EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I never said I hated rich people, not sure where you would pull that from.. I'm 100% against billionaires buying elections...which is what happens now.

You keep moving the goalpost. No shit Illinois has more people than Mississippi or Arkansas.. We are talking about taking more than paying. The population shouldn't factor into any of this..why are you bringing it up?

What is the difference between a government and a union?

You cant stop the money coming in unless you remove the incentive for the money coming in. If businesses didnt have to pay extortion to the politicians for an illegal advantage then they certainly wouldnt dole out their money. On one side you point out how greedy business is but on the other side you dont evaluate why they would be dumping huge amounts of money into political campaigns.

If the crooked politicians didnt make law based on donations then this wouldnt happen.
Bernie did not think this shit through. You can't tell the American people that you will raise everyone taxes and then expect to win. The only people who will vote for im are those who are to poor to pay any taxes or fools. He would have done himself better cutting military spending and raising taxes only on the top 5%
I disagree, he's being honest..everyone of those candidates will raise taxes..they have to, the country will be around 20 trillion in the hole by the time they take office. He will make huge cuts to the military but taxes will also be raised, I think most people will be happy with a small tax increase to get around huge premiums and copays. The best thing about slashing military is there won't be incentive to get involved in unnecessary wars to justify that obscene defense budget..spend that dough @ home and create jobs here, the not occupying other countries is what truly makes this country a safer place.
I disagree, he's being honest..everyone of those candidates will raise taxes..they have to, the country will be around 20 trillion in the hole by the time they take office. He will make huge cuts to the military but taxes will also be raised, I think most people will be happy with a small tax increase to get around huge premiums and copays. The best thing about slashing military is there won't be incentive to get involved in unnecessary wars to justify that obscene defense budget..spend that dough @ home and create jobs here, the not occupying other countries is what truly makes this country a safer place.
just make sure you still vote progressive when he loses
I talk a lot of shit about Hillary but in all seriousness I'd still hit the booth n punch Clinton just to ensure Cruz or Trump couldn't in..I am 99% sure Cruz will win the nomination and he would be as awful as George Bush.

I put a water heater in for my Parents next door neighbor a couple weeks and I always liked the guy and his wife until he started talking about Ted Cruz for an hour while he bird dogged me. I never knew his political views until that day n I charged him 250$ instead of 125$ after having me suffer through that bullshit... Even his wife told him to stop talking politics as I was dragging the old one out, she could tell by my body language I wasn't interested.
I talk a lot of shit about Hillary but in all seriousness I'd still hit the booth n punch Clinton just to ensure Cruz or Trump couldn't in..I am 99% sure Cruz will win the nomination and he would be as awful as George Bush.

I put a water heater in for my Parents next door neighbor a couple weeks and I always liked the guy and his wife until he started talking about Ted Cruz for an hour while he bird dogged me. I never knew his political views until that day n I charged him 250$ instead of 125$ after having me suffer through that bullshit... Even his wife told him to stop talking politics as I was dragging the old one out, she could tell by my body language I wasn't interested.
You're a dick. Who price gouges because of political views?
You're a dick. Who price gouges because of political views?

Gouge? You're an idiot.. I grabbed the Water Heater from home depot for him and installed it..humped the old one to the curb.. Sure it took only 2 hours but any plumber would have marked up the heater by 10-15% (100-150$) then hit him for 300-400$ on labor... If he would have kept his big mouth shut and not bird dogged me..he'd have saved another 125$ .. Some people get zips for 280$ from me..some get 200$ ... Of course I cut better deals to people I'm cool with.
Gouge? You're an idiot.. I grabbed the Water Heater from home depot for him and installed it..humped the old one to the curb.. Sure it took only 2 hours but any plumber would have marked up the heater by 10-15% (100-150$) then hit him for 300-400$ on labor... If he would have kept his big mouth shut and not bird dogged me..he'd have saved another 125$ .. Some people get zips for 280$ from me..some get 200$ ... Of course I cut better deals to people I'm cool with.

You sound like a politician. You missed your calling.
I'm just saying, if the price for the job was 125 and he raised it simply because he found out the guy liked cruz, that is fucked up.

I agree, but if it where me, depending on weather I've had too much caffeine, I may charge him double for following me around while I'm trying to get to my next job. Politics or not.

But it did sound as thou it may have started as a "Gratis" type of job.
I'm just saying, if the price for the job was 125 and he raised it simply because he found out the guy liked cruz, that is fucked up.

The price for the job was whatever I told him it was, I did the guy a favor n I wasn't really interested in doing in the first place.. My Dad kinda put me on the spot in front of him n his wife.. Here's a tip, don't bird dog someone while they work, and never talk politics ... I stop going to my barber because he wouldn't shut his mouth about politics as well, I couldn't take the Obama blame game anymore.