Droopy clones :( please help save them!


Well-Known Member
Rollers my clones are looking sad and droopy. My first batch went into solos well after staying in the dome for 10 days , my 2nd batch were much healthier bigger cuts with more nodes and had more roots than the previous batch on day 9 so i didn't give them that extra day to dry a bit in the dome and they're all droopy :( i tried putting the dome over them this is day 2 in solo cups I thought they were drowning so i retransplanted yesterday with soil that had 25%perlite added to ~40% perlite, i figured they could've been shocked going from 80% humidity to 40% over night, so i misted a shit ton and the dome over the cups brings it to about 60%, i only added a quarter cup of water to each on day 1 solo cup so they're not completely soaked1453401027381234577884.jpg
Your roots wernt established enough apparently before going in the solos. Start over. you want to see a nice fish bones looking roots before you put them in the solos
You may be able to save some of them, some look too far gone already.

The misting a ton didn't help them any. They need high humidity, not to be soaking wet. Soaking wet actually makes it harder for the roots to restore flow to the plant. The plant needs to breath to take the water up from the base.

If you mist you only want to mist lightly, so it evaporates off the plant in a reasonable amount of time. Mist the soil, Mist the bag, use a humidifier, just don't mist the plants, at least not excessively, aka "a ton."

Start over if you can. The recovery will take as long or longer than rooting new clones.
How does that restore turgidity?
everytime ive done 500-1000 clones at a time there would always be a few that would air out and almost die. so as i do my clone sometimes when im short on my work days ill throw them in the fridge and by next work day 1-3 days the little ladies would be standing tall in the fridge.
everytime ive done 500-1000 clones at a time there would always be a few that would air out and almost die. so as i do my clone sometimes when im short on my work days ill throw them in the fridge and by next work day 1-3 days the little ladies would be standing tall in the fridge.

I might have to try that.
Once you find a tek you like, cloning is easy as pie. We would push out 1000's at a time and only lose 15-50 from the batch. Happy cloning...

I hate Rockwool cubes but they're reliable. My success rate with my Turbocloner is maybe 50% and mine don't look as nice as others who use aerocloners.
Im having terrible luck cloning lately. I built a bubble cloner thinking it would be easier and i was sadly mistaken. Killed 30 cuts by now. Had one that made it. Clearly im doing something wrong. Drives me nuts seeing cutting down the drain. I just took 6 more and ive got em in promix in a dome. Im going with the K.I.S.S. method of cloning from now on.
Im having terrible luck cloning lately. I built a bubble cloner thinking it would be easier and i was sadly mistaken. Killed 30 cuts by now. Had one that made it. Clearly im doing something wrong. Drives me nuts seeing cutting down the drain. I just took 6 more and ive got em in promix in a dome. Im going with the K.I.S.S. method of cloning from now on.
I was having same problems with aerocloner and my "bleach" test run didnt work either. Turned out i had too much bleach in there.

10 drops of bleach per 10liters to start, then add 4 drops bleach every 4 days.

Aerocloner IS the kiss method

Good luck
I was having same problems with aerocloner and my "bleach" test run didnt work either. Turned out i had too much bleach in there.

10 drops of bleach per 10liters to start, then add 4 drops bleach every 4 days.

Aerocloner IS the kiss method

Good luck
The bubble cloner is totally new to me, so this is a full on trial and error. I've never heard of bleach before. Does that just kill anything that may be growing in there?
Im having terrible luck cloning lately. I built a bubble cloner thinking it would be easier and i was sadly mistaken. Killed 30 cuts by now. Had one that made it. Clearly im doing something wrong. Drives me nuts seeing cutting down the drain. I just took 6 more and ive got em in promix in a dome. Im going with the K.I.S.S. method of cloning from now on.
Get a tray with a dome. Use clonex gel and root riot plugs. The root riot plugs are more expensive than Rockwool but I get better roots, quicker.