Marijuana Withdrawals

lol, i bet, she graduates in may, and is pretty excited..
than she'll have her full bachelors? is she going for masters?
is she gunna work in a community or in a hospital? or doesnt know?
i wanted to do my masters, i doubt that will happen, and i think ill have to retake several courses because of the switch from canadian to american university.
which whatever i guess higher grades second time around lol
i didnt mean to offend, sorry
just have come across quite a few people who literally only took 1 psychology course and puff out their chests acting like they know everything psychology wise
and all they did was 1 trimester to even out their credits in uni
just poking ya, congrads on ur accomplishments! i like to talk shit about psych being a fake science lol
i didnt mean to offend, sorry
just have come across quite a few people who literally only took 1 psychology course and puff out their chests acting like they know everything psychology wise
and all they did was 1 trimester to even out their credits in uni

Did you take an English class? Did you graduate with a degree in journalism? I didn't c anybody puffing their chests but u and qwizo but I guess what some call humble others call chest puffing right??
than she'll have her full bachelors? is she going for masters?
is she gunna work in a community or in a hospital? or doesnt know?
i wanted to do my masters, i doubt that will happen, and i think ill have to retake several courses because of the switch from canadian to american university.
which whatever i guess higher grades second time around lol

umm, i not quite sure of her plans after this semester tbh.. i know she has a few friends that work in an inpatient treatment center that she says she'd like to get a job at.. it's the same hospital, although not same location, that james taylor went to in order to get clean.. i'm pretty sure he went to the one in boston though..
she does great in school though, been on the dean's list since she's gone back, so i could see her going further and getting her masters..
and that sucks about your credits maybe not transferring, she got pretty lucky with all of hers being credited and only had to take the new classes and not go back and retake any courses..
I have been smoking for about 5 years and I smoke a lot throughout the day everyday. I have a drug test coming up for a job so I decided to take a break from marijuana. This will be my first break. To be honest part of the reason I am taking a break is to find out if I am dependent on weed. I used to deny marijuana addiction and withdrawal symptoms and I would like to know if I am in denial. Today is my first day not smoking. I didn't wake and bake like I normally do and I felt fine. I didn't have a craving or feel the need to run and go smoke. At around lunch time is when I first felt I want to smoke to stimulate my appetite, which is one of the reasons I smoke. Even before I started smoking I've always had a problem with appetite. I would feel hungry, but food didn't look appetizing and I couldn't stomach it. I took a couple of bites of rice and ground beef and had to force myself to eat more. Just the smell of the food made me nauseous. I didn't have the sweats, my temperature didn't change, I wasn't irritable (maybe mildly so, but nothing crazy), but my appetite was 0. It's now midnight and I tried eating again, bust just couldn't. I am going to make myself a protein shake because like before I started smoking no matter how bad my appetite was I could always drink just about anything or eat fruit, but hot meals, among other things, I couldn't stomach. I am now feeling a little irritable, but I THINK it's because I'm hungry and can't eat since I was fine all day.

This brings me to my question, am I dependent on marijuana? How would I go about finding out if I am having withdrawals or if marijuana was helping me eat or if I have a loss of appetite because I am not smoking anymore and that was helping me eat? Would I experience other symptoms or is this alone a possibility?

Addiction is all "in your head". Have to ever went asked a doctor about your lack of appetite?
umm, i not quite sure of her plans after this semester tbh.. i know she has a few friends that work in an inpatient treatment center that she says she'd like to get a job at.. it's the same hospital, although not same location, that james taylor went to in order to get clean.. i'm pretty sure he went to the one in boston though..
she does great in school though, been on the dean's list since she's gone back, so i could see her going further and getting her masters..
inpatient centers are fantastic,
i had a few friends who say working detox centers is sad though, and that they dont feel like they get to help the patients enough
since it isnt their job to really make a difference, but its their job to offer help , clean bed, and make sure they dont die.

in school they made us take a few child development courses, which i decided i wanted nothing to do with kids in terms of career, but i think actually its made me more prepared for my child because i know what should be happening developmentally wise now

and that sucks about your credits maybe not transferring, she got pretty lucky with all of hers being credited and only had to take the new classes and not go back and retake any courses..
ya it would suck and make the process much longer. but thats life. i guess ill cross that bridge when i get to it
why are you so upset growincherrypie?
your just mad at nothing now.

i was just havin fun, i never really meant to boast about or nothin, calm down man and toke on some or do what you do

thats great to hear both of you racer and sunni, btw your one hard worker. and with that background and personality make a great person in general, besides mother and wife.
why are you so upset growincherrypie?
your just mad at nothing now.

i was just havin fun, i never really meant to boast about or nothin, calm down man and toke on some or do what you do

thats great to hear both of you racer and sunni, btw your one hard worker. and with that background and personality make a great person in general, besides mother and wife.
thank you love, i grew up in poverty so ive been trying real hard to stay outta it.
i also like reading your posts as well. thanks for the lovely comments ^_^
why are you so upset growincherrypie?
your just mad at nothing now.

i was just havin fun, i never really meant to boast about or nothin, calm down man and toke on some or do what you do

thats great to hear both of you racer and sunni, btw your one hard worker. and with that background and personality make a great person in general, besides mother and wife.
thats great to hear both of you racer and sunni, btw your one hard worker. and with that background and personality make a great person in general, besides mother and wife.

thank you love, i grew up in poverty so ive been trying real hard to stay outta it.
i also like reading your posts as well. thanks for the lovely comments ^_^


But seriously u think u upset me? U really think too much of yourself if u think u have that type of power kid get over your damn self.. I deal with know it all babies all day, I've got kids..

This shit all started with u saying u would have choice words for us and u didn't like where I told u to put those words.. That my friend is the definition of "butthurt"..

Why don't u look Sunni up on okcupid.. I'm sure she could use some help with her kid
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