But the truth is not to many people realize what it took that guy to become a millionare sure for some it took nothing for most it was painful road long hrs not like to many americans would want to endure i mean really i have seen it asking a person hey can you work extra 4 hrs you should here the fuckin excuses so really there is no drive to become rich one just falls for the same old just do what you can to survive ,,
What i get really upset is when you ask some other person from another nationality lke a mexican or what ever they jump on it cause they know hrs = money more money bigger pay checks
But todays society wants to make money with out breaking a sweat there lazy do not want to work you always got to motivate them chase them out after each break etc and we need to go after the last remaining companies that call usa home
Wht happens after the last company moves out of USA you surely can look at each other at unemployment line and say wow we really fucked up now lets go after the middle class mind you you already have for years
If I ask you, “What do you want out of life?” and you say something like, “I want to
be happy and have a great family and a job I like,” it’s so ubiquitous that it doesn’t even mean anything.
A more interesting question, a question that perhaps you’ve never considered before, is what pain do you want in your life? What are you willing to struggle for? Because that seems to be a greater determinant of how our lives turn out.
Everybody wants to have an
amazing job and financial independence — but not everyone wants to suffer through 60-hour work weeks, long commutes, obnoxious paperwork, to navigate arbitrary corporate hierarchies and the blasé confines of an infinite cubicle hell. People want to be rich without
the risk, without the sacrifice, without the delayed gratification necessary to accumulate wealth.