24/0 is great but...

I'm not a botanist, but I'm pretty sure that this claim of "new terpenes" is bollocks. What if you wanted Blueberry, not something new? I'm not a geneticist, but I'm pretty sure that's just selective breeding, bro. I submit that you may not have the requisite scientific literacy to really understand what you're saying. I don't either, but I'm not making claims, I just know how to spot logical fallacies.

International Space Station, yo?
I heard they just got a plant to flower for the first time.
I'm not a botanist, but I'm pretty sure that this claim of "new terpenes" is bollocks. What if you wanted Blueberry, not something new? I'm not a geneticist, but I'm pretty sure that's just selective breeding, bro. I submit that you may not have the requisite scientific literacy to really understand what you're saying. I don't either, but I'm not making claims, I just know how to spot logical fallacies.

International Space Station, yo?
I don't invent new terpenes. I take unrelated strains and chuck pollen. Some of the best strains have been bag seed and accidental crosses. Og raskal and others put out fire by doing straight crosses, no working the lines. Most of the expert breeders who in breed a line for 20 years don't put out the fire you get from a good hybrid. Hybrid vigor is something most breeders don't grasp.
I'm not a botanist, but I'm pretty sure that this claim of "new terpenes" is bollocks. What if you wanted Blueberry, not something new? I'm not a geneticist, but I'm pretty sure that's just selective breeding, bro. I submit that you may not have the requisite scientific literacy to really understand what you're saying. I don't either, but I'm not making claims, I just know how to spot logical fallacies.

International Space Station, yo?
You can only select from the gene pool you have. You don't have much new stuff with the modern strains. Modern strains don't cause the uncontrollable laughter I get with my Mexicans.
I don't invent new terpenes. I take unrelated strains and chuck pollen. Some of the best strains have been bag seed and accidental crosses. Og raskal and others put out fire by doing straight crosses, no working the lines. Most of the expert breeders who in breed a line for 20 years don't put out the fire you get from a good hybrid. Hybrid vigor is something most breeders don't grasp.
You pollen chuck and sell them like you're a respectable breeder? SMH Your beans are unstable because you're just a pollin chucker. Selling those beans like they are stable genetics is dirty.
That was from seed and was vegged mostly on 20/4 until the end.And its an auto.The end result wasnt too bad for the strain.I train my plants to be short,you should try growing in restricted places.

Now if you would like to post that proof...

Didnt think so
How those auto strains treating you? You have lots of credibility growin fem autos.
You can only select from the gene pool you have. You don't have much new stuff with the modern strains. Modern strains don't cause the uncontrollable laughter I get with my Mexicans.
The "modern strains" have been selectively bred for many many generations to varying results. Some of them are spectacular. People such as yourself, by which I mean passionate Cannabis breeders with little or no scientific education (with rare exception) have spent their lives dedicated to that work, and your dismissal of all of their achievements is disappointing. They are your tribe, right?

Skippy, I think you're full of shit.

Also, I have to admit, sometimes I laugh at Mexicans too.
You pollen chuck and sell them like you're a respectable breeder? SMH Your beans are unstable because you're just a pollin chucker. Selling those beans like they are stable genetics is dirty.
Hybrids are stable. Poly hybrids are not. F 2's are not stable. HYBRIDS are stable.
Hybrids are stable. Poly hybrids are not. F 2's are not stable. HYBRIDS are stable.
What in the holy flying shitballs are you on about now? Based on what data? Not stories from hippies, not "I swear to God" from your best friend, show me the data that F2 Cannabis plants are more prone to hermaphroditism. They have a lot of potential phenotypes, is that what you mean by unstable? Did you mean "Further selective breeding is required to stabilize the reliable expression of specific phenotypical traits that I believe are desirable?" Use specific terms, please. The words we use have meaning.
I think you are crazytown bananapants.
How those auto strains treating you? You have lots of credibility growin fem autos.
Haters gonna do what?
The "modern strains" have been selectively bred for many many generations to varying results. Some of them are spectacular. People such as yourself, by which I mean passionate Cannabis breeders with little or no scientific education (with rare exception) have spent their lives dedicated to that work, and your dismissal of all of their achievements is disappointing. They are your tribe, right?

Skippy, I think you're full of shit.

Also, I have to admit, sometimes I laugh at Mexicans too.
Modern strains are great. Landrace strains have potential. Bring them together in the right combination and you get fire. No disrespect but bodhi and raskal and ken Estes don't work lines. They have better results than any worked line. I don't need weed bred by a scientist anymore than I would hire a scientist to be a chef at a restaurant . Breeding is less science and more art. Some strains don't compliment each other. Some do. Taste has nothing to do with science.
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How those auto strains treating you? You have lots of credibility growin fem autos.

I dont care about credibility,fact is all youve shown here is a couple crappy looking clones and buds...you have any harvest pics or are you just gonna use the lingo like the poser you are
What in the holy flying shitballs are you on about now? Based on what data? Not stories from hippies, not "I swear to God" from your best friend, show me the data that F2 Cannabis plants are more prone to hermaphroditism. They have a lot of potential phenotypes, is that what you mean by unstable? Did you mean "Further selective breeding is required to stabilize the reliable expression of specific phenotypical traits that I believe are desirable?" Use specific terms, please. The words we use have meaning.
I think you are crazytown bananapants.

Haters gonna do what?
F 2 strains have more variation in the phenos. F 1 hybrids have less variation. This has nothing to do with Intersex traits. My hybrids are more uniform than a polyhybrid or a f 3.
Modern strains are great. Landrace strains have potential. Bring them together in the right combination and you get fire. No disrespect but bodhi and raskal and ken Estes don't work lines. They have better results than any worked line. I don't need weed bred by a scientist anymore than I would hire a scientist to be a chef at a restaurant . Breeding is less science and more art. Some strains don't compliment each other. Some do. Taste has nothing to do with science.
OK, I can't disagree with that. They don't behave the way we think they should, based on what little scientific understanding we have of plant biology (fucking vascular plants, how do they work?) and there is an art to breeding badass Cannabis, but science doesn't hurt (Rare Dankness) - I just react poorly to people making claims about scientific topics that aren't scientific claims, and I lash out to try to correct it, as you have seen. Thank you for clarifying your position on that part. Sorry I'm sort of an asshole.