Well-Known Member
losses past the normal military SOP
That's less than flattering.
losses past the normal military SOP
Methinks one of the LOLberarians has just melted down. None of the conservative voices recently posting here make much sense and I don't think they represent anybody. Here's what the crop of conservatives are really like:The conversation on this thread has proven to me that this country has gone about as far to the right as it possibly can.
The choice now is whether to throw away the Constitution once and for all- or, make some very basic changes to the way this country works and start respecting them as the framers intended. Any third option will simply lead back to the first two and I believe sooner rather than later.
Methinks one of the LOLberarians has just melted down. None of the conservative voices recently posting here make much sense and I don't think they represent anybody. Here's what the crop of conservatives are really like:
Though I admit it doesn't refute anything you said.
In any case, have you decided its time for revolution? For myself, I'm not ready for discarding the Constitution. What do you mean in your second alternative. Sounds kind of Teabaggish but I'm pretty sure that's not what you meant.
a video telling nothing about his plan is outstanding how ?The new Bernie Commercial is outstanding with America, great song BTW.. Expect a huge surge, feel the Bern!
The part that made me squeamish is the line about restoring the Bill of Rights. I've been hearing all sorts of strange interpretations of the Constitution and Bill of Rights lately. Mostly from Tea Baggers that talk as though their interpretation, though wildly different from the laws of this land, should take precedence. An example of why I'm squeamish about Right Wing Nut militant interpretation of the constitution and the bill of rights is going on right now in Oregon on the Malheur Wildlife Refuge. I hope it ends peacefully.I wasn't very clear, perhaps. We've gone as far to the right politically as we can go and still maintain some facade of adherence to Constitutional values. To continue rightward requires trampling the Bill of Rights, Ann Coulter style. That's option A, if you like.
Option B is restoring the primacy of the Bill of Rights to its rightful place at the top of American Civil and criminal jurisprudence, which means the repeal of the Patriot Act and Citizens United as a start and much more to dismantle the edifice of corporate personhood and the 'right' to influence politics with vast sums of money.
Where we are is dynamically unstable and the country will fall off this razor's edge one way or the other- soon.
Still sound teabagger to you?
The part that made me squeamish is the line about restoring the Bill of Rights. I've been hearing all sorts of strange interpretations of the Constitution and Bill of Rights lately. Mostly from Tea Baggers that talk as though their interpretation, though wildly different from the laws of this land, should take precedence. An example of why I'm squeamish about Right Wing Nut militant interpretation of the constitution and the bill of rights is going on right now in Oregon on the Malheur Wildlife Refuge. I hope it ends peacefully.
The Bill of Rights is doing just fine, and even the right leaning Supreme Court's decision regarding Citizen's United doesn't refute that. As wrong headed as it sounds to you and me, because we lost in the court, its going to take an amendment to the constitution to wipe out the power of corporations to control the political process. Elections matter and the conservatives got their people onto the Supreme Court in enough numbers to force their agenda through. Unlike right wing nuts on the wildlife reserve, I accept that I lost this round but will look for other legal means to correct the problem. Within the framework of the laws of this land.
So, we need enough members in Congress to pass this amendment. In 2014, we were six votes shy of breaking the filibuster that stopped the last attempt. It all depends on how long Bernie's coat tails are when he wins.
Same goes for the Patriot Act. Bernie would sign a bill that repeals it. At least his record indicates this is so.
Methinks one of the LOLberarians has just melted down. None of the conservative voices recently posting here make much sense and I don't think they represent anybody. Here's what the crop of conservatives are really like:
Though I admit it doesn't refute anything you said.
In any case, have you decided its time for revolution? For myself, I'm not ready for discarding the Constitution. What do you mean in your second alternative. Sounds kind of Teabaggish but I'm pretty sure that's not what you meant.
The part that made me squeamish is the line about restoring the Bill of Rights. I've been hearing all sorts of strange interpretations of the Constitution and Bill of Rights lately. Mostly from Tea Baggers that talk as though their interpretation, though wildly different from the laws of this land, should take precedence. An example of why I'm squeamish about Right Wing Nut militant interpretation of the constitution and the bill of rights is going on right now in Oregon on the Malheur Wildlife Refuge. I hope it ends peacefully.
The Bill of Rights is doing just fine, and even the right leaning Supreme Court's decision regarding Citizen's United doesn't refute that. As wrong headed as it sounds to you and me, because we lost in the court, its going to take an amendment to the constitution to wipe out the power of corporations to control the political process. Elections matter and the conservatives got their people onto the Supreme Court in enough numbers to force their agenda through. Unlike right wing nuts on the wildlife reserve, I accept that I lost this round but will look for other legal means to correct the problem. Within the framework of the laws of this land.
So, we need enough members in Congress to pass this amendment. In 2014, we were six votes shy of breaking the filibuster that stopped the last attempt. It all depends on how long Bernie's coat tails are when he wins.
Same goes for the Patriot Act. Bernie would sign a bill that repeals it. At least his record indicates this is so.
Clintons, Wall St Nervous as Sanders Gains Lead In Iowa
So much so it's starting to affect the market
On Wall St..
'Their business model is fraud.'
-Senator Bernie Sanders
I was willing to listen and hear what Bernie had to say. then he released his tax plan and I was like WTFIf Bernie had any inkling of things, he'd be going after the Federal Reserve and the foundations of fraudulent "money", instead he leads the sheep down another lane....priceless.
Now didn't Bernie vote to extend the debt limit and by doing so didn't he vote for "big banks" and "wall street" ? Why yes, he did.
If Bernie had any inkling of things, he'd be going after the Federal Reserve and the foundations of fraudulent "money", instead he leads the sheep down another lane....priceless.
Now didn't Bernie vote to extend the debt limit and by doing so didn't he vote for "big banks" and "wall street" ? Why yes, he did.
I was willing to listen and hear what Bernie had to say. then he released his tax plan and I was like WTF
oh I understand it. Very disappointed about Bernies plan. I guess If I was poor and did not work to accomplish the things I have in life I wouldn't mind, but that is not the case with me. Sad when you have people who are not willing to do the work in life but instead rely on others and handouts. I have NO PROBLEM helping others, but don't tax the shit out of me man.I know but comprehension is a wonderful thing..try it sometime.
oh I understand it. Very disappointed about Bernies plan. I guess If I was poor and did not work to accomplish the things I have in life I wouldn't mind, but that is not the case with me. Sad when you have people who are not willing to do the work in life but instead rely on others and handouts. I have NO PROBLEM helping others, but don't tax the shit out of me man.
I guess the mods are feeling sorry for the dumb,slow, and poor today. Don't feel like repeating what they removed. No one in my employment files 1099. You keep saying that, so I'm going to assume that you have no argument about Bernie raising taxes.Your business is not subject to the 6.2% when you 1099..they are not employees..
Next complaint?
I guess the mods are feeling sorry for the dumb,slow, and poor today. Don't feel like repeating what they removed. No one in my employment files 1099. You keep saying that, so I'm going to assume that you have no argument about Bernie raising taxes.
You being so damn poor, it does not hurt you. I would suggest however that you move from Florida, so you can get some type of heath insurance and a job. Makes zero sense as to why you stay. Hell move to Colorado. Bernie should have never released his tax plan until after the election..lol
I read your first post and didn't see anything worth a deletion. Apparently, calling someone a stupid racist moron is cool, but only if the guilty party is a big lib.
I guess the mods are feeling sorry for the dumb,slow, and poor today. Don't feel like repeating what they removed. No one in my employment files 1099. You keep saying that, so I'm going to assume that you have no argument about Bernie raising taxes.
You being so damn poor, it does not hurt you. I would suggest however that you move from Florida, so you can get some type of heath insurance and a job. Makes zero sense as to why you stay. Hell move to Colorado. Bernie should have never released his tax plan until after the election..lol
I know but comprehension is a wonderful thing..try it sometime.