

Well-Known Member
Very true thanks man but all in all its ok to still do weed ?
No be honest I will be ok right if I smoke some this week?

this thread honestly made me a little sad.. atleast sunni seems to have her head on straight.

to answer your question. i would personally advise you didnt smoke until you see a doctor, possibly a different one. a neurologist obviously. the weed could very well have provoked a seizure.. also im pretty sure there are warnings that pop up when you play video games that they may also cause a seizure.
i would atleast avoid the two together if you can. there are many ways to help reduce the risk of seizure.but you should go see somebody and might as well discuss it there


New Member
this thread honestly made me a little sad.. atleast sunni seems to have her head on straight.

to answer your question. i would personally advise you didnt smoke until you see a doctor, possibly a different one. a neurologist obviously. the weed could very well have provoked a seizure.. also im pretty sure there are warnings that pop up when you play video games that they may also cause a seizure.
i would atleast avoid the two together if you can. but you should go see somebody.
Yeah I smoked so much before without games but when I played this game is happend so I will smoke just with no games
Ive had epilepsy my entire adult life which is why I started growing. I heard about charolette's web awhile back and have been trying to find cbd strains that limit the convulsions when I do have one. My current run has durga mata from cbd crew. The herb has helped balance the side effects of my pills. My dr is aware and on board.

Im also a web designer and stare at a screen for a solid 8+ hours a day then go home and play games for another 2. Flickering lights will only effect about 5% of the population with epilepsy. It sounds like it was a one time issue. Possibly from being tired, not working out or a combo. I'm sure if you're not blinking while you're zoned out playing games that doesn't help.

I've also started growing only organic because we don't know what's in the bottled crap - like 'gravity' and all the others. I toke throughout the day with no issues. I also work out just about everyday. If you're willing to take the chance it's a decision only u can make. I've had a panic attack after a strong edible and they share similarities to seizures but are completely different.

Grab a strong indica if you're gona smoke again and chill in a hammock.


Well-Known Member
Ive had epilepsy my entire adult life which is why I started growing. I heard about charolette's web awhile back and have been trying to find cbd strains that limit the convulsions when I do have one. My current run has durga mata from cbd crew. The herb has helped balance the side effects of my pills. My dr is aware and on board.

Im also a web designer and stare at a screen for a solid 8+ hours a day then go home and play games for another 2. Flickering lights will only effect about 5% of the population with epilepsy. It sounds like it was a one time issue. Possibly from being tired, not working out or a combo. I'm sure if you're not blinking while you're zoned out playing games that doesn't help.

I've also started growing only organic because we don't know what's in the bottled crap - like 'gravity' and all the others. I toke throughout the day with no issues. I also work out just about everyday. If you're willing to take the chance it's a decision only u can make. I've had a panic attack after a strong edible and they share similarities to seizures but are completely different.

Grab a strong indica if you're gona smoke again and chill in a hammock.
Dude, CBD Crew have released their new 'CBD Therapy' strain which on average has less than .4 THC and over 6% CBD. Great ratio.
Currently I'm growing their Medi Haze.
I ordered the durga seeds a few months back and most of the 'clones' around here are garbage so it'll be a bit until I get another cbd strain. I'll have to check that one out though thanks

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
A 25 year old friend of mine started having seizures out of the blue.
After doctors and a MRI they found he had a pea sized tumor in the brain.
He's being treated for it now and is back to normal.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
no what you need to do is go see a doctor. sezuires are serious medical conditions they arent just like having a tummy ache.

while @tropicalcannabispatient is giving you some decent information to look at he isnt a doctor,
and you have not been properly diagnosed, therefore the information is just that information,

it does not confirm that marijuana or video games are the source of your seizures. you could have an underlying medical condition or epilepsy that is causing your problems.
Just got tested for all of the around 3 weeks ago and they said noting that in perfectly health
DUDE! This is a sign of possible SERIOUS trouble!
SUNNI is correct!
There are MANY types and levels of epilepsy and it sounds VERY much like it! THIS IS NO JOKING MATTER!
You need to call and make an appointment at your regular Dr. and he may very well send you to a Neurologist for further testing!
Ocular stimuli can very well lead to a seizure and that could indicate other more serious under laying problems!

For your OWN good! Call and make an appointment and SEE your doctor!


Well-Known Member
First thing you should do is go see a quack dude,better to be safe its prob,nothing but all ways see some one with medical back ground ,rather than grower's of the ukie ca bukie