EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Best of luck for your business, dude. The business of home inspections like others has its ups and downs but an honest appraiser should always be in demand.

Thanks. I have been an inspector for about 10 years now it is just time to start my own inspection business. What I really need to learn at this point is effective marketing for the company. That will take a few years at least. Once I have learned the marketing side I will have to learn how to manage people. It will be a lot of hard work but the pay is much better ;]
I would go up to the Pacific Northwest dude, real-estate is always going to be steady up in Oregon/Washington and people are actually willing to pay someone to do a decent job. My father did real-estate appraisal for 20 years in Ohio and lost his shirt with the crash, he recently moved to the Redmond area and said things couldn't be busier up there.
I would go up to the Pacific Northwest dude, real-estate is always going to be steady up in Oregon/Washington and people are actually willing to pay someone to do a decent job. My father did real-estate appraisal for 20 years in Ohio and lost his shirt with the crash, he recently moved to the Redmond area and said things couldn't be busier up there.

I love the desert southwest. Will be here until I find somewhere I like more but rain and I dont mix very well so the northwest is out. My bosses used to tell me that the market was slow when we were not getting jobs. I knew that we didnt have a big enough market share and the slowdowns were just an excuse. It is just a matter of learning how to cultivate a group of Realtors that use you consistently. Once that happens then I will be doing just fine.
Thanks. I have been an inspector for about 10 years now it is just time to start my own inspection business. What I really need to learn at this point is effective marketing for the company. That will take a few years at least. Once I have learned the marketing side I will have to learn how to manage people. It will be a lot of hard work but the pay is much better ;]

Marketing? I think you'd be better off getting cozy with realtors.. They can steer a lot of business your way..what ya charge? 300$ .. Raise it to 350$ n kick 50 to the realtor.
Marketing? I think you'd be better off getting cozy with realtors.. They can steer a lot of business your way..what ya charge? 300$ .. Raise it to 350$ n kick 50 to the realtor.

GREAT IDEA!!! Except it is completely illegal ;]

The marketing is to be used to get cozy with the Realtor's. Marketing in this sense is a broad term. Specifically I am going to start with e-mail marketing along with face to face meetings at brokerages and open houses. Along the way I will see if direct marketing of any other form brings in returns. Additionally I am thinking about maybe paying sales people a commission to go out and get jobs but am not sure how well this would work.
Why not just grow a bunch of dope though? HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN WHERE YOU ARE MAN WE'LL HELP FOR GODS SAKE!

ROLFMAO!!! Been there, done that. I dont really like growing all that much. After all the hype it is just a lot of repetitive monitoring and tinkering which is not a kick for me ;] Besides, I am a legal MMJ patient. All I have to do is check the menu's at the local dispensaries and hop in the car and go pick it up. They are now having telephone orders so I dont even have to worry about them being out of stock.
Yeah..I know its technically illegal..I got 2 buddies in Chicago who do appraisal work.. Itsca good gig, 2 hours to inspect and 30 minutes to write a report n run some comps for 350$..not bad @ all.
Yeah..I know its technically illegal..I got 2 buddies in Chicago who do appraisal work.. Itsca good gig, 2 hours to inspect and 30 minutes to write a report n run some comps for 350$..not bad @ all.

Yep, about the same $$ and time for a home inspection. It works out on average to be 4-5 hours worth of work for the 350 or so. Still $70 bucks an hour isnt chump change.

My angle is going to be trying to save the agents time and effort which translates into money essentially without breaking any laws.
Cry me a river @WeeblesWobbles @Queece

The average American is now asking themselves what did these poor mouth billionaires bastards do 40+ years ago..they paid their fucking taxes is what..it's the leadership in this country that needs to going back to working for ALL peoples not just the ones that line their pockets..I look at Cruz, Rubio and know exactly what their game is..professional politician able to take unlimited monies..greed, you can see the dollar signs in their eyes.

As for them leaving baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet? Oh paaaaaaalease..they know exactly where the butter for their bread is..trouble is they don't realize paying taxes, fair wages, healthcare will actually increase their butter.

Americans are spenders.
...at which point the people will have nothing to lose. That's called revolution and I'm not a fan.

It's officially time to tame the corporate monster... AGAIN. We did it a hundred years ago, we need to do some constitutional house cleaning.

Tty..what was it called 100 years ago the constitutional house cleaning?..id like to read up on this.
What bills has Bernie sponsored that has went on to become law. What is his claim to fame in helping the people of Vermont and the USA
Only if the pulse of the nation is comatose....

Why are the only Sanders deniers on this website? Cause if some crazy lady walked up to you and started talking about sanders you would agree with her too!! ;]
the cookie starts to crumble...