Marijuana Withdrawals

There is a small % of people who actually can become addicted to MJ. However even these people are not likely to experience "withdrawal" symptoms.

Take it from a former Heroin addict, you aren't withdrawling. You can have psychological effects from quitting but they are purely that - in your head. Yes you may be irritable but you won't have withdrawals to the point you need MJ and that they will get rid of them.

So to put it basic for you, no you are not dependent. It may have helped your appetite but if you had appetitie issues prior to usimg they will return when you quit smoking.
no not the dog, the rest of your post lol

ooh cool you've taken classes, do tell. where and what were they..lets compare credentials.

im "spewing" things ive seen personally and read thousands of studies on


so you got butthurt when i said artificially raising receptors for an extended time in the brain leads to a "withdrawal" when stopped abruptly
makes perfect sense
lol yes please,
id actually love to hear about yours sunni. you never give out much, but good luck
youre correct i did not say openly what i was doing

well im kinda a jack of all trades
i have a diploma as a hairstylist which i worked for yearish and than realized while i enjoy hair and am good at it, its not a career option for me
i worked in high class restaurants for 11 years where i have a pretty good culinary background from (hence my love of baking/cooking)
I have a certificate/am trained as a CHN, certified holistic nutritionist , which i will say was mostly for my own personal information, but gives me a good background with natural healing methods , and nutrition

and lastly, i am almost complete with a bachelors in social work specific to mental health and addictions but also specific to aboriginals of ontario canada
because i assumed i would not leave ontario canada i took several specific courses in aboriginal health methods, practices, medicine men
and linguistics so i can speak basic ojibway language

hopefully when i go back to school i will not have to repeat several courses but who knows, americas standards are different than canadas.
i wanted to get my masters in social work but with baby on the way i dont think ill have the time.

either way my goal is to become a social worker and work closely in psychiatric hospital for crisis intervention, mental health and addictions

these are all things that are really close to my heart because of my old life style, i was an opiate addict, and i had lost someone (my bf) close to me due to suicide
my mother also has very severe mental health problems and i used to suffer from anxiety disorder

ultimately ill still continue to lobby in my spare time for human rights issues, and social injustices
Take it from the son of heroin addicts and friend to countless retarded drug addicts...this post is cracking me up. Addicted to marijuana...that's complete baloney. Ask my 22 year old son who did his 8th grade report on it to shame me, only to find it's not mentally or physically addictive and has many positive benefits.
Being a former junkie is nothing to reference. Spouting baloney about marijuana and withdrawals is beyond the pale. Stoners like to get stoned. No one is throwing up sick and shooting up weed as soon as they're done shitting their pants when the weed dealer finally delivers the junk. Or turning tricks, ok, my one friend who's been on the street 30 years used to turn tricks for weed, but he's mentally ill.
youre correct i did not say openly what i was doing

well im kinda a jack of all trades
i have a diploma as a hairstylist which i worked for yearish and than realized while i enjoy hair and am good at it, its not a career option for me
i worked in high class restaurants for 11 years where i have a pretty good culinary background from (hence my love of baking/cooking)
I have a certificate/am trained as a CHN, certified holistic nutritionist , which i will say was mostly for my own personal information, but gives me a good background with natural healing methods , and nutrition

and lastly, i am almost complete with a bachelors in social work specific to mental health and addictions but also specific to aboriginals of ontario canada
because i assumed i would not leave ontario canada i took several specific courses in aboriginal health methods, practices, medicine men
and linguistics so i can speak basic ojibway language

hopefully when i go back to school i will not have to repeat several courses but who knows, americas standards are different than canadas.
i wanted to get my masters in social work but with baby on the way i dont think ill have the time.

either way my goal is to become a social worker and work closely in psychiatric hospital for crisis intervention, mental health and addictions

these are all things that are really close to my heart because of my old life style, i was an opiate addict, and i had lost someone (my bf) close to me due to suicide
my mother also has very severe mental health problems and i used to suffer from anxiety disorder

ultimately ill still continue to lobby in my spare time for human rights issues, and social injustices

Did u seriously just take the time or of your day to write all that crap??


I kid.. Kinda
Did u seriously just take the time or of your day to write all that crap??


I kid.. Kinda
qwiz asked me, what i had
he was actually legit interested in my background in schooling

im extremely humble, you may see it as a dick contest but it isnt, i was just answering a question
qwiz asked me, what i had
he was actually legit interested in my background in schooling

im extremely humble, you may see it as a dick contest but it isnt, i was just answering a question

Really?? Humble?? So that last part of your thesis wasnt some type of sneak diss?? Come on Sunni.. Seriously now..
youre correct i did not say openly what i was doing

well im kinda a jack of all trades
i have a diploma as a hairstylist which i worked for yearish and than realized while i enjoy hair and am good at it, its not a career option for me
i worked in high class restaurants for 11 years where i have a pretty good culinary background from (hence my love of baking/cooking)
I have a certificate/am trained as a CHN, certified holistic nutritionist , which i will say was mostly for my own personal information, but gives me a good background with natural healing methods , and nutrition

and lastly, i am almost complete with a bachelors in social work specific to mental health and addictions but also specific to aboriginals of ontario canada
because i assumed i would not leave ontario canada i took several specific courses in aboriginal health methods, practices, medicine men
and linguistics so i can speak basic ojibway language

hopefully when i go back to school i will not have to repeat several courses but who knows, americas standards are different than canadas.
i wanted to get my masters in social work but with baby on the way i dont think ill have the time.

either way my goal is to become a social worker and work closely in psychiatric hospital for crisis intervention, mental health and addictions

these are all things that are really close to my heart because of my old life style, i was an opiate addict, and i had lost someone (my bf) close to me due to suicide
my mother also has very severe mental health problems and i used to suffer from anxiety disorder

ultimately ill still continue to lobby in my spare time for human rights issues, and social injustices

social work is really wayy different than psychology classes, idk i think personally everyone takes a psychology class in school at some point, they are easy credits to pass
not that theres anything wrong with taking psychology classes just know that the people who usually do , dont ever take the other required courses to actually become a psychologist and they boast about how they know everything cause they took some psychology courses in uni.

jesh sunni, it never dawned on me, but my gf is going, well, just started her internship, for her bachelors in social services and has one last class she's taking for her addiction cert. as well..
youre correct i did not say openly what i was doing

well im kinda a jack of all trades
i have a diploma as a hairstylist which i worked for yearish and than realized while i enjoy hair and am good at it, its not a career option for me
i worked in high class restaurants for 11 years where i have a pretty good culinary background from (hence my love of baking/cooking)
I have a certificate/am trained as a CHN, certified holistic nutritionist , which i will say was mostly for my own personal information, but gives me a good background with natural healing methods , and nutrition

and lastly, i am almost complete with a bachelors in social work specific to mental health and addictions but also specific to aboriginals of ontario canada
because i assumed i would not leave ontario canada i took several specific courses in aboriginal health methods, practices, medicine men
and linguistics so i can speak basic ojibway language

hopefully when i go back to school i will not have to repeat several courses but who knows, americas standards are different than canadas.
i wanted to get my masters in social work but with baby on the way i dont think ill have the time.

either way my goal is to become a social worker and work closely in psychiatric hospital for crisis intervention, mental health and addictions

these are all things that are really close to my heart because of my old life style, i was an opiate addict, and i had lost someone (my bf) close to me due to suicide
my mother also has very severe mental health problems and i used to suffer from anxiety disorder

ultimately ill still continue to lobby in my spare time for human rights issues, and social injustices

social work is really wayy different than psychology classes, idk i think personally everyone takes a psychology class in school at some point, they are easy credits to pass
not that theres anything wrong with taking psychology classes just know that the people who usually do , dont ever take the other required courses to actually become a psychologist and they boast about how they know everything cause they took some psychology courses in uni.
this started out so good, until you attacked people that boast about psych that dont finish the other classes that go with it. lol
Really?? Humble?? So that last part of your thesis wasnt some type of sneak diss?? Come on Sunni.. Seriously now..
this started out so good, until you attacked people that boast about psych that dont finish the other classes that go with it. lol
i didnt mean to offend, sorry
just have come across quite a few people who literally only took 1 psychology course and puff out their chests acting like they know everything psychology wise
and all they did was 1 trimester to even out their credits in uni