EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Tell that to your orthopedic surgeon who's about to give you a knee replacement.

Frankly, I don't think you have a clue what "work ethic" means. I know quite a few folks working 60 hour weeks and their very happy. That's the lifestyle they want and like.

a full time job is the American Dream..not multiples because wages are stagnant..and prices of goods keep rising because sales are down..

Sales are down because there is no money to spend..poor and middle class are spenders..wealthy are investors..they need to pay their proportionate amount to wealth in taxes and raise minimum wage to flood the market with money again.. where do you think it came from in the past?
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we argue because you tend to have racists and bigoted views

Translation - "I don't agree with his political positions"

The race card is used so often that it's meaningless.

What's the definition of insanity? Using the same buzzwords over and over again expecting a different feel-good result?
Nobody should work more than 40 hours to just exist.

I'm curious why you think that. Assuming a solid eight hours sleep a night, 40 hours work is very close to only a third of the remaining hours. Where is it written that an individual should have twice the free time PLUS sleep time as the hours they work to sustain themselves?

Why wouldn't it be acceptable for an individual to spend half of their waking hours (around 60) devoted to providing for themselves? Won't get enough XBOX time? Can't sit for that extra 20 hours texting and staring at some form of electrical display? Sounds like perfect grounds for liberals to claim a 40 hr work week is an inherent right. Somebody should pass a law or something.

From age 26 to 35, I rarely turned in a timecard with less than 70-75 hours. You don't go home when your shift is over if there is still money on the table. That's how you demonstrate your commitment and worthiness of promotion. It's also how you set yourself up for retirement at age 35. Just sayin'.
a full time job is the American Dream..not multiples because wages are stagnant..

Bullshit. The middle class never grew out of the recession. Obama's policies have failed and he and his statisticians spin the numbers.

Because of my persistence for clarity thanks to my wife's neurotic tendencies of "being broke if and when she goes to a nursing home" :roll: we listed all of our disposal income based on 2015 end of the year statements to see where we're at - stocks, bonds, mutual funds, IRA accounts and a helluva of cash. Let's put it this way and this may sound like I'm beating my chest, but we are worth well over a million if you add in our property holdings too which includes ag income producing land. First of Feb. we're supposed to close on a cash sale of 40 acres. We've been getting small gas royalty checks on that one for years. There are millions of Americans like us living the dream. Anyone can.

Point being - ANYONE can become "rich". It takes savvy, investments, making the right choices and MOST OF ALL, the ability to understand and cherish the concept and lifestyle of "deferred gratification". It takes time.......but it's quite easy.
From age 26 to 35, I rarely turned in a timecard with less than 70-75 hours. You don't go home when your shift is over if there is still money on the table. That's how you demonstrate your commitment and worthiness of promotion. It's also how you set yourself up for retirement at age 35. Just sayin'.

Have a friend who retired VERY wealthy at the age of 45. He then dabbled as a consultant for the ethanol industry such as trouble shooting plant production problems here and abroad. I retired with a fat pension and a cash distribution close to 100K at the age of 54.

As opposed to several of my relatives who never learned the value of a dollar and at the age of 67 and 72, don't have a pot to piss in. No grasp of the meaning of deferred gratification....hand to mouth stupidity.
....and the victim spins.

a full time job is the American Dream..not multiples because wages are stagnant..and prices of goods keep rising because sales are down..

Right, as many take advantage of the lowest mortgage interest rates in history. Look, if you haven't invested in property using someone else's money, your credit rating either sucks and/or you're as stupid as they come. The opportunities are out there.

Sales are down because there is no money to spend..poor and middle class are spenders..wealthy are investors..they need to pay their proportionate amount to wealth in taxes and raise minimum wage to flood the market with money again.. where do you think it came from in the past?

Whether you're middle class or wealthy you invest to later spend, or at least you should. Read my previous posts about the concept of deferred gratification. Why do you see billionaires driving themselves around in a Prius? They've learned the value of a dollar....and priorities.
Publicly elected officials are hired to delegate said rights - that's their job. By way of public election, those in the majority of the society in which they live, with, ideally, the best ideas, are elected specifically in order to determine what is right for society at the current time given the current circumstances with a solid backbone of ethics and guidelines to follow.

So no, a random person without authority cannot delegate a right they do not possess, but a publicly elected official via a representative republic can because that's exactly what they're hired by the people in a society to do.

You're funny and completely illogical and contradictory.

So, you admit that no erm "random person" can delegate a right they do not possess. So we agree they have ZERO right to do that.

Then magically, you claim a bunch of random people all having ZERO right can pool their ZEROES and come up with a positive sum and confer that mathematically impossible sum you claim arises from a bunch of zero rights upon another person that was "formerly random" and who also possessed ZERO right....but then the elected former random person morphs into an "authority" in full possession of all "the peoples zeroes"?

Do the worker zeroes use royal jelly to make this authority or do the "authorities" have some innate ability to morph into an authority once in possession of all those ZERO rights that were conferred upon them?

Lysander Spooner is laughing sir, from his grave. Will you just listen to that??!!! ha ha ha ha ha
I'm curious why you think that. Assuming a solid eight hours sleep a night, 40 hours work is very close to only a third of the remaining hours. Where is it written that an individual should have twice the free time PLUS sleep time as the hours they work to sustain themselves?

Why wouldn't it be acceptable for an individual to spend half of their waking hours (around 60) devoted to providing for themselves? Won't get enough XBOX time? Can't sit for that extra 20 hours texting and staring at some form of electrical display? Sounds like perfect grounds for liberals to claim a 40 hr work week is an inherent right. Somebody should pass a law or something.

From age 26 to 35, I rarely turned in a timecard with less than 70-75 hours. You don't go home when your shift is over if there is still money on the table. That's how you demonstrate your commitment and worthiness of promotion. It's also how you set yourself up for retirement at age 35. Just sayin'.

And where is it written that they should..?
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....and the victim spins.

Right, as many take advantage of the lowest mortgage interest rates in history. Look, if you haven't invested in property using someone else's money, your credit rating either sucks and/or you're as stupid as they come. The opportunities are out there.

Whether you're middle class or wealthy you invest to later spend, or at least you should. Read my previous posts about the concept of deferred gratification. Why do you see billionaires driving themselves around in a Prius? They've learned the value of a dollar....and priorities.

And some of them..well, not exactly THEM..drive a..you know:wink:


This just REEKS of help for the poor and middle classes.
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So, you admit that no erm "random person" can delegate a right they do not possess. So we agree they have ZERO right to do that.

Then magically, you claim a bunch of random people all having ZERO right can pool their ZEROES and come up with a positive sum and confer that mathematically impossible sum you claim arises from a bunch of zero rights upon another person that was "formerly random" and who also possessed ZERO right....but then the elected former random person morphs into an "authority" in full possession of all "the peoples zeroes"?
Public elections determine who "delegates rights" in a representative republic. So when someone wins an election, they're supposed to represent the interest of the people
Just in my own view, a billionaire driving a Prius is why the middle class is still poor. Why would he/she not buy a full size American SUV? Stimulate the economy a little.
Publicly elected officials are hired to delegate said rights - that's their job. By way of public election, those in the majority of the society in which they live, with, ideally, the best ideas, are elected specifically in order to determine what is right for society at the current time given the current circumstances with a solid backbone of ethics and guidelines to follow.

No any official elected or not MUST FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION AND THE LAW no mater what a majority or a minority wants.

So no, a random person without authority cannot delegate a right they do not possess, but a publicly elected official via a representative republic can because that's exactly what they're hired by the people in a society to do.

Sorry but your wrong! A sheriff is an elected official, do you think that he can delegate to his deputies that they can kill or to arrest blacks on sight, or to do anything else unlawful, he/she "cannot delegate a right they do not possess". YOU ARE JUST WRONG!
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And some of them..well, not exactly THEM..drive a..you know:wink:

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This just REEKS of help for the poor and middle classes.

You might want to watch that Dave Ramsey video. I'm not a huge fan of his show because...boring. But, that video pretty much tells it like it is. If you think the government is going to make any appreciable improvement in your life, you're going to be sadly disappointed. The most you'll ever receive is a figurative bandaid for the open head wound that is your financial situation. Seven years of hopey changey and you guys are still complaining about the same shit that was going to be fixed if you just elect (insert latest bullshitter).
Just in my own view, a billionaire driving a Prius is why the middle class is still poor. Why would he/she not buy a full size American SUV? Stimulate the economy a little.

Squinting at the brand name, you've missed the bigger picture completely; taking the example of one billionaire vs the same amount of money split among those making $50k. To be fair, we'll even take the ten percent of the billionaire's fortune that's actual income every year, so; $100M/$50k = the income of a full 2000 families, or a town of 8000 residents.

Your billionaire bought one car, even TEN cars. How does that compare with each of the rest of those family's need for an average of 2 cars? Ten cars vs 4000 cars! Which one forms the backbone of industrial demand... and thus JOBS?

Extrapolate this idea to food, housing education, etc and you can see why our economy stagnates more as wealth and income inequality continues to increase.
Just in my own view, a billionaire driving a Prius is why the middle class is still poor. Why would he/she not buy a full size American SUV? Stimulate the economy a little.

Stimulate the economy by not taking out loans for big houses and new cars, and spend that money locally on something else. Ford doesn't even employ 200k in this country, and there are almost 150 million workers. Buying a new car makes executives rich, it doesn't help your neighbors pay their bills.

The % of income people over spend on just their homes and cars is staggering. Whats wrong with having money to go out and do a million other things other than make car and house payments?