them a good week or two under MH before I flower.
One thing to note. I underestimated the weight of the buckets on the bottom shelf and need to add two more lower shelf supports . I was too tired today so I just shoved some scrap wood in there to help support them until I can add a couple of L brackets.
I realize my cart could have been made with PVC... but like I said... I already had the wood sitting in the garage taking up space.
Anyway... thanks again for the PVC light hanger idea. I'll build that before I start these 4 in flower. I'll be happy to see that tent go!!!