Haaaahaaahaa, I've just been told to shut up and listen to my elders. Just what I expect from a typical aging European American male Trump supporter.
Well, maybe you should listen to somebody that can still remember his education. I don't want to pick every one of Trump's positions apart. That would make me sound like you. I just suggest that Trump's policies, starting with deporting 11M workers within a year of his taking office and moving on to tariffs and quite possibly a trade war with China would shock this country's economy into deep recession. But hey, the 1% did quite well, coming out of the most recent recession, maybe that's what they want.
Now, lets talk about a couple of words that you throw around without understanding what they mean. "Fascism" is something that a lot of people do this with. Fascism has three key fundamental elements -- a single party-state, under a single leader with absolute power over military and government and finally, belligerent nationalism. Rule by oligarchy is as unsavory as Fascism but they are very different. In any case, neither Trump or any other relevant politician in this country are truly Fascist.
The other word you misuse is demagogue. A demagogue is a politician that takes advantage of fear and prejudice in order to appeal to the uneducated and lower economic classes of a population. Trump, by his racist description of Latino illegal immigrants as criminals and rapists, by his bigoted description of Muslims refugees as terrorists, by claiming to take on China in a trade war, is a demagogue. He even went so far as to joke about serving Muslims at the Republican Convention. At least I am hoping he was joking. Anyway, Trump proclaims himself as the leader this country needs ... again and again. Trump is practically the definition of a demagogue.
Sanders, on the other hand is a Populist, not a Demagogue. Sanders also makes sweeping statements but they mostly describe how he wants to take power and money away from the 1% and return it to the people of this country. It IS populism but I'm more for that than roasting Muslims for a convention that will be mostly attended by the 1%.