first time almost haverst?

You still have no avi.... I have a good one picked out to change mine to ;)
As for the plants, i wouldnt stop feeding them. The plants are in the last push for mass, density, and finishing strong. Flushing is a heated debate but most growers know that starving the plant at a crucial time isnt good for anything. In the last two weeks i do start to lower the ppms or dose of fertilizer down to minimal levels. Hydro growers can see from how the ppms are lowering in solution that feeding slows substantially at the end of flower so not as much is needed....but if the plants still eating theres no reason to starve it if you want good product from a healthy plant.
Feed until the end! You're at a very crucial stage so why cut out the food? If it makes u feel better lower your dose but don't stop it's not hammer time.
So now you two make me confuse.. to feed or not to feed this is the question(like this famous writhr haha)

Thank !! I promisse my next grow will be much more profesional.. learn so much on the first
That plant can't starve, its 4-5 days from chop.
So you're saying feed it with water twice within 5 days? That'll deprive the root zone of oxygen.
Farms retill the soil and amend, then they alternate crops.. From corn to soybeans for example.. The fall weather is a " flush"
we're talking about flushing not turning the soil nor are we talking about alternating the crops..either way they never flush the soil and how much rainfall are we talking here lol you'd need alot of rain to add as much water as you're suggesting to add within the final 5 days and how about large hydro farms or green house farms? Im irish and have never heard of any farms flushing their crops its not only a waste of time but also money.pls explain why she must flush the medium? I never flush and have seen no ill effects in taste or anything.
I water or feed my indoor plants every 3-4 days..what are you talking about?

Have you grown outdoors.. It rains like a bitch in October. I don't feed when they get to 7-8 days away..just molasses n water.