Active Member
I dont know about anyone else but having never experiencing real snow or being trapped in my own house i can honestly say this experience so far has been both slightly exciting and extremely frustrating. Exciting because of the time off work and frustrating because of having to deal with the last minute "preppers". Ok i dont want sound like a douche because i also waited until the last minute and now i have no shovel or considerable stash to hold me over for an extended period of immobility. lol So my early onset cabin fever has pushed me to begin considering chopping my 2 most mature girls. Before you start typing, "No..just wait.", they are actually showing all signs of being ready within the next couple days. I am basically just kinda baked and bored and wanted to share my misery with all the good Rollers and see if any about else was it the same boat..Share some pics of your garden if you want!