Lp Review Page.

The government is going to ban stoves. We know you know how to cook but you could cause a fire. People of organized crime use stoves and make money off of there excess food. Now that the 240v stove is banned, you have to buy from our authorized restaurants, we know it's 1000% more expensive but we have campaign contributors to look after too.

This is actually a really good analogy, but a terrible interpretation of it.

The government has banned unlicensed restaurants selling food to the public. If you want to sell your excess food to the public, the government allows that if you comply with their health and safety standards. Buying from a restaurant overseen by the government costs less than going to an unlicensed restaurant ($3-15 a meal, compared to $8-12).
This is actually a really good analogy, but a terrible interpretation of it.

The government has banned unlicensed restaurants selling food to the public. If you want to sell your excess food to the public, the government allows that if you comply with their health and safety standards. Buying from a restaurant overseen by the government costs less than going to an unlicensed restaurant ($3-15 a meal, compared to $8-12).
Little piggy never been to the market? For the people by the people.
Good on the scale of what? Quality needs to be better then what's offered elsewhere and priced lower.
On the scale of all the pot I've smoked in the last 11 years. Lol. I've smoked MMAR grown a few times.

I've smoked purple kush, OG, bubba, diesel, sensi star, cheese, white rhino, tangerine dream, ak, a few strains sent up from Cali, chocolope.. A fucking ton of AAA hydro. Lots of locally grown outdoor. And more. And no, none of those are from LPs.

I have enough experience to say that some of it is good. And I'm the first to call the fuckers if I'm not happy with it.
I'm not trying to say I'm a weed God or bragging in the slightest, I know a lot of you guys are far more experienced than I.

But I know enough to say if I got the good or the bunk.
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This is actually a really good analogy, but a terrible interpretation of it.

The government has banned unlicensed restaurants selling food to the public. If you want to sell your excess food to the public, the government allows that if you comply with their health and safety standards. Buying from a restaurant overseen by the government costs less than going to an unlicensed restaurant ($3-15 a meal, compared to $8-12).

no it's like there are a bunch of awesome chefs and cooks who have been cooking great meals with the taste of home for their family, friends and neighbors forever. then one day the govt. steps in and says even though you all are providers of sustenance for your community and up to this moment there have been no problems and everyone's been happy we've decided from our perspective it's not safe so we're not going to let any more home cooked meals be produced and instead we're going to set up a food industry where we give McDonalds, burger king, dairy queen, etc licenses to build massive centralized prison like food factories, and if you want to eat you have to get your food from them. anyone caught cooking food at home will be institutionalized and all efforts will be made to prevent home made meals from ever being made again.
The government is going to ban stoves. We know you know how to cook but you could cause a fire. People of organized crime use stoves and make money off of there excess food. Now that the 240v stove is banned, you have to buy from our authorized restaurants, we know it's 1000% more expensive but we have campaign contributors to look after too.
it's not the stove that's the problem..it's fire and electricity. if we got rid of those 2 things, the world would be so much better. we could burn things including ourselves...or the KIDS!
yep...lets ban heat period. we can all put on another layer if we are too cold...we'd save $$ too....yeah...that's the ticket.....
-regulate pretty closely ..lol
-this sorta work....lol
-glad to see he wore his mask on his chin.....so very few chin germs.....but no spittle protection
-wow computer weeds...
-yuck nutrient profile....optimized product....max potential...(money money money)
-tap water as a base....hmmm
homogenous...hmm is that possible.
no pesticides ...that's good....
heavy nutes....not good
up to snuff.....is that a formal test method....?
man I can be negative...lol
here is a long report about it, it more or less concludes that filters reduce transfer of pesticide by like 60%


Dr. Raber and his team used a McFinn’s Triple Filtered Water Pipe for the study, which filters smoke through both cotton and carbon layers.

Unfiltered pipes and bongs, however, appear to offer far less protection against pesticides.

While research has yet to identify the specific health effects of smoking contaminated marijuana, Dr. Raber believes that patients with compromised immune systems are most at risk.
Thank you for posting this. I had read this study before and it does seem that cotton filters do reduce the pesticides roughly 25% but to have the 60% range that you mentioned, only the water pipe with 2 water chambers, carbon filters and cotton filters came near that reduction.
I should have stayed lurking, that's for sure. I was attacked from the start. And why? Because I want to get my meds legally?

These guys are their own worst enemies. I wont ever shop at a dispensary after seeing the way these guys reacted.
Just use the ignore function on the trolls. This is actually a pleasant place when you don't see their useless and inflammatory posts.
It only works when you log in to the site.
We know you read it all Marie...it's real life day time soaps ;)
Are they your " hero's " Johny....did they pat you on the head and tell you your a good fan boy ? Did you "drop " again.
Hero worship must be tiring.